Have you ever stopped playing a video game just because it got too popular?

Have you ever stopped playing a video game just because it got too popular?

No, but I stopped discussing Undertale because its fanbase was insufferable, even though I enjoyed the game.

Rick & Morty was never cool.

The second I stopped caring about fanbase quality and cringe culture, I found myself enjoying games again.

world of warcraft was always popular, young'n. i didn't even have a computer back then and i knew what it was.

None of the shit in OP's image was ever cool except maybe Dark Souls and TF2

Doki Doki literature club was never cool


tf2 isn't popular anymore, at least not in comparison

No, why would I care if it's too popular?

Nah, I just don't play popular games. Easy enuf.

>madoka on the shelf under SOON
what did they mean by this?

Both KLK and OPM are cool.


you're deluded.

Earthbound and "retro" gaming as a whole should be on the wall.



Did TF2 ever become not cool?

IS This currently happening to BB

Not video games, but I didn't even finish homestuck because 1. The fanbase got so bad and 2. It seemed like hussie just really didn't know what he was doing past a certain point


Right around the time it went f2p or the Meet the Pyro update, depending on who you ask.

No, thats retarded.
And really, fuckin jojo?

Why LoGH?

>that little pony toy in the image

gonna have to give this a report my man. no hard feelings tho.

I only get into a game long after everybody's done talking about them. Kind of sucks.


and rick and morty and kill la kill are series for plebs

women writers didn't ruin a garbage show, you're just an insecure retard with shit taste


I mean, it got uncool for a while thanks to HATS (much earlier than it becoming f2p), but it seems it kind of rebounded.

Cool? No. But a good show to have as background noise when doing something else? Yes.

one punch man is pretty great but yea you shouldnt have gotten a poster

>Undertale general is still active on /vg/

Seriously, how? It's a five-hour game that was released over two years ago. What could they possibly still be talking about?

No, I've maybe wanted to talk about or discuss thing less because they get a cancer fandom, but if you let anything besides how actually enjoyable something is affect how much you enjoy you are legit retarded. Community should only affect your enjoyment in a mostly multiplayer game and even then they can be ignored in many situations.
>Muh person behind X thing said this once
>Muh person behind X things political views don't match 1to1 with mine.
>Muh members of this community do this

Wow. What a little fucking faggot bitch you are. How about I report you too? You little fucking shit

It's actually 6-10 hours if you're not rushing it.

fart noises.diarrhea

No, I've waited untill hype has died down for popular games though. I've never seen a game suddenly becoming popular after release, some how spoiling the pre-popular player base. Games come out popular.

>Minecraft doesn't count. Undertale is single player and only 7 hours long, if you somehow played it before it was cool only to quit somehow with hours to go because the '''fandom''' jumped outta no where, then your lying to be stubborn.

Why is DDLC so popular?

I can think of far better background noise shows than "*burp* hey Morty god isn't real Morty *beeeeeeelch* I'M PICKLE RIIIIIICK"

I have no idea, but then again I'm biased because I don't think any game without multiplayer should have a general.

Because it's a rpg which has a shit load of world building and characters to discuss and create fan stuff for.

Also furry porn, mainly furry porn as always.

I do it the other way around

I wait for games and series to fall out of coolness before I tried them

Just finished Undertale and Hotline Miami 2 last week, saw Mad Men two months ago, playing Nuclear Throne recently

Can you imagine if the internet were like this in the late 1990s when FF7 came out?

Just imagine how much cancerous memes and disturbing fanart, and pointless buzzfeed kotaku articles you avoided that would have made you hate it.

Well, nuclear throne got unpopular for a reason. You'll find out why.

>No updates

That shit was always there, it's just far easier to be flooded with it these days. It's easier to enjoy such games if you just find a way to completely block it all out.

Not gonna happen, it's not accessible enough for normies

It got its mojo back when Overwatch really started to make it look good by comparison.

Came here to post this.
ACfag is the gift that keeps giving. I'd be shocked if he hasn't been banned after that last thread.

>File deleted

Pony-posting OP BTFO

Why this happening to me, I like pretty much 80% of the things that are on OP pic