Is DSP too intelligent for Sup Forums?

Is DSP too intelligent for Sup Forums?
>actually has good taste in games
>states his true opinions, without shilling shit like most youtubers
>knows kojimbo is an hack, and knows he's overrated trash and that people just praise him because they're an hivemind
>literally has autistic clubs of people (KWO, sons of kojima, etc) trying to ruin his life and nitpicking every single thing he does, but when other youtubers do it it's ok
>they failed and he's still relevant and kicking
>uploads raw footage, shows everything and says everything about a game, no bullshit

Seriously, why do we hate him again?

Other urls found in this thread:

people compare him to chris chan, is that accurate

I don't know but I noticed that his threads are getting quickly deleted despite the fact that he

1. plays the games he talks about
2. FINISHES games he talks about

Meanwhile GiantReddit threads are up.

Makes you hmmmmm

No, DSP is more entertaining because CWC is an actual retard. DSP seems like a normal person.

Half-hourly reminder.

>implying Sup Forums isn't cancerous by itself

DSP gonna sink kiwifarms next

Based DSP

so what's the deal with the whole escort thing?
someone give me a quick rundown.

so you admit you're submitting a report? sad, enjoy your ban fuckwit

Yes Dsp is the equivalent of chis chan if he got a job and became one of those shitty door to door knife salesmen

a bunch of literally mentally ill people are triggered DSP has a gf so they made a fake twitter account pretending to be an escort

Kiwifarms is fucking retarded. Also

Escort thing?

World's Most Obvious Troll Captivates Former Sons of Kojima Members Finding Refuge on Kiwifarms And it's Beautiful

Daily reminder.

>Escort thing?
There is some talk about his new gf being actually an escort.

*teleports behind you*

1. A literal retard (aka one of DSP's oldest fans, now jaded) makes a deduction that DSP hasn't mentioned certain brownie type, ever, and that escort troll did and concludes it's not a troll
2. Kiwifarms retards pile up and jubilantly proclaim victory
3. DSP states that he indeed mentioned said brownies before
4. Theory crumbles, aspies continue posting as if nothing happened

Only thing to get from this is that DSP reads kiwifarms diligently.



Nice shoop, detractor.


christ these retards are fucking embarrassing

What do you expect from people who literally devote their entire lives to keeping tabs on Chris Chan and documenting literally anything he does?

>hire escorts, live in a mansion, drive an expensive car, eat lobster regularly
>cry that he can't afford anything inbetween

He is the personification of everything wrong with the streamer culture.

dsp for all his flaws is very good at reviewing games.

>hire escorts
Citation needed
>live in a mansion
A house is a mansion? lol okay
>drive an expensive car
Sold his BMW ages ago
>eats lobster regularly
Citation needed

Pic related, it’s you

>too stupid to live within his means and not commit tax fraud
Sounds like he fits right in here. He does at least complete the games he plays which already means he's better than games journalists.

Unironically entertaining

>tfw Phil was better at Cuphead than a literal game journalist

you have no idea how spergy the people of kiwifarms are.
t. former member

phil is actually better than most of his detractors at a lot of games.
they once tried to troll on him sf2 and sf3 and he completely handed their asses to them.

and now you're here on Sup Forums with us, nice.

It's not talk. It's about 98% confirmed at this point.

DSP is using patreon donations to hire Danish escorts. You fools are literally subsidizing his boners

>implying Sup Forums isn't 1000% more spergy

>347 twitch subs

How much is that, like 400 bucks per month?

ko-ko-koji-ko-kojima world order

>It's about 98% confirmed at this point.
so it isn't true then

Sup Forums isn't nearly as bad mainly because of the anonymity and the fact that it isn't designed to talk about spergs (which is what attracts them to kiwifarms)


Obligatory DSP kino

Shouldn't you be busy giving DSP more of your butler dollars, BSV?


based dsp living in the detractors' heads rent free

Keep in mind that he makes around 2500 per month on his older videos, 1200 on patreon + donations (he got 1000 bucks the other day in one single donation). A swedish butler is living on a welfare because of him.

haven't you got a few weeks to waste making 5 hour long 'totally not autistic' detractor videos to make?

