What were your thoughts about the portrayal of women in video games before she started whining about it?
What were your thoughts about the portrayal of women in video games before she started whining about it?
Why is she so perfect
Reminder that Sup Forums and angry Twitter retards made this retard's career. Her videos are literally just reading up shitty TV Tropes pages with no real insight, but she got clout because people got so ridiculously mad.
Literally who?
It was ok. Could it have been better? Yes. Is market speak a bit too indicative of how and why they're portrayed? Sure. But at least non of it felt like it was being pandered about for brownie points.
To this day I still dont think much about it.
It was fine before. Now I refuse to buy any game with anita approved anything.
That and the Bayonetta video. That's when she knew she could exploit these retards.
Quite lying to yourself. She and everyone else faked the drama to gain victim points. She's friends with the people who made the articles and she'd get the same publicity with or without Sup Forums
It's a free market. Games shouldn't cater to anyone except the audience they want, that actually give them money.
She was about a year too late, people were already getting bored of scruffy men as protagonists (even Sup Forums), but her videos never really did anything because there's not really anything interesting in there. The only reason she's relevant is because of the controversy and kids wanting to get into the cool sekrit club.
They didn't have enough hoop earrings
>faked the drama
Were you were in diapers when this shit was relevant on Sup Forums? People were baited hook, line and sinker with her shitty vids.
Seemed fine. There were princesses to rescue, normal girls, heroric girls, fair but strong girls, sexy girls, and so on. Games have and had a broad variety characters and that included female ones.
There were perhaps fewer female main characters, but there are still far fewer female gamers and far fewer that take it as seriously. Women are not as competitive as men and video games or at least many genre of game are about challenge. So biology plays a role in that not some unnamed boys club.
The same as my thoughts on the portrayal of any character, and I haven't been convinced to change my mind yet.
>I need to be told that this is not how women are in real life
>Fictional characters must represent real people
I like how the only example she can use is Princes peach. It's as if she doesn't know shit about video games.
SJWs shouldn't worry about Peach, she isn't a real person. Why are they afraid of her being characterized as a "le damsel in distress? It's just one character type you can use for a basic plot. Do these people think the general populace can't tell the difference between reality and fiction? That's an SJW problem. SJWs are so stupid, that they think that kind of stuff has a strong influence on everyone and they don't trust themselves either because they think it will influence them to think that every woman is princess peach.
Yeah it was Sup Forums paying money to her kickstarter. Also kinda funny how the gamer's are dead articles popped up at the same time
>Do these people think the general populace can't tell the difference between reality and fiction?
Twitter and tumblr prove that every day. It's where they also aggressively market their thoughts.
This isn't Anita's thoughts because her videos aren't remotely in-depth, but the general idea is more that there's very few women characters with depth. Of course, the issue here is that video game characters in general do not have much depth whatsoever as it's not primarily a narrative medium, but with the slim pickings you have there's almost no women there.
Is that relevant? Could be. But it's a more interesting discussion than dumping characters into trope boxes, though, which is what she did. You can put any character in any medium ever into strict tropes if you really wanted to.
No thoughts whatsoever.
Now I don't want womyn in video games.
I’m not sure who this is but she’s very pretty
>the audience they want
>the audience that actually give them money
Two completely different groups of people nowadays, here in the west at least.
Nothing wrong with trying to make money by pleasing people, the problem is recognising the people who will never be pleased no matter what you offer.
Whenever a female character is introduced now Sup Forums is thrown into a shit storm claiming it's SJW pandering when the developers of the game just wanted to make a cool character whether they were male or female. Not every decision has a fucking agenda.
This is seen most clearly in threads about Rainbow Six: Siege. The game has 34 operators in it, 23 of them are male, 11 are female but Sup Forums still throws a fucking shit fit about MUH SJW REEEEE when they implement a new female operator despite the fact that there are more than 2 male operators for every female operator. Every couple of months they have released two new operators, one male and one female except ONE TIME where they released two female operators. They would have to release only female operators for the next YEAR AND A HALF to make there be an even number of male and female operators but Sup Forums still claims them releasing female operators is fucking SJW pandering. This gets even worse when Sup Forums RREEEs about a certain South Korean female 707th SMB operator but didn't REEE about the female Navy Seal Operator despite the fact that the Navy Seals LITERALLY DON'T RECRUIT WOMEN IN REAL LIFE.
I don't get this double standard. Was it SJW pandering when Capcom added Cammy into Street Fighter 2 post release? Was it SJW pandering that Chun-Li was even in the game in the first place because "girls cant fight lol". Which is it, Sup Forums? Sorry for the blog, but in conclusion, Anti-SJW conspiracy theorists who think their games are getting ruined by SJWs are just as bad.
>Anti-SJW conspiracy theorists who think their games are getting ruined by SJWs are just as bad.
I think claiming SJWs are ruining vidya is not as bad as claiming vidya is ruining society.
