I learned on Sup Forums that nobody likes to have a good time anymore.
I learned once again that I truly cannot leave.
I should just buy his game
>no fun allowed
>not wanting to let at least this kind of thing last on this god damn site
Why do so many anons want to be dull?
"Failure isn't falling down, it's staying down."
-Bennet Faggot
Because newfags hate board culture and think they should be accomated, as opposed to learning to assimilate.
Sonybros suck Nintendies through their asses.
Yes. There is a reason why so many others started visiting this Sup Forums. It's not just board culture but the culture of the website in general. At least this was the case for me. Now it's a subconcious force that brings you to come back.
Sup Forums will never get over Breath of the Wild.
Nintendo has some goodness and wonder left in their souls.
There will always be those conversations about how BoTW isn't a real Zelda game.
A significant proportion of Sony fanboys (as opposed to fans) have an unsettling obsession with anal vore.
BotW fans apparently will never get over the haters either.
I learned that hope is not lost, thank you Nintendo
Apparently some faggots think spoonfeeding is acceptable now.
More like everyone.
It’s fucking disgusting isn’t it?
That I'm starting to get too old for this place since I have never felt so detached and hateful of the board "culture" in all my years here as I do right now.
I learned that the Sup Forums boogeyman isn't really one since I occasionally visit the board to see what shit they're talking about now.
Sup Forums may ruin this board even more.
I was a lust penis.
An a press is an a press. You can't say it's only half.
Console wars will never stop.
The least funny memes are always the most prevalent.
People care more about opportunities to shitpost and post memes than actual wit and humour.
Sup Forums is the worst board in all of Sup Forums.
You let that force to spot you.
This is the case for me too but it's all the shitposting rather than the board culture, right?
It's amazing how perfectly these posts line up.
Your 'board culture' is shit and always has been. It's never been funny or enjoyable for anyone.
Sup Forums
Sup Forums
Sup Forums
Sup Forums
Sup Forums
Are all worse though.
I have the same feeling as you, yet I know I can never leave because the rest of the internet is shit and this is one of the only places I feel where I can express my opinions openly.
Traps aren't gay
Is there really anything else left?
Yeah pretty much this. I feel like Sup Forums is overrun with children and I'm too old to understand what they find funny.
You're right. There really isn't anything left at all. It hurts somehow.
Back in the day when mods would let that 1% thread slide because of how fucking original and glorious it was. Now, you never even see that 1% thread anymore, it's purely the same shit regurgitated over and over.
Faggots who come to shitpost for (you)s and attention whoring are the worst. It defeats the whole concept of posting anonymously.
>Now, you never even see that 1% thread anymore
That's because it's just infinite wojak and pepe posts. There's really nothing left of Sup Forums.
Here is your controller bro
vermin thread
risk of rain thread
shitting on lawbreakers
crying over PUBG popularity
wojak anal vore
Sup Forums are a bunch shitting their diapers over wolfenstein 2
what else
Not the old Sup Forums no. The 1% thread I was talking about was totally unrelated to vidya, but it was always allowed because of how original it was.
Yeah, I don't really understand what the fuck happened with that.
Twitter, e-celebs and social media posting in general. It’s not vidya gaems.
Risk of Rain should maybe move to /vg/ but in all seriousness, isn't the game fun?
Maybe it's OK to see the thread popping up most of the time. At least all the *Whiiir*-posting and Wojak/ Pepe/ Soy crap gets a bit less attention.
What is spoonfeeding?
This, they should be banned on sight. Permanently. Why is everyone so obsessed with the opinion of a nobody from twitter?
Wojakposters and WHIRRRRRRposting should be banned.
It's when someone gives you the source of an image or statement. It used to be a term used when someone asks for the source of something incredibly easy to find and someone else gives them the source (spoonfeeding something they could have done themselves), but newfags joined, got the wrong impression and now claim spoonfeeding equates to giving any source, ever.
Sans undertale
This. Holy shit, this.
WHIRRRposting is banned for the most part.
Console war shitposting is still hilarious.
are you literally retarded?
It's a (You)-magnet. It's working all the time.
How not to behave as a gamer.
now this is meta