Rimworld thread, come one come all bring some pemmican this is a rimworld thread
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so how the hell do you people deal with the 32 bit restrictions, my game crashes like a mf and i constantly have to reload the game.
I save constantly
I was about to go to sleep... fucking hell. New thread already?
take some Go-juice baby were playing until the new year (west coast here)
Is this worth buying? I dont plan on having mods?
You need mods, this game can get pretty shallow and tedious without some quality of life mods.
I've only played vanilla, I'm at 60 hours and I'm not bored.
Anyone with the glitterworld mod know how to trade with the orion corp? i contact them on the comms console and it doesnt work
I've never played with mods, how would I go about that?
i would say yes, the game is in beta but already has so many features of a full game. late game becomes boring after a while though so thats why people go for mods. the great part is this modding community is very active and has great creators. though you will be limited by the games 3.5g memory cap.
>I dont plan on having mods?
Oh my sweet child... you need mods for this game. Vanilla is only good for like... 30-60 hours.
I bet they feel good on your dick
Steam workshop, just click and download. Does it all for you.
would you?
Mods are what make it pretty damn good. Any sort of issue you have with the game, someone's probably created a mod to address it
Fuck yeah
>30-60 hours
That's more than enough time to have interest in it before moving on
you can with the rimjobworld mod. make the dark young as a pleasure animal and yore set.
theres more to that buddy. hell the vanilla game is your bread and the mods are the butter.
I think a brief discussion about this was held in the RJW server... I can't post caps though... fuck...
Please stop namefagging.
Try learning to read
>guy crashlands on my porch
>heal him up, don't let him join because shit personality
>2 in-game days later same guy crashes on my porch again
>heal him out of respect for trying so hard but turn him down again because dude hasn't changed
>he slowly walks out to the edge of the map in the pouring rain, naked, has a mental break and kills himself
Whats a good Weapon mod pack that doesn't go over the top?
I won with my colony but im starting all over again with a whole lot of new mods and removing some mods that i felt they kinda took some fun out of the game, like the Rimsenal pack which had really OP armors.
>I dont plan on having mods?
you will use them, the game is very well designed in that regard. Your PC won't explode for using them.
this one is pretty good i would say
>get a notification
>some guy is being chased by raiders and asks for help
>let him in and kill the raider
>within a day the guy I helped has a mental breakdown and starts setting fires in my camp
>put him in a jail cell
>he sits there for a week sulking about how I took his clothes
>finally recruit him again
>he's fucking useless because he's a model and his only skill is 7 in Artistic
>can't haul, construct, or cook
>incapable of violence
>does nothing all day but eat my food and bitch about how my camp is ugly
I should have let the raiders fucking kill him.
Bump before bed. I can't do it. Sleepy time here I come.
if you ever have animal eggs that can be hostile dont keep them in your stockpile. i just had a ton of spiders spawn in my vault and rape two of my colonists.the lessons you learn.
froce him to mine/grow, then he can be used as a "busy body" for when you send a caravan away to do a precious mineral quest or w/e
>6 raiders show up with a sapper and automatic weapons
>only 2 of my colonists can shoot effectively, 1 is a pacifist
>permadeath mode
>raiders attempt to dig to reach my base
>they stumble upon a wild hive of megaspiders
get rekt faggots
Doing the tutorial. I have a colonist that is against violence, so I can't finish the 'equip a weapon' part. What do?
I want to create an area for visitors on the northern section of the compound but want to avoid blocking the cooler. How do coolers work exactly? do I just need a way for the hot air to reach the outside not matter how small it is?
reminder to pause the game, check the colonist, if you don't like him draft him and force him to stay in the corner the raiders will show up.
They will take him and leave the map.
Where can I find this game for free?
Use another colonist?
Or just restart and make sure you don't get a dumb colonist.
>Tornado just tore through my base
>A Deep One
The damage a tornado does is insane
it should be fine as long as its unroofed. it can become so hot if you roof over the exhaust on coolers.
anywhere on the internet.
Tutorial needs 3 and I can only equip on the other two. I guess a restart is necessary then
I was going to say >no b18 but i guess thats the Workshop one thats not updated.
How can we report the namefag so he alone gets banned?
Its because of people like him that the mods delete these threads.
its an unofficial port it looks like, it should work well though i always loved that mod with CR.
sleep or play
The problem is when people start giving namefags attention for no reason, if you dislike his posts then just ignore him, you draw less attention to him and goes unnoticed.
Also i haven't really seen him being obnoxious or anything, if anything you are just shitting up the thread by not posting rimworld related stuff.
On the other hand, im surprised the game is not shitting itself with the 70 mods im using right now.
raiders don't care whether you're asleep or not they are coming either way
He is replying to literally everyone. He has ruined this thread beyond redemption at this point.
I'm out, much like the other 16 posters that were in this thread and aren't anymore. So it will be just you and him now. Bye!
>He is keeping the thread alive and strictly ontopic, while also helping people with Mod suggestions.
Wow, fuck me mods should ban him asap!
