Is this game worth picking up?

I recently picked up Digimon Story Cyber Sleuth and have over 40 hours in it. Really fun game, and I'm looking to get into more Digimon games. Is Digimon World Next Order worth it?

Side note: I've always been a huge Pokemon fan but I'm starting to prefer Digimon, do I have to watch the anime or can I just play the games and still be considered a fan?

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cyber sleuth was an outlier

if you play it expecting cyber sleuth, you're going to be disappointed. if you expect the same gameplay as other handheld digimon games, then you'll be satisfied. if you haven't played other handheld digimon games, then you're going to be disappointed.

I liked it, but the tedious bits were super tedious.

Digimon world games are different. They're more like an evolution of those old v-pet tamagotchi things.
I liked it but you might not

you literally have to use a guide to git gud

NO is great and a natural evolution of World 1, so I'd say it's the best Digimon World game.

I've actually seen gameplay of it, it looks a little busy, but I really would like to play more Digimon games. This one seems like a real monster raising game. Besides, as far as more Cyber Sleuth-like games I heard Hacker's Memory is a big disappointment..

HM is a disappointment? That's literally impossible considering it's just CS with expanded digimon and mechanics

People seemed upset you were forced to play a male character and that most of the story is the same except from a different POV. At least that's what I read.

waifufags aren't people

I heard it was the same game but with a new character shoehorned in.

Play the very first Digimon World, before jumping in to Next Order. This game is pretty much takes the first Digimon World game and adds more of everything, you even have two Digimon with you all the time, so learn the simplified version first.

Digimon world next order is a completely different experience to cyber sleuth. If what you want is a classic jrpg, you're better off buying hackers memory instead.
That's wrong, new character does his own thing. I don't remember ever fighting Arkhadimon in cyber sleuth, and since it's a side story you will actually get to see what nokia and fei were up to during the later half of the game, for example.

arkhadimon wasn't even in CS, they added a giant amount of digimon in HM

That doesn't change the fact fundamental story is different, even if it uses the same setting and many of the same characters. A big part of it is dealing with a black market for hackers (and you are one of them) where digimon are bought and sold as slaves, for example.

And that's not touching the gameplay changes. You can now use a hacking skill to increase running speed, call on a support NPC you're friends with to explore a dungeon, change your outfit to suit the mood, add funny hats to your digimon, set up online rooms for your friends only, set up online matches with specific rules, pick if you want to fight only bots, worldwide players or even players from just your region, just to cite a few changes.

Yeah the complaints levied against HM don't really make sense

bad marketing on the japanese part.

When was this established? The first 4 Digimon World games all played completely different. They didn't go back to the tamogagchi style till they remade the first one.

That I can understand.

digimon was originally a virtual pet game so technically this is more true to the original concept than the anime
there's a couple pretty good seasons of digimon but most kinda suck so don't get too overeager unless you love mid 90s children's show kitsch

same with the games, they've been in every format imaginable so pick according to your tastes rather than looking for the best one

They should have go further on the romance department to justify not being able to pick your gender.

It's also a pity we don't have acess to the digimon story artbook sold in japan, since it only available as a limited edition.

It's a sequel to digimon world. It's more like a pet raising sim and watching them brawl it out than a regular JRPG. Your digimon can also die and retraining them is a part of the game. The difficulty sometimes doesn't make any sense whatsoever and I assume it can be hard for newcomers but it's a fun game. Really low budget though, it was a vita exclusive in japan, then they made a PS4 version and brought only the PS4 version over. It's ugly as shit aswell.

Why would waifufags complain if they have a superior target for their affections?

>Reuse all assets of the first game
>PS4 version still looks like ass because they don't bother updating anything like they did for Next Order
>Ask full price and will probably have DLC because Bamco
I'd like it if it was a 20 bucks extension to the original


Cyber Sleuth is a great JRPG
Next Order is a great monster raising game.

In Next Order you can only give your Digimon occasional commands, and the real goal is raising them the best you can and help build a home base to make you better at raising them.

All the DLC so far has been free though, and we already have another free dlc of four extra digimon announced after this post ( was retweeted 2000 times.

And we'll get another free dlc if it is retweeted 10 000 times until the 5th of January.

That good to know, I wonder if those DLC digimon are added to the dungeon so you can fight them or if it's just a lazy addition.

next order is the comfiest game, or would be if the difficulty curve wasn't so steep, but the Vita version was too easy.


This roster is pretty fucking great.

Oh who is this cute little bab


>and still be considered a fan
If you like something, you're a fan, there is no minimum barrier of entry for this. Just don't say something retarded because you didn't do the research or mention pokemon and you'll be fine.

That looks great
>you will never have a nokia figure



Shitty antagonist. Being butthurt over losing a virtual pet tournament works better as motivation when it's right after, rather than stay salty for over 7 years.

Yeah, about that
She gets so fucked over by the plot it's not even funny.

I wonder if a DLC containing an nicer ending would be well received, or just seen as a copout.