Ror - Risk of Rain

This will be the first RoR thread in the new year.
RoR 2 when?
Host now?

Other urls found in this thread:


Go spam that in the rimworld threads.


I was just going to let it die since no one else replied.


Go here:

RoR threads can't survive there, been done several times to no avail. Oh wait you're that faggot that can't stop replying with same image.

but its the new year and we havent even played once today

I like to usually wait til the thread gets a bit more activity before hosting.

gib host you you double lemurian

There would be activity if you hosted


host fucking when

I got a new router, but everything should be set up properly.
Also, afk for about 10 minutes anyways I guess.

I love you

Anyone able to get in?

I've been had

Senafag pls fix your ports

possibly fake idol pls

cant enter

Unfortunately it is

So IP changed, oops.
Ports should be good though.


Hey that's not a risk of rain

open when



Your sacrifice wont be forgotten freek

reply to this post when open, please

Avenge me senpai

Not open. And I am going out for new years after this game, so, hopefully there will be a new host then.


we winning

new host never ever
enjoy no new years host

Fucking idol

When was the last time he hosted,
a year ago? Further in the past?

A couple weeks ago, stranger

Can someone post the guide?

THE guide

Not that long ago actually

"the guide"

info shit coming. i am also host from yesterday who had the 10 slot. host soon

I love you





Fun game. Happy New Years guys. Enjoy the new host while I go out and have something that some might say resembles a "life."
Most hosts have 10 slots though set...?

Have "fun"


Ok lads here we go:

Port: 2222
Loc: US W
Slots: 10

gl hf and we gitgud hopefully

Enjoy your time bud, don't forget to get wasted too

I keep disconnecting

game's closed and in progress see you next round.


Best way to start the new year


we open now



we closed now. filled quick.

we open now 1 slot left

>Want to replay game
>Lost all progress when I built my new pc

closed. game in progress

just download a completed save.

so is there any lore?

>boss spawns on a level its not supposed to

we're the bad guys

Providence is a lemurian

ok lads i am out for a bit bbl and i host if thread still alive. happy 2018!

>activate 3rd teleporter
>dp'ed by two overloading worms

new host when

host woo en


>getting really far
>game randomly minimizes for no reason
>ror doesn't autopause when you minimize
>fucking die
this is such bullshit and it keeps happening and it's pissing me off


>game randomly minimizes for no reason

Sounds like something's taking priority over RoR, like a windows update schedule or something like that

Probably, I'll try setting RoR for max priority or checking out what's doing it

action number 1
of Alarm Event for alarm 2
for object objServer:

Unable to find any instance for object index '480'
at gml_Script_server_new_player
stack frame is
gml_Script_server_new_player (line 0)

>start game
thanks hopoo


Based bep poster i hope you have a nice new year

for lewds

will you be hosting more? If not I can host now

Ive started playing the game on monsoon difficulty and holy crap is it insane, I managed to unlock the Huntress but she is incredibly hard to do her achievements. Also I cant use melee characters because I just die quickly

Happy new year risky rain!

we're still going, but you can host if you want

we died, open:

They seem hard at first but they're good

Good game everyone

Oh I Know but I cant get the hang of dodging with the huntress, and Im doing a run with Hand Y and already failed the keep health over 75% by accident

Never cared about achievements so I dunno what to tell you

Thats fine, My favorite class so far is enforcer and acride

This was my run last night

i notice you niggers never pop up in the darkest dungeon threads.
fuck off

anyways, is there a host currently?

Hey, I don't think so? maybe later


>marielx stopped appearing
thank God you guys are buddies and not borders

We're in-game.

>Wanna try a Sup Forums game
>At parent's place for New Year's

Think you guys will still be around in a few hours?

gotcha user, playing single player till then