I wanted more women, but I didn't realize that meant everything was going to be shit.
Yeah, because that shit is getting off the ground, ever.
How’s her foot game?
At least one has a legitimate, if over exaggerated, basis in reality.
What do you mean? The vidya media, and even the regular media, is on board with SJW claims. I'd say those claims really have 'got off the ground.'
>What were your thoughts about the portrayal of women in video games
I wanted to fuck a lot of them
and that's a-OK
And after that people started wising up to the tricks and manipulation of these sharlatans.
Funny thing is, I actually remember what Sup Forums was like when Anita was introduced here. Most people agreed that the damsel in distress was a bad cliche and that there should be more female protagonists, but just disagreed with the idea that all games are sexist. Now everyone is just "hurr durr womyn r bad, if there's a womyn in game it's SJW." I blame the influx of retards from 2015 onwards.
You're confusing things. People who want more women in video games aren't the same people who want video games completely dead.
Before then I never thought there was anything wrong with attractive women in video games and I felt there were plenty of female protagonists in games already. Today, I still feel the same way.
The only perspective she's changed for me is making me realize most feminists these days are insane, blatantly hypocritical and incredibly sexist and that I should avoid them as much as possible. I also now feel sorry for any women and men who get dragged into that bubble because they were tricked with their surface level "for gender equality" shtick.
I blame the rhetoric used by people who develop video games.
literally a non-issue. Mountains out of molehills.
Good joke, GG came after and was an even bigger shitfest for easily manipulated kids
Reminder that this is revisionist history and the only reason anybody knew who she even was was that the gaming media was pushing her and putting her on a pedestal and giving her awards long before anyone outside that circlejerk cared while on those same outlets antagonizing anyone who didn't uncritically approve of everything she had to say.
I agree with you, but it doesn't look like that in the general sense.
What makes you say this?
But they are the ones pushing video games to stop being video games
Just because you're new here or don't remember doesn't mean you have to flag it up so much. Yes, there was dumb media antagonizing and controversy spun up into more than it was, but there WAS controversy and a lot of it happened here, which was then easy pickings for opportunists.
Sure, but many, many who touched that shitfire came out a little more sceptical and second-guessing than before. On the internet I would say that is a good thing.
>We'll make video games not video games
>But we'll still call them video games
>Meanwhile, ban video games
Yeah, no.
There's a huge overlap. For the SJWs, the first part is a step towards the second part. They want a monopoly on what can be expressed. They literally want to eradicate everything that doesn't fit their views.
>At least one has a legitimate, if over exaggerated, basis in reality.
They came out of fucking Project Chanology 2.0, creating an easy target of retarded "gamer" kids who get mad at the most inane fucking shit. The net effect was easily negative, both on an industry level and in bringing in a fuckton of idiot newfags onto this site.
>random idiot says something dumb somewhere
>this is proof of a giant conspiracy
nu-Sup Forums, everyone
She seems like someone who be a lot of fun to have sex with
Why are you so angry? Stop being an Angry Jack.
never thought about it before
never thought about it now
it's a stupid topic
I thought games consistently failed to portray nuanced, believable, engaging, or entertaining characters, and that this problem more prominently affected female characters which were often only included in games as ancillary objects for plot convenience or sexual desire. Games were also often reflective of gendered biases and expectations, leading to trite cliches like "support character is a woman" or "female character is secretly a princess but has trouble accepting responsibility because of her womanly nature."
>asking a bunch of high school kids what they think about female representation
shes also a jew, shocker right
I couldn't have given less of a fuck desu. As long as they were a likeable/well written character I didn't care what they were.
Great post! Have some gold on me ;)
>hurr durr games aren't becoming more political
>that's just one person at the biggest game developer conference with 30k people attending
>don't we just hate anti-SJWs they are totally just as bad as SJWs amirite? XD
t. neogaf
>A leading to B means B causes A
Are you referring to the polish and Korean girls they added with the dyed hair and shit?
>random idiot says something dumb somewhere
Good shit, keep posting Twitter screenshots.
I said that you're confusing A and B, retard.
I honestly agree with a lot of the sjw arguments presented against VG some over sexuality in some games makes me uncomfortable when it isn't contextual. But the way that Anita goes about it is fucking disgusting but that's also a way of creating change talk shit n get popular. I also think there's nothing wrong with Bayo (bar Rodin's rape attack which is just why?)
holy fuck that’s nice
I believe you are correct, user. Well, save for the 2015 influx. There have always been hordes of tards here. Back when "Moot, make a /videogames/ board!" was spammed on Sup Forums, there were tardhats discussing the vidya.
Anita, unfortunately has that Homer-Simpson Make-up-gun approach to women in video games. Sure, her way is faster but you end up with a fucking mess that in no way accomplishes anything to effectively make anyone happy (implying that SJWs could ever even BE happy, I know). Her bitching about being able to murder women in a game where the PRIMARY goal is murdering men seems so purposefully BLIND to the actual subject that it almost seems like she's lampooning her own cause (seriously, watch any video of hers through the lense that she's making fun of SJWs and suddenly it's actually kind of funny in a trolololol way).
