Is it good...

is it good? i heard it's a hero shooter (which would be trash) but from what i've seen every operator can 1 shot headshot in this game. So it's automatically better than Overtrash cause you can solo carry.

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It’s fun if you’re good. The skill needed in the game is incredible. Each operator does different ability that could change a round, such as breaching or distraction. I have over 1000 hours and have been playing since launch. The game is super fun especially with friends. And yes you can solo carry but it is a very team based game.

>you can solo carry
Not since Blood Orchid. Clutching on attack is next to impossible now because of traps.

Yeah it's good.

its shit
you either carry your entire team or lose

>like setting traps
>get Frost and Kapkan
>get someone every time I play Kapkan
>have only gotten someone once in the handful of games I've played as Frost

How do I get better with the welcome mat

It's good, one person can do a lot for their team, guns feel really nice, character abilities are tactical and not just "press Q to win"

Pretty rough to get into now, the learning curve is through the rough since it's a peekfest super low ttk map knowledge game.

The matchmaking also blows so you'll never be matched with people with your skill level.

Fuck, through the roof. I'm retarded.

its shit. its cod with long waiting times if you happen to die, and even if you dont, since the setup phase is so long every round
movement is instant which makes aiming and shooting terrible. theres no acceleration/gradual movement speed increase at all so you can mash A and D while leaning left and right like an idiot. lying on the ground and getting up is also almost instant and doesn't have an aim penalty at all. shoot while running, vaulting, dropping

theres nothing tactical about it

Nothing you said makes any difference to how tactical or not it is.


How can a game where 95% of the time you're just zooming around while leaning at a 45 degree angle be tactical?

>oh well hurr you shoot holes in da wall so you can shoot ppl!

you can literally just run in with ash and shoot everyone because her hitbox is broken and the hitreg is just garbage in general

Being un-predictable is key to any trap operator except maybe lesion.
Everyone knows the shield strat and rarely fall for it outside of when they need to rush the obj. Place them were people aren't going to check the ground like a corner that defenders can easily or usually cover so that the attackers will be looking for an op and not a trap. I also find picking them later in a match is better then constantly picking them and my most successful games are the ones where I pick them randomly 5 rounds in and no one is on gaurd for traps already.

>High skill cap
>Even TH is comfy and fun

more memes pls

I despise OW/hero shooters/moba shit and I absolutely love this game. Reminds me more of a different flavored Counter Strike. Recommended. Stay away from competitive unless you like autism.

Because the point of the game is for one team to build up a defense and for the other team to crack it. It doesn't make any difference how fast you move if you have no way to break through a reinforced wall or to destroy barbed wire that a defender is watching.

>Teamwork in the fast meta era.

It's a tactical hero shooter. As long as you can handle green haired women in yoga pants, you'll be fine.


>fast meta era
Literally just get better aim, that shuts out any cunt playing Ash who thinks he's hot shit. Again it doesn't matter how the movement in the game is, if you don't have the right utility you will lose. Attacking a good Mira/Castle strat without Hibana or Twitch is almost a guaranteed loss every time.

Of course this all depends on the skill levels of the players, obviously an attacker with good aim and gamesense will easily outplay a level 50 Mira. But if all the players have over 1000 hours and know what they're doing then it's much harder to get by on just aim alone.

Learn from opposing frosts. But generally, there's a few spots where traps are effective:

-under rappel windows
not vault windows, most of the time players are hardwired to look down after vaulting anything.

-In places they'll blend in.
Harder to learn, but generally anywhere the floor isn't one big repreating texture is effective. Example: The spaces between the window sunbeams on Plane hallway.

-In places where players won't have the luxury of checking since they'll be otherwise occupied.
So for example, beside major objective entry points, tucked beside it where attackers will strafe into it. On objective points, players are
often strafing more than they're walking, so putting traps next to desks and such works too.

i'm pretty good at FPS and from reading what you anons are saying i'm gonna buy

How do we get waifufags off siege?

You can solo carry but its a miserable experience.
The matchmaking doesn't give a fuck if it's putting a bunch of retards against a premade clan in casual and there is plenty of incentive to avoid ranked after achieving a certain rank

Who's the cutest operator and why is it Hibana?

That's not Rook


If it's low TTK then it's shit for casuals.


kill yourself you scum

You actually need friends for this.


