>magic starts out stronger than traditional combat methods but is swiftly eclipsed by swords, shields and arrows at higher levels rendering it almost completely useless in combat
Every time
>magic starts out stronger than traditional combat methods but is swiftly eclipsed by swords, shields and arrows at higher levels rendering it almost completely useless in combat
Every time
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what Sup Forumsnime is this
Strange, it should be the opposite.
What game does this?
>you literally get weaker by gimping your djinn for summons
>your weapons do more damage than any spell in the game
Witcher 3
Name one single RPG that DOESN'T do that.
Isn't magic decent early, garbage mid, but god tier late game?
I want to fuck this boy.
I've noticed the exact opposite in every game I've played.
SMT Nocturne
SMT4 too in a way
Didn't she(he) die?
Ah yes. 1498029719753
>"sword skills"
>still consume MP
Wouldn't stop me.
Play archeage and say that i fucking dare you, magic out classes all forms of and and healers become unkillabpe tanks
This is why Spellswords will always be the best
What series is "1498029719753"? Is that part of the Nier universe?
In Skyrim? Depends on the school. Conjuration is the only one that earns its keep throughout the game but that's also because it has bound weapons.
>tactics game has magic users
>their def is so shit that the enemy always OHKOs them at the beginnign of every battle
>anything you do to fix their terrible def gimps their magic abilities
>they're so slow the battle is over by the time they've cast their first spell
th-thanks Square
me protect cute magies with shield
they give me cuddles in return
we all win
>Skyrim magic
It's so fucking chatoic I don't even know where to start.
>magic is good but you need to navigate the slow menu every single turn and it doesn't remember what you did last turn
Maybe I'll just attack then
Does Baldur's Gate and the other AD&D games count
Spellcasters suck starting out and then you get fireball and cloudkill
ah my bad, should have known. putting that string of numbers into an ottendorph cypher told me what i needed to know. thanks!
Courtesy of google image search.
Yes. Then no, but yes again right after.
Math Wizards
Senki Zesshō Symphogear AXZ
Used to be a guy but used alchemy or some bullshit to transform into an immortal that just so happens to be a cute anime girl with huge tits.
>crit builds have lower damage but will eventually reach 100% chance to crit
>strength builds just flat out have high damage
>in the end they are both about the same and neither have an advantage over each other
>wanting to be some girly faggot who uses magic instead of a real man who fights with whatever is within reach
>magic doesn't get stronger unless spells are cast repeatedly
>you don't want to waste MP on random enemies so you never cast spells
Pretty sure magic sucks initially in Phantasy Star Online because of the TP/management as opposed to just bashing it a few times with a sword. Late game though though magic users becomes an unstoppable force that essentially nuke whole rooms before other players can get into melee range.
Senki Zesshō Symphogear
Magic users have better range, you move to evade and have your warriors take the aggro.
Zweihänder is the best weapon.
Worst doll.
Worst season.
Symphogear AXZ
aka Symphogear Season 4
You only ever need 3 spells
>Attack Up
>Def Up
If thats not an edit then thats pretty funny. Maybe I'll give this a watch
it's an edit.
Original is a Joker card
You are like baby watch this:
>Animate dead
It doesn't matter how little damage you do if you put enemy in an infinite stunlock
F-Fucking skeleton sp00ks
>magic starts out as total dead weight and then becomes game breakingly overpowered in late game
let me guess, nioh?
>every yokai boss is a joke even in way of the demon and no stopping in sight
That's the way it should be. Kingdoms don't send parties of adventurers to take down the evil wizard and his army of demons for nothing.
Yeah sucks dicks
Should always be the other way around
It's always disappointing that in the end, your casters which have a limited mp pool with which to do damage get matched or outdone by people who have absolutely no limit on their damage and can do it forever
This. The mage is suppose to be a good for nothing fag but then learns in his pursuit of knowledge and questing who is backed by his warrior bros
Lol right?
The glory days where you could craft spells that would nuke entire towns in one blast
Spells are stronger than physical attacks up to a point but since the game uses fixed base damage for spells, weapons end up overtaking them around halfway.
>not using both magic and a sword
Play Gothic.
>magic almost completely useless at the start and literally inaccessible to you outside of consumable scrolls
>lategame murders absolutely everything no problem
What's your favorite type of magic?
Mine would be Time>Spirit/Soul>Necro>Ice>All the rest
>Being the soyboy of magic
I was actually referring to impact perk in Skyrim, about the only thing that makes destruction worth using.