That said, I had some VERY lewd dreams about her a month or so back. She was using me to vent her pent up lusty inclinations, mostly though she wanted to do shit that seemed outwardly exploitative towards "women"; anal, a2m, watersports, b&d, spanking, and one time where she had me push her face into a toilet while I slammed her cunt. The dreams maybe influenced me to look at her differently.
>gamedev forces his political agenda
>hurr durr random idiot says something dumb somewhere
Are you going to make an argument or are you just going to spew fallacies? that might work on Reddit but not here
>asking a bunch of fresh college grads with useless degrees and an internet blog is obviously the superior option
Yeah man, look at that PACKED audience all listening to this very smart woman who everyone wanted to listen to and agrees with.
that it was kind of shit and should be better.
She's not a game dev, and she's still just a single extreme data point. You know putting hurr durr in front of an argument doesn't make you suddenly have an argument, right?
whether you like it or not these lunatics are continuing to grow. most of us here just want to play games that are good, we don't give a fuck what color or gender the characters are. too bad most of the time when they aim for "diversity" the characters have no redeeming qualities and the game suffers because they make it about them saying "look how black and gay i am"
Indifference, I wouldn't write off a game because it had a female protagonist.
Now I appreciate the good female protagonists even more due to the sheer volume of shit female protags.
>gets triggered, responds with memes
>people were already getting bored of scruffy men as protagonists (even Sup Forums)
It's weird to think that even Sup Forums used to make fun of the BALD SPACE MARINE overuse during the early 2010's. These days, that kind of behavior on Sup Forums would get you called a "anti-white Neogaffer" or something.
it didn't affect my opinion. I was always fine with a desire for more variety in characters of all types, both men and women, but I recognize that companies are going to pander and try to make as much money as they want.
Not at all, all the hate over her Kikestarter put her in the spotlight. Obviously the media pushed her but she wouldn't have gotten anywhere as much attention if she didn't have a dedicated hatebase.
Anita is a two-bit shyster and you fucks fell for her scheme hook line and sinker.
How do you anons think fnv would have been received if it had been released now, considering pic related?
2014 phoneposters think Sup Forums got mad at Anita for doing feminist shit - that's only part of the reason, the main reason being that she just plain got her facts wrong 90% of the time. That said, the bald space marine plague was arguably a little earlier than TvW and already on the decline.
you're right, if you just ignore it and pretend it isn't there it goes away on its own.
Probably not any different, Caesar's Legion is the most black and white faction in the whole game
>you're confusing A and B, retard.
indeed you are
>Anita is a two-bit shyster
But she accomplished everything she promised to do.
What awards user? What awards did she get before v threw a shit fit?
Hahahaha just kidding the question is rhetorical: your bullshit is transparent
You mean like how you're ignoring my argument? Classic.
This. It's by no means perfect now, but it's certainly a lot better. I don't give a shit what gender a character is as long as that character is interesting and engaging, and female characters usually fell flat against their male counterparts.
Yeah, it's never really been important.
When was the first TvW again?
I know that "bald space marine" became a reviled archetype around late 2011-early 2012(I remember Far Cry 3 being praised by some people for having an MC who grows into a badass rather than starting as one).
The hilarious irony is that "stronk womyn" protagonists are pushed by radical feminists as an alternative to that archetype, when most of them are just bald space marines with a vagina when it comes to personality.
>That said, the bald space marine plague was arguably a little earlier than TvW and already on the decline.
To be honest, I'm going to have to take your word for it, because I have a really shitty memory. All I really remember for sure is that I was here in early 2011 (I could have gotten here earlier, but I'm not sure), and that making fun of BALD SPACE MARINES used to be a thing here.
Tropes vs Women was mid-2012, if I remember correctly.
>tfw, back when she started her Kickstarter, I tought Tvtropes was really insigtful and cool, and ough her thing would be lke that, I actually condeered backing her.
That would´ve been an weird feeling , I´m glad I didn´t
des i think the picture that circulated a lot this summer of the 3 black women with afros looks pretty funny when you think of those old collages posted of like 15-20 white bald space marines
More people to mutilate and torture in every way of course, can't get an endless amount of men for the cannon fodder so women are meh.
First TvW was 2013. Interestingly, and extremely bad year in video games, which lots of garbage reboots and sequels (Tomb Raider, DONTE THE DEMON KILLER, Bioshock Infinite), so part of what might've spurred the focus on Anita was just that there weren't any good video games to talk about.
The issue with that pic has always been that zero of those negresses are protagonists. Yes, there was a small trend at E3, but it's not really as relevant as conspiracy thinkers would have you believe.
Tess TLOU, Ripley from Alien Isolation are probably the premier examples of how to write a believable female character. Especially Ripley.