>Last enemy is in the objective room
>Deployable shield in doorway
>Think "oh yeah I'm gonna rush him while he is distracted"
>Frost trap behind shield
>Vault right into it
>Every time

It's so fucking hard to remember and check for it and I always feel so fucking dumb going right into it

its ok, can be good, can be terrible, its like a curse, i cant stop playing though i hate it and everything it stands for.

It like Overwatch requires premades, otherwise you will tear your hair out.

One of the few decent (non-teamwork required) shooters on the market is Titanfall 2.

Well um... t-the gameplay is good and... oh...

shes ugly

Don't be too quick to decide. It has some huge issues. Look up peekers advantage, make sure you are ok with it and know what you are getting into.

>How do I get better with the welcome mat

Try corners around doorways/next to window floor drops, behind counters, and other locations people may slip into for brief attempts at silent safety. A great example is between the hallway seats on Plane--great spots to place frost traps.

Why does nobody ever talk about IQ besides footfags? She's one of my favorite operators to play as, and has a pleasant appearance and attitude. Anyone else rocking the 552 Commando?

Look down and shoot. Hip fire will easily destroy the trap if you shoot it quickly enough through the vault animation.

> solo queueing
> Sup Forums
Why am I not surprised?

Just get the standard edition on sale if you do--never the starter edition. You can pay more for greater editions if you don't have as much time, but you can grind out all the DLC ops through regular gameplay too. That's up to you.

People will tell you the game has problems, and while it does (as all games do), it's much better than it used to be. At this point, people are just repeating what they've said from day 1 since they've gotten used to sucking at the game while staying for the waifus. Learn all the operator abilities, and some basic map knowledge/rotations, and you'll be fine.

Not him, but where do you even find people to play with? Just in-game, or elsewhere?

I imagine this stops at higher levels but jesus the amount of people who fall for the Deployable shield-welcome mat is fucking ridiculous.

Most players soloqueue.

Finding players around your own skill level to play with on a regular basis (that you also can stand) isn't easy.
I have a lot of friends but almost none of them share my taste in games. So that means I have to soloqueue in most MP games I play.

Ah... yes, ugly, of course! It's not like I've been waifubaited or anyth- UNF

>Not him, but where do you even find people to play with? Just in-game, or elsewhere?
Not him, but you tend to get a lot of friend requests when you carry the match or when people notice in voice chat you're from the same country. Unfortunately it's usually squeaky 12-year-old shield recruit mains sending those requests and you were carrying the match for a reason

It's a trap

People that call this a "hero shooter" in the traditional sense are flat out 100% retards.

Core gameplay is the same across all operators. With each Operator falling under a speed class, 1 2 and 3 speed. The primary difference between operators are gadgets which are usually traps/ways of entry/or disruption. All of these abilities are set aside from the core shooting which is the same for everyone. Also the only other difference nationality between operator updates has their own unique weapons but every set of operators has a viable weapon. There are some weapons that are better than others but that's part of the balancing with operators. Any skilled player can headshot anyone though.

What's your point? If someone soloqueues they don't have friends?

Not everyone wants to try and befriend random people they played with online by randomly adding them just to desperately find someone to play with. Just because someone played decently in a match doesn't mean they're fun people to play with.

>rainbow six
>hero shooter
Why are people this fucking retarded

It doesn't stop. I've seen it happen in Gold IV-II, and even in high Silver.

I carry often enough, but my overall performance degrades when I start playing with bad players, so it ends up being better for me to just solo queue. I've stopped playing ranked for a brief while since I haven't had a decent group to queue with to acquire rank this season, but I've sat around Gold III-IV on PC when I've solo-queued otherwise. Maybe I should just play by myself forever.

Did you like cs_assault? cs_militia? Would you like to play a game comprised of maps like that while having your loadout pigeonholed into preset hero classes for retards?

Mite b 4 u

you can make the fanart as cute as you want, doesnt mean shit if the ingame model looks like a turd. shes ugly and doesnt fit in a counter terrorism unit, stop being a waifufag.

A solid bait, here is a (You)

Don't buy it, right now there is a glitch that practically can make someone invincible unless you play someone who can shoot explosives its been a week and the glitch is still in the fucking game.

>doesn't fit
That's true
Far from truth, she's good looking compared to other female operators

Is this game worth getting on PS4?

