Would I miss much if I just give myself max level in emulator? I don't really enjoy JRPG combat

Would I miss much if I just give myself max level in emulator? I don't really enjoy JRPG combat

>not wanting to actually play the game
the state of nu-Sup Forums

You'd miss actual young love :^)

No that's what i did too persona combat is shit.

You'd miss the gameplay.

I'm not huge on RPGs either but if you seriously just want a high school friendship simulator without the actual gameplay play Cherry Tree High Comedy Club or something. Persona in general is generous as fuck with things like shadows being on the overworld and not just random battles and shit like the One More system.

Just play on Easy.

Not really, but it'll probably get kinda boring without any challenge at all. It's a super-long game, so even if you don't like JRPG combat I'd still play it without max level, even if just on easy, so you don't bore yourself to sleep.

you'd miss the gameplay
why not just watch a fucking let's play or the anime adaptation at that point

Ah,I see you are not a man of culture

>Playing persona 3
>Yukari tells me she loves me
>Heart literally jumps
>Feel all fuzzy
>Stays with me all afternoon
>Finally lost my virginity when I was 19
>felt nothing for her or any of the girls I boned since
it really is a once in a lifetime thing

Then why play the game. Why play any game. All the enjoyment people get out of jrpgs is a fake sense of progression. You choose the right attacks and heal at the right times and grind enough, and feel like you're getting stronger. You aren't really getting any better at the game, the characters on screen just keep telling you how powerful and special you are.

user stop playing games where anime girls fawn over you and tell you you're amazing and special and they all want to sleep with you.

It's New Year's Eve, go outside and meet a real girl and get rejected and learn that that's how reality is. Then you learn from the experience, improve on yourself physically and socially, and master picking up a girl in real life.

Go level up IRL user.

Fuck off fake nerd boy

Combat is actually shit compared to SMT or the other Personas due to being too easy. But if you want to suck nigger cock so bad why not. Or maybe you can go next level of being human garbage waiting to be disposed by watching a youtube attention whore playing it for you?

>Cherry Tree High Comedy Club
Is it actually good for the high school friendship social management side, or are you just posting it as a kind of passive aggressive insult?


Just play the damn game like it was meant to be played or don't play it at all.

It's pretty simple but I enjoyed it a lot personally. It's just that you, you know, don't really do anything beyond that.

except I don't want to have sex and I dont care and I don't do romance in neither videogames and real life because I cannot get hard on girls and men.
how is that so hard to understand?

You might as well just watch the anime.


Is it actually about a comedy club? Or is it barely even there like in Persona?

Then apply what I said about sex to personal goals that actually bring you happiness. Learn something new, and instrument, a language, pursue a hobby, further your career, make money, exercise, travel.

Just anything but a fake highschool life simulator user.

The entire point of the game is to recruit members for your club but the social link-ish segments aren't really focused on it or anything.