Pirate games, freeze to death

Pirate games, freeze to death.

>using any sort of """""smart"""""" technology
Smart technology exists to make people dumb

lol americans

Damn, that's cold.

>stepfather installs smart lights all throughout upstairs on Christmas
>he's already annoyed with it

Serves him right.

developer of first iphone just came out saying he regrets what he's done because he now has kids himself

I told you guys linking everything to the internet would have consequences.
Sure it's just pirates now and Pirates deserve it but it's a slippery slope.

71 degrees is nu-cold

At least my fleshlight is still manual. For now.

exactly, stealing has never been okay.
pirates deserve to freeze

>returning to a cold home


Yeah but it's gonna lead to innocent people getting fucked as well.

>implying i'll ever afford property

>smart thermostat
for what purpose do these things exist?
they're just miniaturized smartphones, fuck does the thermostat even do anything besides show the fucking number?


>Buy Smart Fleshlight
>Pirate something
>Thousands of extremely thin needles come out when using fleshlight, puncturing your penis and draining the blood without you noticing.

>falling for the internet of things meme

>connecting your thermostat to the internet
what the fuck is wrong with people
what is so hard about getting off your fat ass for 20 seconds to adjust it yourself without having to resort to your phone
jesus fuck is this how people felt about the TV remote?

I'll just pirate some wood and heat myself.

Allegations are all you need now to have your life ruined user, have you been in a coma for all of 2017?

>Father pirates a game
>his child freezes to death in its sleep or overheats when ISP turns thermostat to 105 in the summer

can't wait

IoT is great for scientific purposes like using it for getting real-time data from sensors while in the field, but consumer IoT is definitely a meme.

BASED ajit pai freezing CRIMINALS to DEATH

>Smart Fleshlight
>It gets hacked and rapes you

That's pretty creepy, I don't use botnet of things appliances but I should probably start using a VPN anyway.

>fuck does the thermostat even do anything besides show the fucking number?
It tells your HVAC when to turn on and off.

>Thanks for paying for digital distribution

>let's connect everything to the Internet

Fuck the Internet of Things

>Not getting a Juicer that connects to the internet


It makes me feel boss

>pirated a movie while at my folks 3 years ago
>dad died from a severe flu in October

damn i thought i got away scott free.

That just improves the product.

It's more that you can control it from outside of your house. Forgot to turn the heat on/off or the air on/off before you left the house for a long time? Do it from your phone. About to come back home and you want the house to be heated or cooled back to how you like it before you get there? Do it from your phone.

It's really only useful in places where the temperatures get rough or if you have a large place while you're also gone for a long time but you still want to be more energy efficient.

The guys behind Kikebook now regret the day they did that shit but it doesn't mean shit the damage is already done.

is it rape if you enjoy it though

How is this even legal?

>hack your bro's fleshlight to rape him at the rate you are pounding yourself with a dildo

>pirates are innocent
jesus christ dude

>Nice house, shame if something happened to it, like those smart outlets shorting out...
>You DID buy the $9.99 a month Comcast EZ pass didn't you user?

Remember that Sup Forums argued for this

It's useless.
If people pirate games, it's because they are dirt poor and that would mean that they wouldn't be able to afford anyof the useless "smart" shit.

Internet pirates are like historical outlaws. Their blood is not protected by law, they're literally free game.

the guy who invented the keurig cups hates himself because it's one of the biggest contributors to pollution since they're never recycled

>implying pirates can afford $200 thermostats

>is this how people felt about the TV remote?
user, you just broke something inside of my brain. Just bridged the gaps between two neurons that are rubbing together like flint and tinder resulting in the following conclusion:


>local man dies from fleshlight fucking his ass (literally) for 12 days straight
>more at eleven

I do heating and cooling and your paying for a 300 dollar wall ornament.

A thermostat is a switch, you dont need a god damn interface, half of them were recalled because they dont fucking work.

Dont buy into this shit.

This headline is likely based on complete nonsense or extrapolates one weird line used in a shareholders meeting to drum up the most fear and clicks.
Reminder that pirates will find a way every time.


Only in (((First world))) countries,

I pirate games because I can, why would I pay for something I can get for free

>implying pirates can afford $200 thermostats

What if your kid pirates something and they turn that shit down and freeze some old fart to death?

>the IoT meme

But now then, can you afford anything that has "smart" on it?

>being enough of a good goy to put one of these things in your home

forget about the temperature, just think of the bill

oh wow, another clickbait article

We could be going into space and meeting strange cat people. Instead people are putting back doors into my thermostat.

just my TV

It seems like more work to ask the lights to turn on than just flipping the switch

everyone involved with pirates should be punished.

