Will it be good?
Will it be good?
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I hope so
Me too. But I am afraid it's gonna be super short and shallow with zero replayability.
Probably not
I hope so as well. Man, it seems like 2-4 games coming out is a complete "I hope" genre.
Could I have a Garrett build?
This. I hope that Kingdom Come breeds more genuinely realistic medieval games.
this could be unfortunately true, all the videos ive seen made me think the game is mostly scripted
More like a gayret build
LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! xD
Its actually the only game I care about for 2018
>not Agony
>not Scorn
>not Subnautica release
>not Bannerlord
>not Pathologic 2: Poor Naming Conventions Boogaloo
Interesting, we have similar tastes. Well, not subnautica I'm scared of the ocean. Also Bannerlord is never coming out now
>ever getting released
Niggas you have been posting about Bannerlord since 1994. Its never coming out
probably going to be okay mechanics wise but have like no length to it
baby, don't hurt me
>first person melee combat
Its going to be a 4 hours cinematic experience with shit combat.
Source: All the non-gameplay they have shown
Why doesn't Sup Forums talk about this? KC:D looks like an RPG to surpass or at least be on par with The Witcher 3.
Hasn't it been advertised as being really long?
This game, far cry 5, and Anthem are tge top 3 games I'm excited for.
Hey PAL!
How much history will be immersed into the game?
there are no black people
so probably pretty historically accurate
Accuracy is nice but how much will be presented? Like will famous figures appear? That sort of thing.
Most unique gameplay ideas have already been shown. We already know what to expect in terms of gameplay so why not focus on the story in the trailers?
And there are a bunch of gameplay videos
>I am excited for the fifth instalment of popular franchise like other human beings of the gamer variety
Nice try Zuckerberg you space lizard jew from space.
I think they said more that the clothing/structures/culture will represent the time accurately
that story trailer was really bad, the lip syncing was all off, the voice acting stinks and the way the characters moved did not look natural which looks more jarring because of how good the actual graphics are. mechanics wise it looks fun but if it doesn't have a lot of sandbox type of stuff you can do i don't know how i will feel about it
Will it have a menu section with little wiki articles about items and things we find similar to what other games sometimes do?
Like if I find a set of armor can I in game read about the armor and history behind it?
It will get zero coverage because of its association with GG.
I hope it will at least be comfy.
Not entirely sure if it will be good, since everything they show and people are unhappy about they seem to answer with "uhh it's not done yet"
but really how much can it even improve at this point? the animations are still pretty bad
how is it associated?
I've never played any Far Cry game. I almost picked up Primal but didn't when i realised the only draw ot had was talking to animals. I like the setting of this new one. And while it might turn out to be SJW trash, at least it seems to have a bunch to do. I like the idea that every Ubisoft game up to this point has a feature in Far Cry 5.
>Alpha was absolute irredeemable dogshit
>Beta was absolute irredeemable dogshit plagued by the exact same problems as Alpha
>Will it be good?
Enjoy your janky ass, bug riddled, poorly optimized, worst fucking combat ever and hilariously shit mocapped garbage (Andromeda was fucking nothing) in the most static game environment you'll ever experience in a game.
The core of the game is so rotten that even years of post release patching won't fix it.
t.backer that's legitimately more hopeful for Scam Citizen than Kingdom Come.
>tfw both using Cryengine
Devs need to stop this.
Lead dev was quite vocal.
if it was PC exclusive i could see people ignoring it but it's gonna be on the console too and the xbone X version will probably be touted around
>Yea but don't judge the lip synch.
>Its not done yet
found the redditor
they did the kickstarter to get publishers to fund them iirc
What did they say?
It's a fucking shame that that has to be a plus side now a days. I absolutely hate developers shoe horning in black people and gays into everything, even in settings where they should absolutely not be, like Medieval Bohemia.
It might be, but it will get low reviews because it’s “racist” for not having black people. So mindless morons won’t by it, it’ll barely make profit, and the SJW will laugh.
It'll be clunky and thoroughly unfun; think ARMA but without the shitpost potential.
>found the redditor
Found the newfag.
They said their game wouldn't have black people for diversity's sake, choosing to rather be historically accurate.
>found the newfag
Found the soyboy
>historically accurate.
How many people have historically been trapped in dried up creek beds and died because they couldn't clamber up a waist heigh embankment?
Sounds like a thought crime
Well, lots actually
>found the redditor
Imagine being so asspained by the truth that your only argument is "lereddit boogeyman".
The game is shit, go and try it for yourself.
It's a collection of like 5 activities that aren't that fun even the first time around, copypasted ad infinitum over a pretty but otherwise empty map.
10 hours in you'll realize you passed the "all there is to it" point 8 hours ago.
I'll play it when its released. I already preordered
Name one.
>I already preordered
Then you should have access to playable builds and know it's already shit.
Pete Peterson
I got the xbox one version
Jon Johnson
>On 10 June 1190, Emperor Frederick Barbarossa drowned near Silifke Castle in the Saleph river. Weighed down by his armour, he drowned in water that was barely hip-deep, according to the chronicler Ibn al-Athir.
>I got the xbox one version
I'm so sorry.
Wasn't it meant to be an open world game much like Mount and Blade but more streamlined and better graphics?
Now they've turned into a linear, story driven game which makes me feel sad since I gave the company 500 Euros roughly 2 years ago.
Played only the alpha. Walking around the forests and stuff is fun... for about 30 minutes, then it gets old.
Can't expect it to have any interesting and varied locations since they're all about muh realism
combat was also clunky as fuck and I don't think I would personally enjoy it even if they polished it up
The lead dev said its like 40-50 hours.
honestly looks pretty bad and Bannerlord will shit all over it
it was meant to be even smaller user, they made it bigger now. It was always meant to be story driven.
I want the game to succeed. The dev seems pretty cool. Like really passionate about the game and I like that. Really don't want it to fail. I'm quite interested in seeing what else their studio could make, we need more studios putting out original content.
Bannerlord doesn't even have a fucking release date yet. That shit is never coming out as far as I can tell.
>people shit talk this game because certain aspects are "janky"
>meanwhile they will sit there and fellate M&B despite it being one of the "jankiest" games of all time
Mount and Blade is janky, but mechanically solid.
Kingdom Come is not.
How so?
I think it will be good but I'm fucking waiting for reviews and Sup Forums general opinion to decide if I buy. I have absolutely no confidence in video games these days.
>waiting to see what opinion Sup Forums has on a game
So you can do the opposite right?