Its not looking good guys. One bayonetta port isnt going to cut it.
Every CONFIRMED Switch release for 2018
Other urls found in this thread:
>titan quest on switch
how the fuck does that even work
So looking at everything that isn't shovelware, we got kirby in april and metroid at some point. Doesn't seem like a good followup to the amazing 2017 games
I bet we'll get Smash Bros. Deluxe this year. A new Super Mario Maker with expanded tools and a world-building system would be ideal and maybe we'll see it at E3 but I have a feeling that'll be an early 2019 release.
Nothing but filler shit like Kirby and Yoshi and shovelware-tier garbage confirmed for 2018.
Good way to tank all the momentum your console has.
>3 good games
switchfags yet again confirmed for retarded manchildren lmao
>Fire Emblem not on the list when there's a confirmed switch release for 2018
Nintendo Switch? More like Switch that shit off. Only has 2 good games 1 of em is on PC already.
Now add the inevitable BOTW:GOTY edition, Pokemon Stars, and Smash bros Deluxe ports, and we're good.
Last year was a real bumper crop by Nintendo standards so it'll be relatively lean the next couple years in terms of first party stuff. Probably a lot more ports.
Every time you babies complain about ports I can just shoot it down by pointing out the switch is a fucking portable console and being able to play ports on the go is a plus.
Though I guess you're all fagneets who never leave their houses and this shit wouldn't occur to you. Some of us have jobs and leave the basement, dildobrains.
>Source: my ass
This is a list of retail dates. There is no "Confirmed" fire emblem for 2018, only that its confirmed to be in development. Its probably nowhere near a release window.
The next full Pokemon game will be holiday 2019 I'm guessing. I doubt they'll bother bringing a Sun/Moon variant to the Switch in the meantime.
>no pokemon
Hold my beer while I dab
>He doesn't use Gamefly
If the people who order in the supply and demand for released games are wrong, than who is right in your books?
I prefer the porn edit
It's like a handheld MADE primarily for indie games.
If they port Wonderful 101, Smash, and Pikmin I'll be fine, but damn what a bad followup. I hope they release some new IPs by 2019
probably the same as diablo 3 did on console
Smash is almost a sure thing this year I feel. Pikmin is probably a likely bet, W101 I dunno if that sold/reviewed well enough to adapt the control scheme for the Switch.
I wish you could use gamepad controls and the dodge roll on PC.
Diablo 3 on console is the definitive version, I don't know how but it just fucking works, so much better than PC.
At least shitpost after the direct drops in a few days.
Sorry man, but its no shitpost. Its everything scheduled for retail as of right now. Even if the direct gives us info, those games are unlikely going to be this year unless its something that gets announced, and was in dev for the past 3-4 years.
Neat! Didn't it use the touch screen on the WiiU a lot, though? I hope it does alright with straight-up gamepad controls.
Post it.
hey, real quick, define shovelware. no cheating.
Because the game was literally designed to be a console one from the beginning, PC gamers were lied to
It's why there are 4 slots for abilities. 4 face buttons.
Diablo 2 wouldn't be possible on a gamepad, but Diablo 3 sure as shit is.
Do Nintendofags get paid for posts like these or they just do it for free?
Every Nintendo which was announced during the January Switch event last year came out in 2017. They've moved more towards the reveal game late into development cycle, release the game in a few months/
Thats due to the fact Xeno2 was in dev since 2014. It only got revealed early 2017. Something like prime 4 has only had a year if even's worth of dev time.
source: your ass
Not retail. Not yet anyways.
Yes and? I'm sure there are many games which have been in development for some years which we know nothing about.
Happy New Year user
The game is the third title in Monolith Soft's Xenoblade metaseries, following the original Xenoblade Chronicles and Xenoblade Chronicles X.[7] Plans for the game began as early as July 2014
Go to town.
Nintendo doesnt have this secret treasure trove of games under it's belt. It's not like the Wonka of Videogames. Monolithsoft had a contract to keep it from being talked about. Kirby yoshi and other nintendo games sure as hell don't. And they're not going to jsut pop up out of the blue with some noever before seen/unheard of title that magically comes out in a month or two? Get real.
how are they going to even put wolfenstein 2 on the switch?