>every set of operators has a viable weapon
*cough* crapitao *cough*

>There are some weapons that are better than others but that's part of the balancing with operators.
No it's not, ideally yes, but in this game, no. Ela is 3 speed and has a really good ability, yet for some reason also gets the best gun on defence (maybe even in the game), then others have trash guns and equally trash abilities. The balance is a joke.

>yet for some reason also gets the best gun on defence

Not anymore, it's still really good but I wouldn't call it the best anymore after the nerf.

It didn't get nerfed in the fucking slightest, it's still dead accurate and there's virtually no recoil. No 3 speed with a universally good gadget should get a vector tier weapon with a bigger mag.

Which is better? It's still incredibly accurate, great fire rate, incredible capacity.

does this game still require uplay if you have steam? i remember when me and my friend tried it during a free weekend we couldnt even join each others games

People are probably going to disagree with me but I still think the mp5 is the best defense weapon, highly accurate with good recoil and still have acog sights. Elas weapon is definitely top tier but it's not as versatile as the mp5.

>I only mingle with those I have no conflicting opinions or interests with

I don't normally call out Redditors but I'm going to ring the shit out of that bell right now

shes good looking compared to other similarly terribly modeled hot turds? gotcha.

Name one god tier siege map that isn't as described.

skorpion has the higher rof and mag size and its attached to a 3 speed so it wins by default. acog or not.

>The skill needed in the game is incredible. Each operator does different ability that could change a round, such as breaching or distraction.
If skill = memorizing hero abilities and counters then it's a shit game. If the player's shooting skill is the deciding factor then it's not.

Shooting skill is always the deciding factor, this isn't overwatch.

All the abilities do is give you options.

Yeah, everybody is going to disagree with you on that one because you are factually wrong. It has a considerably lower rate of fire and a considerably smaller mag. Any decent player will be able to control the recoil of the Scorpion better so be more effective, a bad player will be better by simply spraying more bullets at the target.

Whatever you say m8.

thats implying the scorpion actually has recoil, which it doesnt.

mp7 is the best defence weapon. attached to one of the best gadgets on defence.

That's reassuring to hear.
I've been on the edge but the way most threads are centered around discussing character abilities / loadouts turned me off.

Look, If you said "I prefer the MP5" fair enough, but you said it's better, and that's factually wrong.
My favourite weapon is probably the P90, but I know it's got nothing on a lot of other weapons.

no its not, scorpion still has a high rate of fire and bigger mag.

Abilities (gadgets) are still essential in this game.

If you're looking for CS then you're not going to enjoy this. Shooting skill will always be the deciding factor in a firefight but gadgets and abilities still impact your strategy in how to engage the opposing team. The sheer amount of ways to strategize in this game blows any other shooter out of the water right now.

>Is this game worth getting on PS4?

2nd, my pc is shit, is this shit on ps4?

Is this bait or is bandit actually good? what can he do that Mute can't do better?

its probably more enjoyable on ps4 because everyone is playing with potato aim.

Bandit has literally always been good, are you high?

Using operator skills properly and being in the right spot at the right time make the game significantly harder for the opponent.

In fairness, nabbing headshots with a P90 and ACOG combo is feelgood mode

>If you're looking for CS then you're not going to enjoy this.
well shit

bandit is better than mute because he can bandit trick, mute cannot trick, is 2 speed and has a worse gun. the difference is not massive and theyre both good, especially in casual it really doesnt matter, but bandit is objectively more useful in higher tier play as he can actively destroy thermite charges and hibana pellets, mute can only jam them.

No, I've just never really participated in discussion about the game, I've just played it. What makes him good?


Its good, slowly losing its charm now that they continuously add 3 page bio mary-sue self inserts and disgustingly ugly cosmetics, but otherwise still alright to fuck around in.

why do you hate castle, Sup Forums

I literally never see people using the cosmetics and don't read the bios. Wow the game is just as good as ever.

something wrong with starter edition?

just bought one but will install later

Good for you, I see it every game so its bothersome and annoying. Wow.

You poor fool

But user, he's my favourite

literally griefs the team
free safe panel for fuze to sit on

Oooh fuuuck user, prepare to play one and only one operator for the rest of your life.

The in-game currency cost of the base operators is more than 10x what it is in the regular edition. The grind is korean-tier retarded.
Also, I hope you have friends. Solo queue is trash

There isn't. If you don't like it, the remorse will be little. If you do like it, you won't have an issue doing work to unlock things.

how do you not know why dumbshit