Is this game better than harvest moon friends of mineral town?
Is this game better than harvest moon friends of mineral town?
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From personal experience: yes.
From non-personal experience: Eric Barone, creator of Stardew Valley, interviewed the creator of Harvest Moon and the creator stepped down because he thought he would never make another game as personally innovative and imaginative and heartfelt as Stardew. So yes, it is definitely superior to Harvest Moon. It's a great game, and the switch's ability for it to be portable makes it even more incredible.
yeah dude, what the fuck
Love them both same shit honestly. But if you add in mods stardew by a mile. Stardew 64 when?
I like Trio of Towns the best honestly.
My issue with Stardew is that the combat is pretty weak, but I do enjoy the rest of the mechanics otherwise.
To me it has better farming mechanics than Harvest Moon/Story of Seasons and Rune Factory. However, the combat (in the cave) is pretty garbage, and the villagers are a little too "plain" in their personality which is a bit boring.
Farming: SV > SoS = RF
Combat: RF >> SV
Townspeople: RF > SoS > SV
Townspeople if you don't like animu fantasy: SoS > SV > RF
Other problem is that Harvest Moon was in a slump for like a goddamn decade until Trio of Towns came out (which IMO is just as good Back to Nature/FoMT).
Monster girl livestock mod
I can never settle on a good portrait change mod. I want one that actually looks good, consistent, and actually covers all characters. Any decent one I see only covers like... a handful. The different styles would be jarring.
>Doesn't have best waifu in all of gaming
>Obviously worse
I wish Rune Factory Frontier wasn't ruined by the stupid fucking Runey system, it had the best selection of women in the entire series. Oceans was alright too, though less so and the game overall just wasn't that good (nice combat system though).
>and the villagers are a little too "plain" in their personality which is a bit boring.
All of the bachelorettes besides Abigail and Haley are fucking garbage. It feels like Leah's supposed to be your generic option since she's so close and all but you marry her and she's just a lazy piece of shit.
>mfw started dating Sebastian because the girls were just that boring
I don't really understand it. The dev can't just lean that hard on "realistic" since there's a fucking wizard living next door, so this is at least Harvest Moon level of magical world. I assume he just can't write amazing well.
Oh shit, where can I find this interview user?
It's better but because of mods
>Friends of mineral town
Not hard to be better than that one
It's to the point that I tried looking for a mod that switches up the genders of the bachelor(ettes) so I can get in on some tough jock girl action, but the only one I saw turns them all into flagrant anime stereotypes and catgirls.
Personally? I think the Dev just can't write women well. The men have just enough depth to make them interesting and keep their Heart Events from being something dry, while all of the female interactions feel... I don't know, I want to say safe?
>tfw crushed super hard on Robin the second I saw her
>tfw she's married to the only black man in town
God dammit, the fact Demetrius is an asshole makes it worse.
It's all made by one guy so I let it pass since good writing is a very specific skill set. I'm bi so I can go either way, but generally the women in these types of games end up being better regardless. Not so in this case.
>while all of the female interactions feel... I don't know, I want to say safe?
That's a pretty good way to put it, actually.
Are you serious? The hm Creator quit?
What are the best mods for this?
Damn did he harakiri himself afterwards
I'm gonna want to see source on this. I heard that the HM director talked about Stardew Valley but stepping down seems a little extreme. Especially since they are still making Story of Seasons games.
>It's all made by one guy so I let it pass since good writing is a very specific skill set.
Shit, really? I had no idea it was all one guy, so that makes the fact he didn't try to do anything wild with the women that much more understandable. At least he recognized his shortcomings instead of trying to write an abomination.
>That's a pretty good way to put it, actually.
The only character it feels like the Dev put risks on was Haley, since she's a total bitch with a "stereotypical" pickle jar scene and starts freaking out about losing a bracelet - because of that, she's my favorite bachelorette out of them all.
Maru's easily the worst bachelorette in the bunch, since her interactions amount to "do experiment, get told by other people you're getting close to her." I don't blame the dev for having trouble writing her that way though, since she's the perfect storm of "don't fuck this up" being a mixed-race smart girl who MIGHT be barely legal?
Its the watered down version of it.
you're a watered down version of my daily shit
The only worthwhile lewd mods.
They're tied for me, stardew is on pc and has mods but I didn't really like the setting or atmosphere anywhere near as much
also cut my post on accident, rune factory series > both
I got introduced to Harvest Moon games with Rune Factory on the DS, so I cant comment on older games.
Stardew Valley reminds me more of Rune Factory than Harvest Moon due to having combat and the few magic elements, which is actually one of my issues with SV as these elements seem half-assed. Other than that, I felt that the farming and fishing is better in SV and the atmosphere is better than the last HM SoS games. But overall my favorite game is still Rune Factory Frontier by a lot even with the retardedly obnoxious runey system, it helps that it has my favorite bachelorette among RF girls and at least 5 or 6 of my top 10 as well. Also Switch port of RFF when?
The only HM experience I have is HMDS. IMO the farming aspect is greatly improved. You can actually do shit when it's raining and you don't need to stick a dog to make sure your building doesn't get destroyed by storms. Watering is less tedious and how fast you get the sprinklers are fair. You have different ways to go about making money in the farm whether it be spamming pigs, bee houses, or just going all autismo on planting the best fruits and making wine.
