Why are WRPG devs so afraid of doing anything interesting with orcs, elves and dwarves? It's all the same archetypes

Why are WRPG devs so afraid of doing anything interesting with orcs, elves and dwarves? It's all the same archetypes.

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If you're going to make up your own race, why name it after an existing archetype?

Is that elf manga still ongoing? Did she grow even thiccer?

It's the first thing to pop up when googling "elf manga"

Elves are for _____



Is this manga even good?


chapter 13 when?

I want to lay on her tight, bloated belly and her it gurgling as it tries to digest all those fries

It's like putting nigs in your game and making them all anicent scholars who built an incredibly advanced civilisation.
Defeats the entire purpose.


In any order, of course.

Screw fighting Knife-Ears and Greenskins, It's the Mermen and other assorted fish people that need to be exterminated.

>need to be exterminated
I can think of other uses for them.

fuck, time to get the latest PoP version

user i'll fight you

JRPG settings
>fairy tale
>autistic japanese high school
>steampunk fairy tale
WRPG setting
>High fantasy
>Arabian fantasy
>Medieval high fantasy
>Medieval heroic cult fantasy
>Medieval epic fantasy
>Romantic fantasy
>Dragon fantasy
>post-apocalyptic fantasy
>post-apocalyptic High fantasy
>Swashbuckling Medieval fantasy
>satirical high fantasy
>aerial and space fantasy
>Low magic medieval fantasy
>Ancient fantasy
>Sword and sorcery
>Medieval Asian fantasy
>Medieval hack and slash fantasy
>(Anti-)heroic fantasy
>Tolkienesque fantasy
>Science fantasy
>Supernatural interdimensional fantasy
>Gothic horror fantasy
>Epic fantasy

Man, why are JRPGs so fucking shit, holy fuck.

Good for my boner

It's meh. Cute characters and such, but there's not much of a meat to it. I stopped around Chapter 7 though, so who knows, maybe it picks up afterwards. If this were one of Methonium's doujins as an extended series however. This would be a whole nother story.

>tfw no thicc mangaka gf

People keep debating back and forth if Synecdoche is a dude or chick. I will put my faith in them and believe they are a deliciously plump qt.

That's not thick that's ATLEAST chubby and it always looks like shit irl

You are a retard

it's a light & fun read

Not an argument, dumb weeb.

Not really.

>what is Arcanum
>what is Shadowrun

To play the card of "Deconstruction lol".

Aww yeah Methonium thread

Last chapter had elf and MC balloon up after eating cursed demonic fries (yes)

>jrpg's did half of those things first
what did he mean by this

>tfw no Byzantine fantasy

Fat fags disguising themselves as thicc fags need to fucking off themselves

I prefer her more usual thicc self, but fat Erufuda is cute in her own way.

What games even have thicc girls?

All this talk about body positivity and all you have are fridges!
Maybe they want the fat girl audience

The original thiccfags were always fatfags. Thicc was just a meme word like 'healthy'. After that mspaint comic the meme and by extension the fetish went mainstream. Now even Japan is getting in on the HIGH TEST love, both 2D and 3D. Face it sticcfag. You lost.

It's not that new, there were always fatfags since caveman times

(Thicc was a black thing anyway)

Boy did she.

I hope she only gets bigger

Something tells me this is a one-time only deal to appease the fans who like it extra thicc.

>make elves
>give them slightly darker skin
>call them orcs


>jrpg's did half of those things first
No... No.

>post one example
>disproving anything

>No puke elf.

The artist is one of those people so I think it might just happen.

Thick is big thighs, ass and curves. Fat is just a fucking blob. get out

They literally don't exist then

In real life you can't have "shapely" fat


>said example did everything first

>mfw there are people that DON'T want a girl with a cute, cushy belly to lay their head on

Truly you are a plebeian amongst plebeians.

this is HOW I THINK ELVES SHOULD BE and that's my OPINION. I got a published MANGA, what DO YOU HAVE?

This. There are a lot of trashy hamplanets that don't actually take care of their skin/hair/face and people write off fat chicks as a whole. There's absolutely nothing like a girl with a nice round gut to sink your face into.

