Have a job where I use a crowbar

>Have a job where I use a crowbar
>Every two years, some nerd faggot makes a Half Life reference "SUP GORDON HAHAHAHA CROWBARS AMIRITE WATCH OUT FOR HEAD CRABS"

I hate Half Life.

Have you fags actually ever tried to use a crowbar? I assume your limp wrists couldn't carry one, but these things would make for terrible weapons. They lack any sort of weight or sharpness necessary for them to be.

So can you guys stop bringing it up as some iconic (or as you guys would say, an "epic") weapon?

Crowbars are for faggots - you try swinging a sledgehammer all day. That shit will give you wrists of steel.

>crowbar is a bad weapon

>basically a blunt sword
>not a good weapon

what kind of beta crowbars does your company use? i have one in the basement and it feels like trying to pick up a slab of dark matter.

Thats because you are a skeleton.

If this isn't some shitty copy pasta, let me say that I am truly sorry for you and empathize. At work I hear shitty normies spitting up stupid references to media in the most obscure contexts daily. I understand that they are just being friendly, but it's like going up to a black dude and specifically only using slang because you think he will appreciate that you know of something from "his culture".

Half life is boring as fuck anyways. Keep hating away.

>a weapon that gets stuck into a person after the first hit
t. basement dwelling pacifists

>Every two years, someone makes an annoying comment
Oh no, what a terrible inconvenience.

I use one at work aswell for opening boxes just like Gordon.

Gordon Freeman doesn't talk, OP. So shut the fuck up

It's an in-between of an axe and a wrench, what is there to hate OP?
>won't get stuck unless it goes into somebody's eye socket
>can knock teeth out with one swing
>small yet heavy
You must be using a shitty crowbar because a proper crowbar will fucking ground you

Nice arm

Doesnt his suit make him stronger,so it would be more effective than if a normal person was swinging it

The way Gordon swings it doesn't really seem like the optimal way to use it as a weapon. I still find it hard to believe that a solid bar of metal isn't a good enough weapon to bludgeon something with. Its like an upgraded club.

>Have a job where I use a crowbar
ahaha should've stayed in school you fucking retard

My cousin got beat to death with a crowbar.

>not hitting them with the rounded side
you actually are retarded

Why the fuck would you use it with a fork end towards enemy? Fucking retard I swear. Use it as a blunt weapon you fucking mongoloid. Or better go neck yourself you stupid fuck.

Half Life 1 was great. Blue Shift was ok. OpFor was fantastic.

Everything else after that can just go away. It's shit and not worth talking about nor caring about. Mods for HL1 can stay though.

>gordon holds it in the middle.
>instead of holding it by the curve and using it as a pimpcane.

Prying shit open/apart feels real good, though.

pls be my strong crowbar-wielding bf

>Have crowbar
>Make Deus Ex reference
>"haha is that a Half Life 2 reference"

le epic. ftw

If you hit someone with one, it's going to fuck them up pretty badly. However, it's still an awful weapon. Good weapons are light and fast. It does not take a lot of weight to incapacitate a person, just a good smack to the noggin. Historically, battlefield weapons have usually been 1-2 lbs. Crowbars are usually between 10 and 20 lbs. Slow, heavy, and hard to handle. Shit weapon.

6' 3" 217 pounds motherfucker i'd turn your face into a rotten tomato.

I hate these faggots who makes video games/anime jokes all the time.
Also, the MC is supposed to use a suit that enhances his strenght. Crowbars are heavy as fuck to use them as a one-handed weapon


>10-20 lbs
More like 5.

>once every 730 days, some nerd makes a comment that I do not appreciate

Was that worth making a thread?

I can't imagine hitting people or crates or monsters with it. The vibrations alone would kill your wrist. Crowbars are for leverage, not whacking things.

>discussing realistic weapon practicality in a game that had:
>your hand up a space dick beehive as a weapon
>alien roachdogs as a weapon
>a gun that picks things up
>a SPAS 12 with 2 barrels
>the ghostbusters pack
>your hand up an alien asshole as a grappling hook
>an actual turd you command bugs with
>an MP5 and an MP7 with grenade launchers

we get it, faggot. you had to go to home depot for your job. you feel big now?

It's almost like people are forgetting that Gordan Freeman is wearing a power suit.

>Have you fags actually ever tried to use a crowbar? I assume your limp wrists couldn't carry one, but these things would make for terrible weapons. They lack any sort of weight or sharpness necessary for them to be.
Its for bludgeoning retard.

Not the bigass one like Freeman uses. Maybe it's just the perspective but his looks pretty large. Keep in mind that even huge, two-handed swords and axes back in the day were about 5 lbs, and had to be balanced well to be quick enough to use in a fight. Even then, weapons that heavy were usually dropped in favor of smaller, faster ones worn as backups if close fighting started.

Once you start getting past the 3 lb range, objects become shit weapons even if you're really strong. Being able to lift it easily means nothing in terms of being able to move it quickly.

Sup Gordon

>being this much of a retard

I bet you work in construction

Does his suit power him up? I thought it just protected him. It's been a while since I played HL2 and I never got to play the first game, although I still very much mean to.

The MP5 in vanilla HL1 is so cool. The M16 makes more sense in context but the firing animation isn't as satisfying.

