Some people here honestly believe that Skyrim is better than the Witcher 3

>some people here honestly believe that Skyrim is better than the Witcher 3

Id love to pound your boipucci OP

Elex is better than both



Skyrim is more comfy since you get to make your own character and it simply feels more like your adventure rather than geralt's as in the case of witcher 3. What's supposed to be better in w3? The writing? The main story sucked. Only the side quests are hit and miss.

You're a bit late for Christmas but I do enjoy some Satania bullying

The witcher 3 was just Skyrim 2 remember?

>people like the witcher

The Witcher > TW3

TW3 is consolized trash.

>There are people here who think Raphi isn't best girl


I want to be sexually bullied by that angel

Raphi is just a bitch for the sake of being a bitch. Satania is best girl.


Satania thread
Satania year




Yeah I do, they're both pretty shit but skyrim has better gameplay systems behind it and better lore.

Would it make you feel better if I exchanged it for "muh atmosphere"?

Is this the Dark Souls 2 of video games?

skyrim is alot better though...

>the freedom
>the world
>the ambience
>the graphics

are you serious????