So you're telling me that Advanced Dungeons & Dragons Oriental Adventures did Gothic Horror AND Steampunk Fairy Tale first? That must one hell of an additional rule book set, my man.

oh jesus....oh god....i've never read a manga this sexually arousing before...

>we lost Methonium for this

She’s probably gay if she’s actually a girl.
If I was a chubby man and kept drawing chubby men in erotic poses and situations, it would be hard to convince my audience that I like women.

>this jap publisher is one of like the only ones to actually know how to crack down on pirating so the uncensored tankoubons are a pain in the ass to find
fucking suffering


Also Japanese elves are the same recycled shit. At least western elves can be hippies to royalty to other dimensional trickster retards to intelligent overlords to midget slaves.

the author is not that fat.

>no fujo doujinshi

That's thick before the internet bastardised the term you underage

>not about fat guys
How gay

I love fat anime chicks

>there will never be a game where you can take an anime girl and make her get as fat as you want

>but there's not much of a meat to it.


>TFW my girlfriend looks more or less like this
>TFW I just helped her feel comfortable about being so big
I...may need her to dress up like an elf sometime.

Because it's easier to copy an already well-established fantasy setting and just make a few changes here and there than it is to do something interesting. Video games are about making money now, not doing something interesting.


she could very easily be self inserting as the chubby girl getting all the cute guys
but jesus does she get chub right, always the perfect amount and distribution, even tsuji "porkchop" santa has nothing on her

>it's a cute cowtits cake who makes femdom doujins episode

Get the too-tight Potatopia shirt too.


I've told her I'd like to see her wear some clothing that's close to bursting. We'll just have to make that the first.
Now if I could just convince her to let me feed her a bit

I prefer the 愛 油 shirt, the pun is too adorable

either that or she's a shotacon

Methonium is a chick? Am I being memed?

UNF those puppies

It's rare but it happens


>tfw my relationship is already like this but in reverse
a gf that likes my fat ass and wants to feed me while we fuck is a dream come true

Wait, it finally happened?

Momokun is just fat and she gets fatter.

best episode

Closest equivalent I have for you is this WiiWare sumo wrestling game, Eat Fat Fight. You can create your own character (there's an option for female, thankfully) and you can blimp them up to I believe 280 kg. Only issue is that to gain weight you have to play a repetitive minigame and slog through a boring main game just to play it.

Lovely, I bet she'll look even better if she gets bigger.

Dude Comiket this year was fun. Some many female doujinshi artists. Can’t wait for next years



Look user they do exist in real life but Momokun is like the worst example you could've tried to use.

I like 2D fat chicks but something about this elf is just fucking garbage to me. I can't describe it. She's just really dumpy and frumpy looking. I think it's because her overall shape is like a fucking shitty oval, and she always looks retarded when she's eating.

>learning based hirame is a QT musclefu from taiwan

Did he/she ever comment on this picture?

Divinity OS tried to make elves into autistic hivemind cannibals.
Dwarves had zero lore apart from being royalists who for some reason couldn't manage a kingdom (where dwarven kingdoms in other media are usually among the oldest and best maintained)
Orcs? Gorillas with ram horns.
Nearly every fantasy game you can mention has its own take on fantasy races, barely any two not part of the same universe are alike. Dwarves in the Elder Scrolls? Mesopotamian elves, and also extinct.

There is no commonly accepted baseline for any of these races unless you think d&d or Tolkien are the "original source", and both of those have significant variances between one another. So it would be impossible to agree on. Assholes who want "something new" only want things to be different for the sake of it, not because they have any interesting or original ideas. They just want things to NOT be something they recognize from elsewhere.

It's an idiotic argument.

Fishmen are cucking humans and it needs to stop


she made it boyo

>hiding your face when your face is clearly pictured on your con card
Female intelligence.

Maybe she's not hiding so much as just being cute.

real talk why do people think this lady draws doujins? go to her twitter "moremore1108"

it looks like shes just a early-30s slut that loves to retweet porn and lewd photos of thick women.


but i dont see any indication shes an artist

What chapter is this from?