Hibiki best symphodude. Kilika close second.
Good i fucking hate playing with mage players in DnD they are always like
That's not how it went down in FF Type-0.
Classic RPGs such as Baldurs Gate tend to work in reverse: mages start as trash but get good as they level.
>any doll worse than Tiki
You're half right though.
what a shame
speaking of which
>fixed base damage for spells
skyrim did that to, who thought that was a good idea
>implying magic in general isn't effeminate and weak
Pick up a sword, faggot.
Forced drama and daddy issues: the season.
>Magic works at the start
>Halfway in things randomly having broad resists and being outright immune to at least one kind of magic
>Can't spec in to enough to always get around it.
>Physical damage only has to make sure it has enough accuracy to hit enemies.
>not putting all points in status effects and melting everyone with horrible plagues
Big Boobies :D
wild mage was crazy, projections that use skull trap then wish for more skull traps then use their wild spell thing to use a wish spell for more skull projections for them to do the same thing and so on
I used to only touch fighter/paladins in that game but now I'll only do wild mages from now on if I ever try again
>implying Red Mages are soyboys
I think you mean White Mages
Arx Fatalis.
Fireballs wrek serious shit and damage scales insanely, physical damage can't compete in endgame.
I wish. But bosses are immune to stat effects half the time, and there's no point casting a DoT on something you can blast away in one turn
maybe if you like getting bored to death waiting for shit to die as much as watching grass grow
only playing necromancer is more sleep inducing
dark souls
magic is completely op in early, middle and late game
you can literally walk through 99% of the enemies and they woun't detect you and then 2shot the boss
>Not being inquisitor
Soyboys beware at my overleveled dispel and immunity to hold and charm.
Any RPG even loosely based on any edition of D&D will have magic be overly broken and then go from here. From Sleep destroying low level encounters to Contingency fuckery, magic will destroy any and all opposition, while melee characters will be left in the dust. The exception would be gishes using magic to buff themselves and then going to town with their sword. The Baldur's Gate, Icewind Dale and Neverwinter Nights series are good examples of that.
For JRPGs, in the Final Fantasy series your melee attacks typically remain relevant, but usually your best combos are spells. For example in FF7 Ultima is one of the few, if not only spell (green materia) that hits all enemies as a base effect for huge non elemental damage. This is balanced by a big MP cost. But you can link it with an MP absorb blue materia and bang, as long as there are three enemies or more your Ultima has an effective cost of 0mp. Go spam that shit, normal attacks can't compare. Blue magics are usually utterly broken too.
For indies, you've got Underrail. The spells break the game, since they don't rely on gear, don't cost upkeep (bullets, maintenance) have so non-resistable damage and a metric ton of hard debuffs that you would otherwise need to invest feats to get, or would be a lot more RNG dependent.
For tactical RPGs, in the Fire Emblem series, while swords kill people, spells do that too, and can have utility, like hitting from the other side of the map, teleporting, turning a foe berserk and all that good shit.
You can thank ff2 for that lame mechanic. At least magic levels at a reasonably fast til level 4.
It can't be a boy. She has boobs
reminder that symphogear is written by the same writer of wild arms and there are a shit ton of throwbacks/references to it in the show
>not knowing you can chain cast the enemies outside of the temple
>then going back inside and refilling your HP/MP for free
>when Sup Forums has more symphogear threads than Sup Forums
More than zero, to be specific.
More like
>Magic has a cumbersome menu to select spells in the heat of combat
>better off just whacking everything to death with a sword or whatever
Force Power builds in KotOR are busted.
>reminder that symphogear is written by the same writer of wild arms and there are a shit ton of throwbacks/references to it in the show
> Electric/Shock > Necro > Most other magic >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Ice
Basically any WRPG
Conjuration is great but useless at novice level. The wolf isn't worth its summon slot, much less the mp.
What's effeminate about being able to call down meteors, conjure tornadoes, tear the earth itself apart and impale enemies on massive spikes of ice?
Remind me Sup Forums: I remember magic being pretty OP in FF6 toward the end. Was I doing it wrong?
Well, seeing as the force is the god stat(for lack of a better term)in Star Wars, that's to be expected of any SW game that lets you play a force sensitive.
Only one of those is penetrating your enemy with your pseudo-phallus
I dunno man, sounds like you just like dicks.