Happy new year, Sup Forums!
Happy new year, Sup Forums!
its an honor to be the first reply to this golden image
I thought he was fucking his bed, I like to do that.
how could such a good year for vidya translate to a terrible year for Sup Forums?
i love you guys
never change
We are just a bunch of hipsters.
>dat lanklet sonyboi
He keeps getting closer and closer to an eldritch horror
jesus christ
you have that backwards
never change Sup Forums
Daily reminder that no one plays video games in this board anymore. It's just infested with sissy whitbois, poltards, and brapfags.
this is what they call art
Merry New Year Sup Forums, you guys suck!
This image reeks of P R O J E C T I O N
These stupid images are the only good OC this board's had in years
>soynyboys thinking they're """"chad""""
>their only exclusive is Dark Souls with a different name
>good year for vidya
Happy New Year Sup Forums
i used to love the shitposting nature of this board but i'm growing to hate it
i may be taking the /vr/ voyage soon
Such thought provoking commentary on the current state of the board. It's also not video games.
This post gave me cancer.
Fuck you.
kill yourself faggot
You obviously been living under a fucking rock
that cat is the spirit of Sup Forums and knows he's acting like a complete faggot and launched a swift strike to correct this.
there hasn't been a good year for vidya for a decade soyboy
I fucking hate this place.
I love you guys. Never change. B-baka...!
>such a good year for vidya
don't even start
Is this implying that sonybros are niggers?
Haha, even the cat knows he's a shitter
>that cat is higher in the family hierarchy than the numale
too good
>Look Mom, I posted it again!
For some reason I don’t have the original dab whiiiirrrrr saved. You guys have that in hand right?
Sucks for you guys, I played tons of good vidya this year.
This image seems to focus on political stuff instead of actual video games, it's pretty shit. At least last year's console war banter was mostly on topic
th-they aren't chad iM chad!
Because it nothing fucking new, everyone is just regurgitating wojacks and calling it OC. Console war has changed.
What should I play as my first game in the new year, Sup Forums?
Happy nu-year Sup Forums!
How was this year so shit for forced memes? Amazing.
Why can't they just smile like normal people?
Like this one better cause everyone is happier
2018 will be THE year !!
five nights at undercup's slendercraft machine
Name a worse board than Sup Forums or r/pol/
>the average playstation owner
god i wish that was me
>PC coming back from exercise
>Sony taking good care of its prostate health with the blowup doll
>Nintendo getting a new system for some local multiplayer later
>MS somewhere else
Seems alright to me
Sup Forums. That was easy.
Sup Forums
why didn't he close his legs?
good job, one loser fell for your low-effort oc
if you post it 27 more times, two people might download it
Sup Forums
who nofap 2018 here?
I'm scared guys, less than 4 hours in the relevant timezones. I don't think I'm ready.
Who here Switch all nighter with soy candles for atmospheric lighting?
>this is what AAA cucks actually believe
It's not my fault that you're skipping over all the good stuff.
I hate this place so much.
the good thing about this board being so shit is that i actually play vidya more now
>good year for vidya
Not a single good game came out, the fact that PUBG became the biggest game on the market should be enough to call this year the worst ever for vidya
should i get one last fap session in bros?
You know these images used to mean something.
When sony was dominating the competition and nintendo and PC were trailing behind, it made sense to make these images of the sony wojak getting all the glory and everyone else getting the shit end of the stick.
But, what did sony win this year exactly? If anything Nintendo stole the glory.
The switch released, it was proved to be a success, with sales and good games, one of them even dominating the GOTY awards, along with the the PSX was really lack luster.
Usually with these images the sony wojak has something related to something that happened that made them the winning side, but without it, it hardly has any impact.
At least do something related to 70 millions sales, I'm tryna help you out here.
>being so autistic you stalk the person behind this image
Y-yeah, that's us PS4 owners, all right.
He doesn't look excited. There's no light whatsoever in his eyes. They're dead.
polfags were a mistake
fuck you Sup Forums I hate you
jk I can't leave this place.
yep that seems about perfect
imagine being as cynical as this guy
Vidya wise, this year was pretty good.
This place exceeds my expectations every year, I keep thinking that it couldn't possibly get worse and you dumbasses somehow manage to pull it off.
>That Steam faggot
I play exclusively on PC but Steam/GOG cum guzzlers are by far the most cancerous pieces of shit on this board.
Happy New year's you faggots. I love you
This is gonna be a great year, I can feel it!
>mfw Nintendo wins
>he's even wearing Nintendo colors
best image of this year
>being so mad that you were called out for your shitty OC
Whoever finally made the nu wojack, thank you genius. Soyboy felt closer to hipster. That open mouth makes me laugh, every time
it was a good year for everyone but sonyfags, which is why theyre shitposting
I take alot of comfort in knowing that memes can't possible get any worse this year
vidya here, can confirm I've been a good boy this year