Fantasy game

>fantasy game
>the twist is that it actually takes place in the far future after a disaster caused the world to revert back to a medieval state

What game?

I fucking love Capybaras, they are even cuter up close, the oversized rodents.

The Elder Scrolls canonically take place millenia after Fallout Universe

Le millenom girl

That's bullshit

>Scifi space game
>NPC literally says "urf? Never heard of it"
>20 minutes later another npc says "That was some earthquake just now"


Bullshit unless you can provide source.

And no, a nirnroot in fallout 4 is not proof of anything.

No it does not.

>high fantasy game
>the evil demons are actually a highly advanced alien civilization that have come back to their home planet, your magic is just their technology running through your veins which is why it has no effect on them


Isn't also implied in Monster Hunter that there was some kind of big war in the past that destroyed a more technologically advanced civilization?

haha actually? what game

BotW sorta

Star Ocean 2


Etrian Odyssey series

>scifi game
>Moon is called Luna, Sun is called Sol

Utawarerumono. Although, its a very small part of its plot. You can almost remove it and it'd change very little other than providing background for Haku's character.

Not implied, stated.

Etrian oddsey also does the whole earth but a bilion years ith the future thig, except the fith one.


It's not an uncommon trope in fantasy really. The trick is it's usually hidden in the lore, rather than any remnants anywhere.

wat game

sword of shannanananana series

I love this shit.

What is Prince of Thorns

>sci fi game
>humans are basically a low tier race with primitive technology and no ability to project power

Did Spain take over space too?


Its latin

Nier (PS3)

thats bullshit but i believe it

>fantasy game
>"go to hell"

If this is made canon I will actually bomb Bethesda HQ


Joke's on you OP I actually like that twist.

>it's not a twist, its the entire premise of the game, with factions scrambling to make the most of what's left

webm related

>sci fi game where humans explore space
>major theme of the first game is humans finding their place on the galactic political scene
>races are hesitant to allow humanity to have any influence given their relatively short live-spans, young civilization, inexperience dealing with other galaxy races and war-filled past
>prejudice against humanity is common and humanity is often forced having to prove itself in the face of adversity to end up saving the day and proving through action that humanity can pull its weight to an equal or even greater degree than thte other races
>sequels brush that whole business aside to make way for more cover based shooting and fewer RPG mechanics


I will never not be mad.

>game set thousands of years in the future
>humanity has been able to explore space and develop technology like teleporters
>still hasn't found a way to bring the dead back to life yet.

monster hunter

Mass effect 2 was still the best.

Endless Legend

>They find a way but the subjects always come back wrong

It's kinda like our world. We know how to teleport protons but cannot with complete accuracy predict what the weather is going to be next week. We can learn how to send people to other planets but can't reliably learn about something as common as dreaming.

It's because of the team, rogue soldier adventures through space feel for me. I was so fucking mad when Prey 2 was cancelled, that game was looking like it had the same atmosphere.

>Game sets up a quest to discover a lost civilization, you already have their language, a persona specialized in their culture and many sites left to explore and a reason to do so
>instead put together a new team to do some stupid shit under orders of a terrorist organization that wastes millions of scientists

Iji kinda fits that except it's not fantasy and the aliens are just aliens.

Nier does it twice.


This has been a fantasy trope since at least Robert E. Howard's Conan stories

Warcraft series.


>sci fi games where humanity is a special snowflake race that is a jack of all trades
>other races aren't diverse because reasons lol, they can only do 1 thing great while humanity can do everything well
The most boring and bland idea ever.

>ywn own a capybara

>game has major plot twist
>gets spoiled in the first hour of the remake

The characters just talk about it super nonchalantly.


>you will never have a wild, undomesticated animal running around close to you at all times

>implying Capybara's aren't basically already domesticated

>humans join the space alliance, known to all as the race that can jog and eat chocolate

>fantasy game not set on our word


HZD sort of counts

I don't know what it originates from

It's such a small word that it can come from anything. Like it's not impossible for "geez" to be derived from another word.

It would be worse if they would say something like "Jesus fucking Christ, Sonic!"

Jesus christ man how do you not know that?
Geez is a abreviation for jesus christ as in a way like pic related



>fantasy space opera set in a different galaxy and not including humans
>"Hey Einstein, I'm on your side!"

It's the first syllable for "Jesus", but as it was a lot more blasphemous to bandy about the name of the lord in olden times, particularly in fits of anger or despair, people shortened it to avoid persecution

remember the first editions of the sonic archie comics full of USA references?

capybaras are extremely chill, they have relatively few predators and easily outbreed being predated so they are not skittery like other animals would be around people

>fantasy game not set on our world
>npc's use cringey versions of our expressions with one word substituted out

The elder scrolls takes place over thousands of years you braindead fetus.

>magic and monsters and shit are the result of radioactive fallout

>horror game
>the twist is that the scientists in an UNDERWATER LAB who think they are on earth discovering new species are actually on a different planet

>Any fantasy game
>lol aliens did it
>lol the magic is technology
>lmfao ANCIENT CIVILIZATIONS bro I love NatGeo
Is there anything a bigger lowbrow copout than this?

Animal crossing

real world mannerisms in a game supposedly set far away from earth is bad but what's worse is making up shit as substitutes

yeah because at that point they shouldn't be bothered speaking english, like calling someone a slave in a setting devoid of slavs.

>fantasy game set on medieval setting where supposedly conservatism and colonialism/monarchism takes place
>women warriors with swords are a thing
>feminine men
>supposedly everyone despite what "class" they are and their mothers use magic to amp up the battles
this makes me so fucking mad
why be a swordsman when you can just put magic on your sword and make it shoot lazers?

>fictional units of measurement

>magic is a fairly easy thing to learn, the protwgonist goes from knowing nothing to casting shit in an hour or so
>There are still huge numbers of people who dont know it, not even the soliders who could benefit from being able to throw lightning at fuckers

>fantasy game not set on our world
>instead of saying OH GOD they say OH GODS

>there are still peasants who don't know how to fight or literally do anything at all even though protwagonist was able to learn it for free/very low price
>ironically those peasants are completely OK with women in armor and loli's capable of casting entire suns in seconds living near them

What word are they supposed to use instead? What word functions the same as 'geez' but doesn't have an association like that.
The English language is so rooted in Christian terminology you run into problems like this all the time.

>fantasy game not set on our world
>they speak english, a language deeply rooted in Earth biota and mythology

this is not ok reee

yeah but why use specifically our world terminology?
the language in itself is not the problem,the problem is the words relating to our world history

Phantasy Star

>blaming Japan and not the AMERICAN localization team
Fucking idiot.

>Ancient civilization is still secretly alive away from the rest of the world

1. Most people never think about where words come from, just like most black Americans have no idea that hamburgers come from cows.
2. If you're going to be this much of a cunt, you may as well demand that all developers invent entirely new languages for each and every fantasy setting.

>warhammer fantasy takes place after warhammer 40k

I mean you can just have the voice actors speak gibberish and use the subtitles to convey what they mean
works for gravity rush

Fire Emblem is so much better in the original Klingon, pTaq.

htoL#NiQ: The Firefly Diary kinda have those things OP mentioned

>The world's calamties are the result of God contiously trying to kill humanity
>And it works

>just like most black Americans have no idea that hamburgers come from cows.

What possessed you to type something so stupid

> humans go into galaxy
> the most mundane thing we do is considered an amazing superpower by every other race we encounter