I don't remember much about HMDS Fishing. People have mixed feelings about SV fishing. Personally I love the mini game though I do get frustrated from time to time. The mine is pretty static and not much of a challenge. The Skull cavern resembles the HM mine in that it has infinite levels, I have fun with doing cavern runs but I have to avoid the most efficient method of mining which is spamming stairs and bombs to get to floors that are full of iridium nodes. Socializing is a huge pain as you run very slow and the dialogues don't change as you deepen your relationship with the villagers. What gifts villagers like and dislike is no less confusing than HM with the added caveats that things villagers talk about favorably may not be something they like. As far as long term goals, collecting sprites is much more of a pain than finishing the community center. I thought the community center was too easy.
All in all, I would recommend it as a modern take of the HM formula. It doesn't have HM's cuteness but I was able to look past that. Plus there are many mods you can use on the PC to enhance the experience.
No source on this. Harvest Moon's creator praised the game for being more like what he imagined but didn't step down over it.
What does that even have to do with those links.
It's a more modern FoMT with better gameplay (imo) I'd say it's closest to a modern FoMT crossed with HM64. I think 64 had the strongest cast out of the entire series due to the seriously dark undertones eg. Karen's dad becoming a depressed alcoholic after the vineyard died, Cliff being a runaway hobo who no one likes and is probably emotionally fucked since him and Ann fight a lot if they marry etc.)
I must admit that I didn't really play that much of FoMT. From what I recall, it was a lot more cheerful and lighthearted which Stardew is. From memory, even the opening of the game is the similar, isn't it?
I liked Stardew but the characters aren't as interesting as the cast in 64. Although I suppose I'm biased since that game holds such a special place in my heart. They just seemed like there wasn't enough risk taken in relationships. I love how in 64 that characters will leave the town if you don't do certain things or if you marry their love interest sorry Cliff but all of the depth I can think of for Stardew is Shane. I courted quite a few people since the game got pretty boring after getting married but their storylines were all pretty boring too. I tried to pick it up again after they made Shane eligible because fans were talking about how super relatable he was. I think I only played for 15 minutes until I realized I had milked the game dry.
He's probably wishing they were trap mods. I know I'm wishing they were. Watching Sebastian and Sam fuck would be more interesting.
They don't even feel like the same genre desu.
SV felt more arcadey where the gameplay alone was the only thing making you come back. The dialogues were absolute tripe and the visuals didn't really help. The rewards for getting loads of dosh felt mostly shallow.
HM was more villager simulation than farm work simulation. Sure, it took a longer time to wait for the animations to complete for watering, harvesting and working the land but it made you look forward to seeing new animations from the villagers every time you talk to them.
Game bugged out on me.
Can't join the Adventure Guild, because no matter how many Slime I kill, it was always 0/10
Making Sebastian a little girlier would be fine by me. Or at least nicer art, standard portraits for everyone are so bland.
...What? HM was never in any way a sim. SV and HM are just as much alike in terms of how the entire flow goes. And villagers practically never had special animations. Unless you mean "events"?
Yes, hands down
>Making Sebastian a little girlier would be fine by me. Or at least nicer art, standard portraits for everyone are so bland.
Agreed. I also wish there were more lewd mods for the girls that go beyond LOL BIG BREASTS LOL NUDES XD XD.
> And villagers practically never had special animations.
They had shitloads. Maybe not in Mineral Town but they are very much animated in the new iterations.
And yes, events do count. Some festivals introduced new animations for them and some background story also. I cannot remember any SV event where you see a special animation for the NPCs.
Villager relationships are a slog, but everything else is better.
I've been playing this all week too. It's great. I haven't played a Harvest Moon game since the one on Gamecube though so maybe it's the freshness of it all.
If I wanted to get into Rune Factory, which one would be the best one to hop into after Stardew?
Rune Factory games straight up improve with each numbered sequel so it would be a pain to go backwards. However, RF1 has aged poorly from my shoddy memory. Both RF3 and 4 are great. Frontier has great characters and an awesome world, but the Runey mechanic in the game makes it an absolute chore to play. Oceans is just straight up missing farming as a worthwhile activity. Also has a boring overworld. Does have giant golem vs kaiju fights however.
With anthro mod yes.
It annoys me how well made these sprites are.
Well for my next playthrough (hopefully first one to make it past early summer) I'll use the bachelor genderswap mods. Because the best way to fix the girls is to make the guys into girls apparently.
Also because catgirl Sam and her collar turn me on. Fucking collars, man.
Yo where'd you get that portrait and are their others as part of a set?
Probably one of the many anime portrait mods that are out there. That one at least looks to be decent quality. So much garbage to dig through. Even the Nexus isn't useful since people endorse the dumbest shit since they have no taste.
He was being nice, as a developer you can't really trash talk other developers. Much less a big guy to an indie dev. I enjoy both games but friends of mineral town is better imo.
>source: my fanboy ass
No need to be a cunt. Though I doubt anyone in this thread is gonna believe him without a source to back it up.