Nobody likes DSP,99% of the people who follow him are just laughing at him,the other 1% are loyal lolcows that are literally keeping him alive with their monthly tugboats.

>2500 per month on his older videos

You mean the youtube 10 minutes sliced videos?

He's cashed 800 dollars in less than an hour without even playing, today, goddamn.

they still give him money because of the views
dsp literally laughing in their faces lmao

This would be perfectly enough to live on for a normal person, but DSP is addicted to shopping, has 2 house payments, is hiring hookers to ease his crippling loneliness, and eats like a fucking pig.

Daily reminder that Brightsideviking is an admitted pedophile.

>mfw he was too lazy to cancel his Brazzers subscription
>DSP literally paid for porn

>implying the 99% who follow him to laugh at him aren't also lolcows

>tfw Irate Gamer's videos on "Ghost Hunter" are way more entertaining than his video game stuff

i don't get why people make fun of DSP
hes doing very well, owns 2 houses, car and a has a new GF
sure hes retarded with his money and him yelling at video games pisses people off?

he is a lot more successful than most people

What’s to honestly like about him? It not even the whole being bad at videogames. He such an asshole to people.

That's just Alpha prowess in play, that's how he is a hit with the ladies.

Peak penne.


People wouldn't care about him if he wasn't such a drama magnet,his streams are boring and he has the personality of a plank of wood.

i don't think hes a asshole, maybe stop being a emotional faggot?

>dsp has a brand new qt gf
>you will spend new years watching incest and trap porn


H O W ?

Agreed. DSP is ourguy and detractors can't change that.

didn't he ragequit Persona 3?


He did.

He ragequitted many games but in these days he plays easier games and always looks at chat for help.

persona 3 is shit


Yes, he did.

Did Atlus themselves make fun of him for it?

I get really surprised at how many Phil defenders are on Sup Forums, but then again this is Sup Forums

Another troll tip.

He played and completed cuphead, thats how based he is.

On the final boss even

He did the same thing with Lightning Returns. He went as far as to find a clip on Youtube for the ending to make up for it.

>Overweight man in his thirties plays video games

why are you talking about him?

DSP in a nutshell

He ragequit bloodborne dlc, persona 3, multiple megamans, etc etc

Where's the video game? All I see here is e-celeb cancer.


fuck off

Use Sup Forums X you fucking retard

Giant bomb threads up constantly.
Its basically a general at this point.
/ourguy/ darksyde has his threads deleted.

What do the mods mean by this?

Don't call lolcows e-celebs. You're enabling them

DSP doesn't make enough money to afford quality hookers let alone $100 ones that will pretend to be his gf.

Well, they are internet (in)famous.

yeah pretty much

no way phil can afford the gf experience when he can barely pay the light bill

Why should they care what he does with it? They're paying him for a service, the money is his after that.

Its what happens when you're just an average joe gamer bringing khantent to the internet.

If he was pewdiepie he'd be getting generals all day! Greed ... is massively strong.

He makes a lot more than he lets on.

>This car rubberbanded

>no way phil can afford the gf experience when he can barely pay the light bill
>he actually believes this

DSP is way richer than you think,he is pretending to be in a dire situation to get more money from his idiotic followers.

Having a sexual attraction to children is not the same as banging or tapping to one

this guy actually browses here doesnt he


He makes plenty of money, he is just a retard with it.

>danish escorts

Why is he in denmark? I thought he was in washington

He doesn't understand the concept of other cars being more powerful than his.

BSV please.

Of course he does, see He is browsing this thread right now defending himself from the pedo accusations that hound him every where he goes.



i'm GAY, i'm GAY, i'm GAY



this is just memeing right?
some people really believe hes paying for an escort?
no one is that retarded right?