Refugee stats gives you a summary of their stats, including their traits and what they're incapable of
Plenty of refugees that are incapable of dumb labor get left to the wolves, the useless cunts they are
if you have steam just check the workshop. if not go to rim-world.com or lundeon studios mod page. you'll find direct download links there that usually go to either nexus, github or moddb. all you have to do to put a mod into the game is to use winrar or 7zip to extract the files from the zip folder you download into the mods folder of rimworld. when you launch the game select the mods tab on the main menue and click the red x next to a mod and it becomes a green check mark. load order and what mods clash with each other is another matter that can be frustrating sometimes.
You only need one space behind them into an unroofed room, I have something like that on the top left of this. I'm pretty sure the temperature always equalizes to the outside temperature so long as there is at least one unroofed tile.
Thanks Boss
>finally get a decent stats prisoner
just fuck off holy shit
the only weapon only mod i use is rimfire. i also play with the medieval times mod that adds some extra melee weapons and the starwars faction mod that adds various blasters.
This looks like a retarded newgrounds flash game
What mod should I get if I want to do mainly base building (already got Prepare Carefully)? Also if I could get a desert/moutain setting but with the ressources of a temperate climate?
Please rename these "Rimworld general #" Thanks :)
Also fuck off to /vg/
Theres way too many mods, its better if you go to the Workshop or the Ludeon forums and start browing Mods like its shopping and grab the ones that pique your attention.
Thanks Cassandra
Please stop making these threads. Thanks.
>Expires in: 2 hours
Boy howdy that must've been one harrowing experience
Where should i settle?
Randy Rough
Hit random then next.
Way up north next to the tetiasoum sheet.
I normally always start at the bottom so I get told the ship is at the north pole.
I have never reached the ship or whatever anyway.
in fact I have never managed to leave my first base
Theres 3 skulls near me
Distance is not taken into account on raids.
doesn't matter, you will only be attacked by 2 factions anywhere you start
not sure if i should by this.
>no steam achievemnts
seriously is there a reason not to pirate this?
to support development?
Not all are on the forums
yay, I tamed some muffalos this time, following the advice
so how do they produce wool? It just progresses to 100% and drops off of them?
once it gets to 100% someone with the handling job will come shear it.
Supporting the devs?
Getting hassle free mods with the press of a button?
Not being a leech?
I honestly bought the game because one mod i wanted wasn't on the workshop and i realized i spent like 40 hours already on the game and was having fun so i just went and bought it.
Tell me anons, what kind of outfits is rimworld lacking? I'm thinking skintight stuff, bodysuits and swimsuits at least.
Not being a worthless faggot that has to beg for workshops mods like a dog.
Main reason is that Steam workshop makes it incredibly easy to mod the game
You're also supporting the dev, and hopefully it won't turn into another mess like KSP given he's worked properly for the past 5 years
did your pawns and trained animals just go about their normal routines while the tornado ripped through your base like mine did? the ai is so fucking dumb in this game.
If you can make it so the skintight stuff can be worn by nudists so they can feel sexy naked but also not have their dicks frozen off in a cold snap I would love you forever
Yes I had to force recruit all my pawns and run them out of their own home so they didn't get deleted
>Oh this wall is damaged I better go repair it hurrr
So retarded
Why would you give a fuck about achievements, are you 10 years old or something?
How is that even possible? I thought it was random.
>got tons of bows and non-metal weapons that have stockpiled from repelled raids
>no traders or orbital trading ships for weeks
and before you ask, I don't have enough silver to request a caravan
sometimes they can come back, also if you release a prisoner they can come back in another raid and try to kill you, and they are as they left the map so any wounds or limbs removed stay.
Hi there!
You seem to have made a bit of a mistake in your post. Luckily, the users of Sup Forums are always willing to help you clear this problem right up! You appear to have used a name when posting, but your identity has nothing at all to do with the conversation! Whoops! You should always remember to stop using your name when the thread it was used for is gone, unless another one is started! Posting with a name when it isn't necessary is poor form. You should always try to post anonymously, unless your identity is absolutely vital to the post that you're making!
Now, there's no need to thank me - I'm just doing my bit to help you get used to the anonymous image-board culture!
Not having to retorrent every time it's updated?
i'm up to around 30 now. no problems performance wise until a few real life days of playing. the months will change but not the outside temperature so i had 30 degree weather all through spring and part of summer. i thought is was a prolonged cold snap. i use the runtime cleaner every other day i play the game now. i've also notice a slight skip when i have more than 15 pawns. not sure what to do about that.
what for?
at least you fixed your shitpost this time
>one in-game year in and barely have a functional base setup
>only thing that is progressing is more mouths to feed
Should I just restart or play until we're all butchered?
>implying i'm the same person
Keep playing, losing is fun
The only issue I have with dozens of mods if that either one of my combat mods is shitting itself, or it's conflicting with another mod. Right clicking an enemy results in massive slowdown
Yes that was the point of the post, good job.
Of course it is, your first post is deleted.
How to heat a room? it seems like a lost battle agaisnt cold
campfire or heater
Double thick walls + heaters. You'll need more heaters the bigger the area you are trying to heat