Did he do anything wrong Sup Forums?
Did he do anything wrong Sup Forums?
He was a giant dick who took advantage of his friend for his own ambitions.
No, not really. His actions were justified, and his success was admirable.
"No! I must kill the nobles" he shouted
The narrator said "No, Delita. You are the nobles"
And then Delita got shanked
PUBG > Undertale > FFT?
He became that which he hated.
died like a bitch
meanwhile ramza lived out the rest of his days fucking his sister in the countryside
He didn't die though.
When his sister died something inside him died as well,and that something was empathy.
but that does not excuse his action's he really did go to far in his revenge
>meanwhile ramza lived out the rest of his days fucking his sister in the countryside
Truly the best.
Literal thousand years of peace after the garbage that was the 100 year war and its aftermath because of him and him alone. Ramza was too noble to get his hands dirty yet killed more people and saved fewer than Delita.
I tried playing FFT a few days ago and it just felt so slow and clunky
should I give it another shot?
He's a complicated character exploiting his own friend and becoming the very thing he hated to reach his goal of avenging the death of his sister by the hands of the nobility. Ultimately his actions did more good as he brought peace to Ivalice
Absolutely yes.
I'm not qualified enough to tell you which version to play tho (vanilla or WotL).
It will never be as fast and snappy as Disgaea, if that's what you are hoping for. The game is just slow to play, it's one of the reasons I have a hard time going back to it.
Outside of stabbing the princess, no.
He took advantage of church infighting that was going on anyway to seize power.
>delita exploited ramza
How, exactly? They barely even spend time onscreen together.
He sacrificed his own person to bring peace.
Ramza rejected everything for his own sake, while Delita embraced all the shit that was neccessary.
Because retards think Ramza should have been king when Ramza showed he was not made of the stuff that makes a good ruler.
That final scene was kino as fuck
>ramza kills all the false gods
>delita covers it up and lets people think the people's prayers are doing anything
>delita still keeps the peace for 1000 years or so until Vagrant Story
the world was full assholes and demons. he just out assholed them all. the good guys that got screwed at the end would have been screwed by someone else anyway.
>Delita is compelling and well written "rival"
>Vyce was just full on retarded opposition
Probably biggest flaw of TO.
>>delita covers it up and lets people think the people's prayers are doing anything
>yeah guys we totally killed the false gods you guys have been worshipping up until now, you can stop the whole praying to literal demons now, oh and we killed the pope too, that guy was a total asshole and evil, don't believe the brainwashing shit you've been fed and brought up to believe since childhood.
Yeah, I'm sure that's exactly what the starving wartorn people of Ivalice would want to hear. Totally would not have started another war. I like Delita's pragmatism, the rabble keep their opiate of the masses so long as it keeps them in check.
I will stain my hands with your blood.
>delita still keeps the peace for 1000 years or so until Vagrant Story
Wait, is that really a thing?
I remember Vagranst Story being whats with magicite and it taking place in the continent of Valendia, which is mentioned in final fantasy XII, iirc. Do we have any official source or word of god on the matter?
Use an emulator
Killing Ovelia/Ophelia/Whatever and allowing Olan to be burned at the stake when he saved Balmafula for no real reason, yeah.
The rest was probably positive in general. Ramza and Delita come to the conclusion they have their own fortes. Ramza's demon jesus shenanigans, Delita's Game of Thrones business.
He was a lying hypocrit. He was an immensely gifted and talented individual that wanted revenge on the noble class. He pretended to be sticking up for the commenfolk but he becomes a king that burns anyone who speaks against his version of the truth as a heretic.
He doesn't give a shit about the struggles of commoners, he was just mad as hell his sister got killed by a noble prick and made it it's life mission to punish nobility and then become the highest ranking nobleman himself. The many innocent people he screwed over to achieve this goal pretty much make him irrideemable.
That said I hope he gets added to Dissidia.
Vagrant Story is set in Invalice world and looong after FFT.
That's all we know.
Ramza literally saved the entire world, what the fuck are you talking about?
I mean that Ramza could not deal with the dirty politics man. Of course he is a hero but he was never the kingly type.
Vagrant Story remake when? Also Ashley for Dissidia
yeh, go PSP version with slowdown fix
Yeah being shit in FFBE
what the hell is this
Huh, i never unlocked Dark Knight or mathmatician. I did get Cloud on my team though.
>That said I hope he gets added to Dissidia.
If any other Tactics characters get added to Dissidia, it should be Delita, if only for the fact that he and Ramza are so closely connected. It would just feel right having the two of them, plus they could pull from the various classes to give skills to him like they did for Ramza.
Dark Knight was added in the remake, along with Onion Knight. It was actually fairly good? Like it's hard to compete with the top damage options but it comes close, essentially being a generic version of the various Knight classes you get as uniques.
