Why is she the best gril?
Why is she the best gril?
>call girl the best
>post incredibly inaccurate art of said character
Why do people do this?
To have a stealth muscle girl thread
Cammy is the worst character in ST, you can not refute this
I see you accidentally posted the wrong girl. I gotchu bro.
She's pretty good too
Posting actual best girl
>Doesn't constantly fail like Chun-Li
>In her prime, unlike Chun-Li who at this point is begging to be impregnated by Chad and become a mommy
>Former assassin, still maintains her elite edge
>Wears leotards for optimal mobility
>blond muff
Who has better thighs?
god i wish that were me
because she's white
is that a flipnote?
Real best girl coming thru
Not an argument
Post the next
Is there more?
I was hoping ;_;
To bad you all are wrong.
It's alright I bet no artist can properly portray the brutal rape beatdown that juri inflicts on her would be rapist that my erection imagines
>this thread
love that guy
Thighs are my one and only weakness.
Truly suffering.
god I feel that
Can't beat the cock though
>implying a woman becoming a mommy isn't their prime
I ship Cammy with Solid Snake
I ship cammy's ass with my face
posting best girl
i can post the mod for you
Sorry, no.
How do I get ninja gf?
You're asking me?
I'm asking anyone. I'm desperate ;_;
hell yeah
All the "best girls" are not real.
Should they even be "best" at anything if they don't exist?
I really wish they did, though.
I could literally kick any girl's ass. They're fucking weak and pathetic.
It's because they don't exist that they're so perfect. Living in this plane of reality is what makes us all so shitty.
we were born too early to witness VR taking us physically to the virtual reality
If you feel the need to assert this on a cambodian claymation website, then you probably can't
I love that figure, although I'm surprised her boobs aren't more exposed. Her in-game model shows them off more.
The butt makes up for that shortcoming though.
>this thread
Would've bought her if I didn't have so many figures coming this month. I'm tempted to buy her anyway now that Futaba got delayed, even though I know it's a bad idea.
just go to a martial arts gym to find a fighter real girl
Under normal circumstances, I don't think I would have bought it so quickly, but Mika gets so little merchandise that I jumped on it.
It depends how much you like Mika I guess.
I want to protect her!
I want her to protect me!
Chun Li is lesbian
Ernie is black
Heres some stuff similar to that Idea
>Doesn't constantly fail like Chun-Li
>jobs to Juri
>jobs to Decapre
>Not important enough to fight Bison or Vega at the end
And that's just SFV, she gets her shit pushed in by Juri in SFIV as well. And in the SFIV movie as well. She mostly did shit when she was a villain.
How is this a con?
you can have your chick-dude clone.
this is where it's at. aw yea
Why is she so perfect?
>2018 already
>still being this fucking gay
Because dat everything except for gameplay.
>jobs to Decapre
Cammy kicked her ass three times in the story mode.
damn straight
Guess you're right, thought it was Juri who fights against decapre all those times and cammy only did once and "won" but then lost in the cutscene afterwards. To be fair I have forgotten almost everything that happened in the story mode. Other than Zangief shenanigans. I do remember being pretty disappointed as a cammy fan.
She's fun to play casually
New best waifu coming through.
That's not Menat.
Kolin looks like complete shit because of her nose
Daily reminder that Menat's getting a new v-trigger so brainlets can finally use her. Looking forward do all those easy wins.
>If she doesn't have a doll face she is shit.
Low test soyboy get out.
>comes out
>everyone forgets about her
I thought the double jump stuff would be hype but not really.
best girl
It's because her face is worse than Ibukis winpose face and her only good costume is her story one since the scarf hides the face
>Ignoring those sexy mixups and rekkas
Not surprised that SF players are in majority, plebs.
What about muh Juri buffs?!
Never ever
You need to move that 300 lb. gut first, fag
Not any, and still, a man who jumps into someone clearly weaker can't call himself a man.
I'll fuck you up.
Judging by their personalities, it would be the opposite.
I need a muscle gf
Uhh sorry but Cammy is a true muscle girl.