Which videogame character would you like to spend newyears with and why?
Which videogame character would you like to spend newyears with and why?
Other urls found in this thread:
Tatsuya, because he's friendless and alone like me.
Ann because she's my waifu and I love her.
Does Fuuka likes Tequila?
because why not?
Fuuka has never shown any interest in alcohol
Happy new year Annon.
Are you going to get Persona 3 Dancing for Vita or PS4?
Adachi of course
Never give up, Fuuka-user.
I hope you have a good 2018, Fuukafag. I know I will.
PS4, Imported
Same to you, user.
I'm glad to hear that.
2018 is going to be a heavy year for me, but I'll carry it with a smile.
>PS4, Imported
Not him but I'm going to import P5D because I don't want to wait 3+ months for a localization to see my waifu dance.
You are the most pathetic poster Sup Forums has ever known.
Because I don't want to wait till it gets localized, I want to hear Fuuka's original voice and see her smile as soon as possible.
No price is too high for Fuuka's happiness.
Magic Knight cause she's my waifu and she can use her spells to make for some nice new years fireworks.
mitsuru because i love her
Autism, kill yourself
is this a bot
Haru !
ten un buen año fuuka-fag
>ywn ring in the new year by giving your waifu a kiss
it hurts
I don't know, he has a LOT of competition
>m-muh shit waifu is s-so perfect, r-right guys?
It's embarrassing how pathetic a human being can actually be
I want to spend my New year's Eve cuddling with my wife.
Literally every post in every thread in the persona general
>Captcha: frei
I want to spend mine hugging her close on the sofa while relating our best moments of the year and sharing what we plan to do on the next one
Also you sound like an edgy teenager. Don't you have winter break homework to do?
That's all? Fuukafag is far from the most autistic person I've seen on this website.
For example
One of those video game characters you feel you could actually be friends with.
>have a steam friend that is OBSESSED with fuuka
>she also goes to this website
cant be the same person, can it?
I don't have steam, nor am I a girl.
I'm just someone who loves Fuuka
My wife Kat.
My wife Kasumi!
best girl
nothing better than with someone you love most
Ninian because she's my wife and I love her.
Excellent taste user.
She stole your heart, huh?
>fortify def 2
>distant def 1
>no lightning breath
>no weapon forge
You don't really love her.
Amagi Yukiko! The love of my life!
Fuuka bump
I'm working on it, I'm working on it. I'm in the process of grinding what I need for my dragon team.
Shantae, because then my wish of not being alone on New Years would be granted.
I'll never understand idolmaster
Any excuse for fireworks and I'd be there for her.
This day would be her time to shine.
I love her!
Do I get to kiss her at midnight?
I don't see why not.
Iffy, would be comfy af desu
Perfect way to end a birthday.
I love Toko!
Any of them would be fine.
It would be better then being alone.
I’m going to marry Freya!
aigis, because she'd probably be cute to be around
Happy birthday then. Maybe she'll give you one in your dreams tonight.
Man, if only...
Tonight could be the night. I had a dream a few months ago my waifu hugged me, so if it can happen to me then it can happen to anyone.
why can i never have the good dreams?
I envy you.
No matter what the future holds, I want no one else but Fuuka at my side.
It'll happen to you guys too someday. Just try to think about her before going to sleep and play her games a bunch during the day. That could help her appear in your dreams.
i played her game over the course of months and didn't see her once sadly. i don't even dream all that much as it is though, so i guess she's out of reach unless i try the lucid dreaming meme.
I love Reisen!
The only correct answer
That is a shame to hear. I still like to think she'll visit you sometime though and maybe even hit you up with both a hug and kiss for your dedication to her.
Suika cause she knows how to party
>i don't even dream all that much as it is though
Same. I feel like I rarely dream as is so the chances of dreaming about her are even slimmer.
Happy New Year, everyone.
May you and your waifus have a great 2018
I got another hour and a half before its 2018 for me, but I wish you a happy new year too.
same, I was just saying it to those who were already on new year
Also I just felt like posting more cute Fuuka
I can't understand how anyone would look at this face and want to hurt her.
Fuuka's an angel.
I'm going to hold her down and fuck her
That is simply not true.
Autistic cunt kill yourself
Yukiko is my waifu user
Hope you have a good 2018, fuukabro. She's started to grow on me a lot.
Would spend with Aigis since I adore her. Plus she's a qt!
Happy New Year everyone!
Happy New Year Sup Forums.
Marie Antoinette, because I'm infatuated with her despite the fact that she's been dead for over 200 years.
Happy New year friends on the east coast
I wonder the same thing when people say the things they say about my waifu
Thank you, I hope you have a happy 2018 too.
I can't wait to see Fuuka and Aigis dance!
I love Kass!
only good taste itt