And Mathematician was silly. Like "clear maps in a single turn" silly. Really hard to use but incredibly silly.
we should get one of the demons for dissidia.
He stabbed his fucking wife, so yeah he did
Guys, which translation/version of the game do I emulate?
PSP retranslation. It got rid of all the weird Engrish, but the cost was unnecessary changes and neutering the best lines. 'Blame yourself' and 'animals have no god' are not in PSP remake/smartphone releases. Why Squeenix didn't use Alexander Smith to do the localization for the FFT remake is just bonkers considering how goddamn good Vagrant Story, FFXII, and Tactics Ogre remake's localization had been. Hell, he even made one of the death quotes in Tactics Ogre as 'I blame myself and god!'
She stabbed him first though.
You still don't raise your hand against your waifu
Trifling thots must die.
Because she was kept against her will and being used and not treated very well.
Regardless, a slap would have been enough, he wasn't fatally wounded, there was absolutely no need for him to kill her. It just makes him seem like more of a massive cunt, which he is, even if it's a part he had to play, cunt is a cunt
Bullied his pure, qt waifu until she had no option but to stab him
Right or wrong, he did what he believed needed to be done in order to fix a broken system. He had to wade through the shit to do it. He had to pay his way with a lot of destroyed lives. But in the end he succeeded and Ivalice was better off for him being King than it would have been with Duke Dycedarg or Prince Goltana ascending the throne. For what its worth, for all the people Delita sacrificed and climbed over to change Ivalice, he was personally left with nothing of his own. The throne was a burden, and he sat on it alone and empty. In a way Delita sacrificed everything he'd ever had to free Ivalice from the cycle it found itself stuck in, right up to driving the dagger into the heart of the last Atkascha ruler.
Nope, moralist babbies can't handle political realities.
Get through the prologue, if you still don't like it stop there.
She needed to die otherwise there would be more war down the line. Delita couldn't become the sole ruler of Ivalice and completely upend the system so long as the Atkascha dynasty remained the standard bearer of the crown. If he didn't kill Ovelia then, he'd have needed to get her gone some other way later. One would guess he'd have rather put her in hiding somewhere but actually killing her leaves no loose ends that could undo the reform he'd worked so hard for.
It doesn't matter that he can justify it though, it still makes him a cunt in the end for doing it
I consider it noble self sacrifice done in the ugliest way possible for the best result possible. Not for Delita, but for the millions of people that would benefit from King Delita instead of suffering the same power hungry corruption of a King Dycedarg or Funeral's Papal State or another bloody Atkascha civil war down the line. None of them, not even Ovelia, could be trusted with the reigns anymore. Ovelia was right to attack Delita because she was right, he would have to get rid of her. They both understood that he could only put it off so long.
I don't like the things Delita did, but looking back over the whole story I greatly respect what he did because he didn't do it for himself, and it was something that absolutely needed to be done. For true reform. The kind Weigraf wanted but was too idealistic to become an insider and beat the system from within. Delita was a realist, and he followed through. No one else could do it but him.
I feel like there was supposed to be another story where you were Delita but it got cut or something.
He's not exactly heroic but he's honestly too important to have just been a NPC but half his achievements are just sort of handwaved off screen.
He was basically Algus but poor instead of rich
That was exactly the case. It's a classic anti-hero tale.
Leonar more than makes up for it. He is the only NPC I regret not being able to save.
Wha? How was Delita like Algus?
And Algus wasn't even particularly wealthy. He was the last scion of a disgraced house trying to get his family name out of the mud. He was barely nobility at that point. It's why he was such a bitch to commoners, because they were the only people he could still feel superior toward while men like Dycedarg rested their boots on his head. Algus was just another aspect of how Ivalice was messed up for everyone, even the nobility.
Nah. He did it all for revenge. Becoming a hero king was just because he wanted to further humiliate nobles by transcending them. It wasn't for the good of anyone. He was 100% revenge driven which ended up sort-of working out for you if you were a commoner and didn't know the truth about the events of the zodiac wars.
Algus was a cunt and deserved to die instantly. He shot delitas sister, just like killing ovellia, there's no excuse for that at all, no justification will ever make it okay and not ultra cunty and detestable.
Algus persecuted the poor for the same reason Delita persecuted nobility - because of an inferiority complex
100x This
Delita was an interesting character but people thinking he was some kind of benevolent martyr doing things for the greater good got suckered in just like Ramza. He did what he did cause he was angry at the murder of his sister and being shit on for being a commoner.