No it doesn't power him up, he can just jump 20 feet into the air on his own.

>Have to deal with a joke every two years

For my entire life I've had people asking me "North or South ;)" because my name is Dakota. I'm 24 now and I swear I've heard it over 1000 times. I want to kill everyone who asks me that.

> i'd turn your face into a rotten tomato

I severely doubt that user.

You're a real downer so I'm gonna guess you're South.

>naming your child after a place

I bet you have a sister called Chevrolet.

>The English Longsword, one of the most used weapons of all time, weighs about three pounds

>battleaxes weighed between 3 and 7 pounds

>maces weighed between 3 and 5 pounds

>bastard swords weighed between 3 and 5 pounds

I could go on.
Also, crowbars typically weigh about five pounds.

I'm not going to say it, but my full name is two letters away from that of a popular character, but is still pronounced very similarly. I was named after my grandpa, but everyone assumed it's supposed to be some comic book character.

thats a wrecking bar and not a crowbar

ITT NEETS who have never done a days hard labour in their life. You trying swinging a 21lb sledgehammer about for a couple hours - that is hard work.

>6'3" 217 pounds
>can barely lift crowbar
After exhaustive research I can't explain why you're such a gay bitch. Sorry user, I tried!

You seem like that faggot in school that listened to metal and thought dressing goth was cool.

It's Bradley
Anything could broke it

It's a fucking environment suit for working in extreme temperatures and in irradiated environments. Also lacking the helmet.

Yeah an environement suit that gives increased mobility, durability and physical strength all of which are a net plus when dealing with hazardous environments.

It doesn't make him stronger in any way, you retard.

a man walks into a crowbar

the bartender says caww

SMOD has better weapons.


This reminds me. Does anyone else listen to the Crate and Crowbar?

He would look like a psycho if he use other tool like hammer or fire axe.

Gordon works out.

They even use them as weapons in movies

Gordon Freeman? More like Chaddon Swoleman.

Except Gordon is using a suit that augments his strength so its not like it matters much.

This, is style is "numale"

Agreed, one of my favorite all time vidya guns.

I use one at work occasionally. Think is like 15 pounds and would fuck your skull up big time. No way you could swing it as fast as Gordan does though.

go to bed, Sopermon

Half Life popularised the crowbar

You wouldn't even be using one if it wasn't for this game

Crowbars have terrible weight balance.
If you try to swing one, the tip will just swing backwards due to inertia.
You have to hold it slightly above the middle to counterbalance it, but then it loses range.

I view a crowbar/wrench as the melee weapon in a game as creatively bankrupt. Roll my eyes every time.

>t. someone who has never worked in construction

Downside of el cheapo crowbards is they can't take too much in the way of stress and will bend. A quality crowbar will outlast you, your children and your grand children.

A quality crowbar will outlast you when I swing and plunge it into your fucking skull you idiot.

Love swinging my sledge to break concrete like a true unga bunga.

Calm down soyboy - i'm sure you can swing a crowbar hard enough to hurt yourself but there is no need for hostility here.

What's the deal with the shading on the HL1 crowbar? Why did they do it like that?

>mfw had a job that let me use a jackhammer when I was younger
Fun as fuck but I don't really miss working in the fucking cold.

It is great fun, but exhausting if its really hard concrete. Still, using a kango or other such tool is typically far easier and faster but some jobs simply do require hitting the everliving shit out of something with a hammer. The downside of course is anything that richochets.

But Gordon doesn't.

>Calm down soyboy

To repeateth the old adage. "I know ye are but what am I?"

Honestly. If you and I came face to face.... that crowbar would be buried so deep within your skull it would take a team of the world's strongest men to remove it from your lifeless corpse.


explain this op

I was expecting that to finish with a King Arthur joke. Disappointing post desu.


Chainsaw>impact hammer>crowbar

Shut up faggot

>Have a job where I use a crowbar
Being a nigger isn't a job.

found one in my dad's shop, first thing I did was swing it around

unwieldy, heavy, bad

could fuck up someone from behind or something, but you'd have lots of trouble hitting something that's moving. best option is stabbing with the lower part

Sorry to hurt your feelings user, but you should be thankful you dropped out of school. Clearly you are not cut for the fine arts.



I love how people use "hard labor" as some badge of honor. "You've never done a day's hard labor!" Sure, but you've probably never made over six figures, so enjoy your vastly diminished quality of daily life along with that pride over something completely arbitrary.

At least you'll never know the pain of being named Mario

Not named after the videogame character(my parents are Italian immigrants) but everyone fucking assumes I was.

you are so gay it hurts

every once in a while when i'm using a crowbar in work i try to swing it like gordon, and realise he does it the most hard way.

This desu
The only reason those jobs even exist is because mechanizing them would make the uneducated masses riot like the vermin they are.



>They lack any sort of weight or sharpness necessary for them to be.
Lmao fucking shitposter
Most crowbars are too heavy to even swing well unless you are a big guy, and thiner ones like the far right one are still heavy enough to kill a person with a single blow.
You fucking use them to rip 20cm nails, to tear solid wood blocks apart or topple walls, how the fuck can something that can rip a door in half not make a good weapon?

Just go by Em.