Post em

Post em

You are missing out on a lot of good shit by filtering out "Anime". I, on the other hand, am not missing on anything by filtering this thrash.


I like the way you think, user

>You can filter out games with a Female protagonist

Surprised nobody got angry about that yet.


It's silly since people will also miss on many good games such as:
>A Hat In Time
And... Um... Well...

This is better than mine, thanks user.

>filtering out multiplayer

you could remove any two of those tags and end up with the same results lol

>unironically playing multiplayer games

Pretty standard


But that's the only games that are on my steam. I pirate the rest. Don't tell me you spend money on singleplayer games.

Fuck how could I have forgotten to include that one


Why do you fags insist on filtering Visual Novel?

>On Steam


Because it's garbage, retard.

90% of visual novels on Steam are gaijin-made trash. The other 10% are censored Jap-made ones that you could have gotten uncensored elsewhere years ago.

Ah... Of course... I should have known. So Ace Attorney is garbage. Ghost Trick is garbage. Zero Escape is garbage. Hotel Dusk is garbage. Clannad is garbage. Steins;Gate is garbage...

spend money on games your friends make. Cause being a good friend is cool.



Yes? Fuck off retard.

>having friends that make games
S o y


You do realize the primary consumers of visual novels are gay anime avatar ERPers right?

They're barely fucking video games.


so soy nigga, the soyest

Learn to use commas.

/post '?em/i;boards:v

There's many games that have the female protagonist tag. Anything from RPGs like KOTORII to Nier to weebshit yuri VNs. It's not an indication of game quality or subject matter. The only reason you'd filter it out is for edge/attention whoring reasons.

Yeah, got any non-trash VN examples?
Oh wait

excellent post

>KOTORII to Nier to weebshit yuri VNs
>It's not an indication of game quality

indie dev here

go fuck yourself

Are you mad because we are not buying your survival crafting multiplayer only visual novel?


You forgot "early access".

Tasteless retards, great games for each of those
But nobody can prove these guys wrong


gamer here
go fuck yourself

I am a simple man

thank you for your support

>Free to Play

If I could filter out multiplayer-only games I'd do that. And games with any kind of third party DRM.