>Nah. He did it all for revenge
Wrong. Play the game again and pay attention this time. He stated his intentions and his motives very clearly and more than that, he followed through on them and did precisely what he set out to do by enacting lasting reform. Delita wasn't some pissy pants child yelling nyah nyah nyah nyah who's the boss now from the throne. Its insane you even think that.
If you want someone who became consumed solely with vengeance after losing everything look no further than Weigraf Folles.
he didn't stab her first
So you just get mad he was an asshole and gut react to that while wiping your ass with context. Okay.
Whenever Delita is talking to Ramza or any of his agents, he's spouting the shit you're saying right now. But the game makes it quite clear towards the end that he's just being manipulative by showing what he says after he sees Ramza for the last time. The whole reform excuse is revealed to be just that, an excuse. This is the same reason why his wife tries to kill him in the ending. She realises that Delite is a psychopath who doesn't sincerely care about anyone but is actually a monster using righteous ideals as a shield to hide behind.
Nah, I love delita. I think he's an amazing character. But he's quite obviously a villain. Sorry to dissapoint you kiddo. The game literally demonstrates that he's full of bullshit whenever he talks about his ideals towards Ramza.
If it helps, Matsuno said that he never wanted Vagrant Story to be part of the Ivalice world - it was forced upon him by Square's marketing.
There's no context that can wave it away.
It doesn't matter your reasoning for being a cunt, you were still a cunt and that won't change.
Algus never did anything of value to anyone anyway, he was never in the right or never had a good goal.
Lets put Delita aside for a moment. I want to see if you interpret any character's motivations as anything beyond the blatantly obvious. So let me ask you a question: Why did Gafgarion lie to Ramza at Golgorand? He told Ramza that Dycedarg wanted him to return to Igros, that he'd forgiven him. This was clearly not the case, given that Dycedarg had just told him he didn't care what Ramza did, and if he interfered to kill him.
Why did Gafgarion go out of his way to try and convince Ramza to leave the Ovelia situation alone?
I think Gafgarion a) liked Ramza to a degree. It's business betraying him, but he seems to genuinely prefer if Ramza joined him. And b) the best scenario for his payment is to also return Ramza. However much Dycedarg might not care, Ramza is still both useful and loved by other family members.
Guy ironically got a better fate if Denam decided to be the Demon of Golyat.
Pretty sure you're confusing Delita for for Algus. Algus is the one who wanted to kill every noble he could get away with. Delita just wanted justice for those not nobly born. Until he eventually became what he hated, that is.
>Algus is the one who wanted to kill every noble he could get away with.
Didn't he hate the commonborn and sucked up to Ramza at first?
You got it right the first time. Gafgarion trying to get Ramza to back off had nothing to do with money. Despite being a heartless sellsword that cared only for coin, it's clear Gaff had a soft spot for Ramza. You could see it at Zerekile when he called on Ramza to join him, and you could certainly see it when Gafgarion insulted Dycedarg for ordering Ramza's death. An insult which could have cost him his life.
Delita achieved justice for all. If all he wanted was to fuck over the aristocracy cuz lol I hate dem dudes, he'd have been better off remaining loyal to Murond. They were the ones that were trying to destroy the nobility outright. Delita fixed the nobility.
Dude, now that you mention it, I think he did.
Fucking hell I hate Algus so much.
>not treated very well.
I doubt that part. She was a substitute Teta. She probably was just really fucking tired of people using her as a substitute.
That user mean Weigraf not Algus I think.
I should add that Weigraf wasn't just a murderer at first. He was an idealist that believed revolution could succeed from without. He believed his actions would unite the oppressed so that he could bring about the sort of change that Delita later succeeds in bringing. But his over direct approach was doomed to failure as it relied on the resolve of the hungry, the desperate and the easily influenced. After that fell throuth, Weigraf became exactly what people think Delita was all about. Bitter, broken, revenge crazed. He didn't mind being a pawn to the church and replacing one corrupt system with another. All he cared about was getting back at the nobles currently in power. That weakness of the heart was what lead him to Lucavi. But prior to that he was a very heroic figure who wished to save the country he'd fought for.
He is an asshole, but I like him somehow.
>That said I hope he gets added to Dissidia.
This, either him or Agrias.
Shit, it's been so damn long since I've played Tactics, I'd totally forgotten about Weigraf's motivations and behavior.
I still hate that sycophantic jackass, Algus, though.
Algus is as you say, but that's the culture of the dog-eat-dog world of Ivalician noble houses he was raised in. Where one's worth is determined solely by station. Where everyone gets used as tools. As the lowest of the nobles, he accepted that he was like dirt to them, and so he took it out on the only people that were still beneath his station.
Algus was like a dog that was beaten by its master, and so it snaps at the chickens. It doesn't make him right, but Algus was also one of "The Meager" like the Death Corps and Teta.
"Let me tell you about difference..."