Tfw get lost in road of sacrifices + farron keep

>tfw get lost in road of sacrifices + farron keep
>tfw too much of a brainlet for dark souls 3

why does everything have to look the same?
this kind of stuff didn't happen in DaS1, you could recognize where you've been because of memorable landmarks
in these areas everything looks the same

just hug the walls you imbecile

nah not really
download more brain or something

Is a giant snibbeti snab not a good enough landmark for your retarded ass

Jesus Christ. It's people like you that are responsible for having mini-maps in everything. Just go back to GTA or something you brainlet

minimaps are actually nice
you shouldn't have to remember an entire map, specially not when they are big


>Getting lost in the most linear of the DaS games.

Indeed you are retarded.

das3 has the least linear level design of any soulsborne game

Not in all instances. If the level design and look are good enough, you should be able to easily know where you are no matter how big the map is. Blighttown nailed this. Farron Keep did not.


Before anyone freaks out, level design =/= world design. It has the most linear world design by a large margin

Have you played Dark Souls before?


DaS2 and DaS1's level design was way more linear than DaS3
DaS3 has a more linear world design



It's pretty reasonable getting lost in Farron Keep because that entire level is a giant piece of shit in terms of design and has absolutely no landmarks, and all you can do is roll around like a retarded tumbleweed through the shit zone.

Not using swamp daggers

>needing to eat your entire mana just because they let team short bus map out this level

what else would you use mana for?

certainly not magic

>It's pretty reasonable getting lost in Farron Keep because that entire level is a giant piece of shit in terms of design and has absolutely no landmarks, and all you can do is roll around like a retarded tumbleweed through the shit zone.

It's a friggin' swamp. You are meant to get lost in a swamp, it's intentional.

On my first playthrough I missed the sage/cathedral completely and went all the way to fucking Irithyll without getting the doll

My dude, the islands form a path from tower to tower. You don't even need to get poisoned unless you're on a collection spree.

I enjoyed ds3 while I was playing it (at least more than I enjoyed 2) but I can hardly remember shit about it.





lmao how
das3 is linear as fuck





>me no use bren good
>picture map help head movies

Get in the fucking oven you sentient cumstain

Ironically enough the game was so forgetable to me that this happened on my 2nd playthrough.

me IQ be 42 me no dum

compare it to the swamp in DaS1

>look around
>see giant tree that leads to ash lake
>see road that leads up to blighttown
>see mill that takes me back to the valley of the drakes
>see spider nest that takes me to the spidertits boss fight
>can instantly know where I am because of how close I am to a certain landmark

meanwhile in the das3 swamp
>look around
>no idea where I am because everything looks the same

DaS3 was all about making huge maps but there is nothing remarkable about any of them