Game built on the philosophy of "Story in a game is like a story in a porn movie. It's expected to be there...

>game built on the philosophy of "Story in a game is like a story in a porn movie. It's expected to be there, but it's not that important." has a better story than most
How did they do it?


D44M's story was shit though

They realized it was DOOM and had fun writing a story and slapping it behind the blood and guts and ripping and tearing

Pacing. It was all in the pacing.

>say it'll never lock you into listening to story
>locks you into listening to story behind doors at the start of early levels
>locks you in to listen to story when you find your first argent bullshit
>locks you in cuntbots office for some story time
I'm still bitter.

Because they followed the idea of
>how little do i need to add
It's not that the story in Doom was good, but that for that specific game they added as little as they needed.

they didn't force feed it to the player

>It's a nu-Sup Forums likes nu-Doom episode.


I wanna say those annoyed me too, but seeing as how it was like, four or five times over the course of a ten hour game, I'd say they played their cards right.


That was fucking weird seriously.

Not only the story was shit but this cyber nigger keeps stopping you and talks all the time.

They didn't.

his voice was godly, though

Games weren't their Plan B

I just wish the SP maps looked more like the MP maps

Hell should be abstract like in old doom, or at least contain fireblu.

Apparently they took ot the works of pic related's artist for inspiration regarding color schemes and scenery. Might have been cool, but you can see they skimped out on the surreal, mind-bending aspects.

needs a little more blood but that still looks cool

i want a game where i can play some panicking soldier as earth is invaded by hell

maybe go sling lead with mormons like in the books ( i know...i know)

That quote was regarding the first game from a guy who had no input on DOOM 2016.

John Carmack wasn't really involved in the version of D44M that ultimately hit shelves.

It's kind of tragic that the version that was going to be d44m before the management turnover in 2012 was a CoD Clone that was stuck in dev hell, and resulted in his resignation.

thats like throwing a little bitch autism fit in 1993 because DOOM showed a wall of text of plot by 1993 standards

i enjoyed doom 3 more

Mediocre shooter. Nothing to write home about.


They just copied Aliens' story.

I thought Carmack left so he could work on VR


Just because it's not important doesn't mean it has to be bad. I actually appreciate that they tried to take a concept like "demons from Hell invade Mars" and make it good.

That was part of it. The other was the complete management clusterfuck at Id

It didn't take the story seriously.

It's not that the story wasn't especially serious. It's just that Doomguy himself doesn't give a rat's ass about it, and neither do we.

The quote is just what John Carmack, the main tech guy once said. His vision wasn't the lone defining thing for the game, especially when it came to aesthetics.

Also, a good romantic story will always have more value in society's eyes than mere porno alone.

But user, you do care. If you didn't care about the story at all, you'd be just as fine shooting colored boxes in abstract geometry.

The story gives Doomguy and the person who plays him a chance to slaughter demons. That's the main purpose it serves in this game, though I do admit a little excursion to the codex is a fun read every now and then

The story sucked and seriously got in the way of early-game speedruns.

The story took itself very seriously. Doomguy just didn't give a shit until the end when Sam decided to be a faggot. Can't wait to crush his robot skull in in Doom... 2? What the fuck are they gonna call the sequel?


>he's never read a doujin with a really good story
Sorry bud


>not having story in your porn

>keeps stopping you
But he literally doesn't.

This tbqhwyf, i know it's a rather angsty thing to say these days but this doom game was so badass from the art style and sound/voice acting to the music, i had an absolute blast. Very good game.


Between Doom '16 and FFXV Darin De Paul is quickly becoming one of my favorites VAs

Doom Slayer's pantomiming was great.
>that part where he closes his hand into a fist finger-by-finger before he destroys the primary Argent Energy filter

Because you're bias in the developers favour.
If some SJW or a company you didn't like made the exact same game you'de find some reasons to complain.

It's important enough to rip the player out of gameplay to watch cutscenes. If they wanted minimal story it should have been like old Doom.

It depends what they put in the game, not who the developer is.

My only beef with nudoom was that it sometimes likes to spawn demons in behind you if you're running all over the place. I get that they couldn't just put everything on screen all the time for consoles, but it was still annoying at times. Feels like they just kept up the monster closet stuff from doom 3

>game is built on the philosophy "kill everyone"

How did they do it?