>tfw the future is everything is a computer that connects to some company server hard equipped with cameras and microphones, and other tracking technology, and gather information

That's not what I said at all. It's fine to freeze pirates but it sets a dangerous precedent and will lead to freezing for people isps disagree with.

I pirate out of principle. I refuse to pay for digital distribution and the people that bought HL2 when it first came out should have all back lashed, if they did then Steam probably wouldn't exist and you'd actually still be able to own a copy of the games you pay for and actually get something in return for you money.
I pay for the few games that get proper releases on PC such as the Witcher games and some indie games.

>tfw smart appliances are preventing the discovery of catgirls


megaman battle network was supposed to an example to avoid not follow

>Oy vey! Buy the game or you are evil, and don't forget to buy your loot boxes!
>Cipying is stealing!

So this is nu-Sup Forums

>get put with Americans online
>isp throttles all their 90 dollar a month internet and the game is a lag fest
>half the players freezes to death mid match when their isp throttled their thermostat because they downloaded a 30 year old movie for free
>the ones left alive call me a no freedom cuck

>when you've got a woodstove in your house

the hi/v/emind grows stronger

didn't that one guy who had those allegations go on to become president of the united states.

There is no such thing as "innocent people".
We are all scum.

What anime? Seems familiar

So was 1984.

>I refuse to pay for things because technology has progressed
What an amazingly well thought out and consistent ideology you have there

I can only imagine what else you'll refuse to pay for as society continues to advance in ways your Luddism doesn't support

Calvanists plz go

>be american
>walking down the street
>guy in a car with his windows down is blasting music out of his car
>get a notification on my phone
>"your bank account has been frozen and property has been seized by sony entertainment as compensation for pirating unlicensed music"
>go home then proceed to freeze to death since they shut down my thermostat
>get shot

I don't get this shit. Get one of the metal mesh reusable cups and normal coffee. Costs 1/10th the price and adds all of ten seconds to the process.

Outlaw Star


Corporate shills that go out of the way to finger wave at digital pirates deserve ten times worse than the pirates themselves.

Yes. But had any other candidate ran against him he would have lost.

As for everyone else accused, well, some of them were wrongfully accused. People have weaponized the accusation and bypassed court of law.

>be american
>get shot
>family is charged $999 plus tip for pirating a bullet

>That's not what I said at all
But you did though

So you opted out. Good for you and your principles, but don't be surprised or irritated when people who actually do buy in have more influence than you.

Is that what he meant by cold? I assumed that was the regular temp. Still too high for me. I keep it at 65. What's with all these weirdos thinking 70+ is a nice temperature? Yeah, if you're outside.

So you'll be lining up for chip implants in the future, right?
Not all technological advancements are advancements.

>to the point you no longer own what you buy
If I bought a physical copy of a game I can sell it after I'm done playing it the same way I can sell a console after I no longer want it. Or even a book, a car, a house, or anythin physical. When you buy a game off Steam you don't own anything but a non-transferable license that can be taken away from you at any time for any or no reason.

Nice i remember enjoying that a lot. Maybe ill rewatch it as i barely remember it. Looking at the gif i feel pretty melancholy, though.

That shit is why they added DRM to the machines
it won't turn on if the cup isn't Keurig branded and doesn't have the DRM label/rfid thing in it

>So, boss, what do you think happened?
>Well junior, judging by the victim's download history, he was a pirate. His ISP found out, cranked his thermostat so damn high the house caught fire. Son of bitch was cooked alive.

>How to destroy your business 101

Kek. Than I'll just not buy it.

So if humans invent replicators you'd still pay for food? Pirates are pioneers trying to move beyond our current exploitative economy.

>pirating heat

have fun getting a swat team busting down your door and shooting you after a game of simon says

>not controlling your crock pot from across the country to make sure your pot roast comes out right

Every day, I regret that I was born too soon to enjoy pseudo-autonomous rapebots.
I just want a sexbot capable of beating and raping me until I pass out. I want it to hide itself somewhere in my house every single day, so occasionally I'll open a cabinet or something and it will spring out and choke me until I stop struggling. I want it to be programmed in such a way that there is an almost negligible chance of it continuing to choke, beat, and rape me after I've lost consciousness, just so I can never be totally sure that I'm going to survive any given attack.

>pirates are heroes

Wouldn't this be illegal since it could be seen as tampering with electrical shit? Imagine a company not related to DWP or Edison making you pay a higher electrical bill.