Bored and frustrated at videogames.
Good porn games, Sup Forums? Preferably with links or some way to download them also in english
Bored and frustrated at videogames.
Good porn games, Sup Forums? Preferably with links or some way to download them also in english
Other urls found in this thread:
>bored and frustrated at video games
>want to take anger out by furiously masturbating to video games
You sound like a healthy guy, OP
check out /hgg/ and /2dhgg/ on /vg/
are you talking full blown game or just fap material? super deepthroat.
How is this not healthy? wat
world of whorecraft is ok
Also how come there are no multiplayer porn games with NTR as a focus? Just saying
Because thankfully most people identify NTR as a terrible fetish.
>also in english
The best wank games never get a translation, use machine translation tools or learn jap.
You don’t even have to learn moonrunes. Eventually you’ll get to a scene one way or another that you can fap to.
Is machine translation better than it was back in 2011? I doubt it.
There have been, well kind of, you made a girl then fucked her then passed her around and fucked other peoples creations, probably super dead now though
It gives you the rough context and lets you finish the games.
The rest is managed by your dick anyway.
Fallen Doll is great, you get to fuck a cam girl in a bunch of different positions/outfits. I don't have a link to it but it's fairly easy to find.
I'm one of the few who actually like yuri with Marie Rose.
How about ryona?
>Fallen Doll
This looks promising.
It's still in BETA?
you sound like a redditor
stop posting porn, I'm on a no fap 2018
>patreon button in the fucking game
I'm one of the few who actually like Honoka
Wow something I've never heard of
There's a ton. Take your pic
>tfw fapped so much before the new year I can't fap anymore
Any recently translated RPGmaker games?It feels like I have played them all
Is everyone still playing HS or have people moved on to PH like me?
I just dont see any reason to still deal with HS
Oh god, my fetish.
Nobody is making PH webms so who knows
PH has barely any mods.
Any games like NTRPG1 and NTRPG2?
You might be retarded
Dammit seismic
is there mods for that game already.
At first glance I thought this was a LiS thread.
No, there's Let's Plays of meme games in Japan too. Seismic probably just saw that.
If a visual novel is considered a game why can't Liru's GAME
Because a VN offers more than a few text bubbles with videos behind them.
A DVD menu would be a better comparison.
can you fap to a dvd menu?
do dvd menus have high qulity wolf titties that jump and bounce around for your viewing pleasure?
show me one dvd menu that allows me to stick a cock in some wolf pussy
then maybe your argument would hold some ground
what is PH?
Play Home aka HS 2.0
That's a really old version. Current one is way more developed.
Is this still being worked on?
How developed is it?
Latest cracked release?
Thanks for the nightmares user
Got a link?
Care to share where to get the newest build?
Not fapping isn't going to magically fix your trainwreck existence, you fucking pathetic faggot. May as well tug off your toddler sized cock anyway, it won't change a thing.
posting HS kino
mega dot nz/#!LZ4FQKzC!corQV8JLxhKorHP8RYEtGQx8Yx8WlPT_N_jiGAQCOzE
A shame that game never got proper muscles.
>oy veeeeeyyyyyy
Bless you user
Honest Select is the best if you're patient with installing and modding it.
How much better is it?
Pick one
>Enjoy sidescroller games
>jump - z
>attack - x
>movement - arrows
>Can't change controls
Jesus Christ Japan how are you supposed to masturbate like this?
Just the better optimization is worth it.
>Can't change controls
What kind of dumb caveman are you?
Ever heard of input emulation?
You can change literally every button on your mouse or keyboard into any other button.
Yiffalicious is pretty great if you're into thatB
Starless is pretty good
Any femdom hentai games that aren't 2d?
3d furry never looks good
can you show me her butt?
Marie is my wife
I'm guessing there's only no threads about it because it's not as well developed in the scene yet?
All the action is in the discord
>ilusion doesn't make real games anymore
>2d games are all rpg maker trash
>sucky project killed fan translations of big games
>western games are all still patreon scams or text only crap
>no one but me seems to care
FUCK guys 2017 was awful for h games aside from a couple nukige fan translations. is 2018 going to be even worse?
do you like her shit?
Sauce me.
Of course
[this thread has been pruned or deleted]
>an actual video game discussion thread that isn't the same old contrived repetitive bait
delete the uncensored lewds if you must, but holy shit
I have downloaded a ton of 2d hentai games and my favorite 2d porn game is Peach Untold Stories. No joke.
you think the jannies give a sweet fuck about whether or not you have a micro ounce of fun on this board? you just better hope your fellow anons keep themselves in check
This is just a rec thread though. Blatantly against the rules.
I care but I can't do much about it anyway. I just want AA3 at this point.
We have only ourselves to blame for letting the virtues of our volk slip from our collective consciousness. We MUST endeavor to restore the natural balance of humanity and, from that, restore the art of H games to a pursuit of aesthetic and objective beauty and not to feed the thurst merely for wealth. Only then can H games achieve the potential for greatness that exists as a capacity in all men of our common people.
>Check it out
>Asks for credit card info
did you lie to me?