I'll kill you
>he doesn't know the full one
Dragon Quest XI is also supposed to come out in 2018, same with Tales of Switch.
>There is no "Confirmed" fire emblem for 2018
Yes there is.
Take all of them then
I'm pretty sure the dragon's trap listing is for the physical debut release on all platforms, and it's also like ten dollars more for some reason
>More fucking ports
Jesus Christ, just keep gargling more Ninteniggers' cock.
You should be mad as hell they are doing bare fucking minimum with original game releases.
>I have 3three hours of gametime on muh ports
comon soytenlets even Nvidia shield can boast more than that shit lmao
Tales is likely a Vesperia port, seeing as this marks the 10th ani, same as Symphonia PS3 and Abyss 3DS. We never get non-sony tales unless its something big. or something not worth it.
no dark souls remaster or even port?
are you on the spectrum?? your claim about metroid only having been in dev for a year at most so far is the one you pulled out of your ass. quit acting like reading game blogs makes you some sort of insider you fucking neet.
Why? I like games I enjoy on newer shinier systems. If it makes you feel better I'm also buying Okami HS, SoTCPs4, DMC:HDPS4, Trails of cold steel 1/2HD, D.Crown+ and Catherine full body this year.
Nintendo have many development teams of their own. You think the upcoming direct won't reveal some first party games we know nothing about? January direct will roughly outline the games coming to the Switch in 2018. And if the 2017 presentation is anything to go by almost all if not every Nintendo revealed title there will be coming out in 2018.
it’s confirmed, not confirmed for 2018
God bless you, user.
ITT: people have amnesia and don't realize that last year same time we hardly knew what year 1 Switch would look like.
Wait until after year 1 ends before we make assumptions about year 2 (March 2018, also January Direct should be meaty).
A. No,
B. Can't be a neat when I work for a living try again.
C. Metroid was literally pitched as "NOW IN DEVELOPMENT" at E3 2017. Now lets go ahead and have you tell me what the word "now" means. I'll wait.
Do you really think you are getting anything FromSoft related on the Switch?
this. Nintendo is a shitty company but even the shittiest of companies are capable of learning from their mistakes. 2017 was a big step in the right direction and unless they truly are hopeless idiots, they’ll just keep doing exactly what they did last year.
>you're not even a pokemon
I'm dying
That's 2 wii u ports. The wii u died because no one bought it due to shit games. That's not good user
I just want Smash 4 Switch so I can finally get rid of my otherwise-useless Wii U
Why this isn't already a thing by now is beyond me. If the Switch had Smash 4 it would have passed the XBoner by now.
Not him but i'd rather just had Dark souls HD on PS4 to complete my trilogy. I hate owning a PS3 for 2 games.
Like I said many times before even when the switch came out. The real test for this is 2018. It's always been this way with Nintendo consoles. The follow-through is needed.
>Deadlines dont change
That was a year ago dude. They're nowhere near far enough to have it come out on time.
if you wanna be a spergy linguist nazi about it, now only means currently. not “not-previously.”
you think they woke up, decided “hey let’s make a new metroid prime! better slot it into the direct we’re airing later this afternoon!”?
I'm getting a switch soon, but this is just sad. As someone who owns a pc and lots of other consoles including a wii u, this isn't looking good. There are only two games I want for it at the moment, and I don't even want metroid. Kirby, sure.. But wow this list is pitiful. I've seen almost all of these games before on various platforms, some being very old. It's like all of the ports this year. They better figure shit out soon. Nintendo has the most IPs and characters out of any developer or console manufacturer, yet they consistently shoot themselves in the foot. Sony and m$ literally have barely any exclusive stuff, yet Nintendo doesn't release fuck all. Who is making these horrible decisions? They're going downhill really quickly if this is it.
It's becoming Vita 2: "now featuring electrolytes" edition. Not that this is bad. I love my switch and Vita. But the kind of games this machine is attracting is a little weird. Some full AAA games but far and between. Lots of Japanese games. Lots of indies. And a cubic ton of shovelware I that came from the smartphones and are trying do do a quick buck (see oxenfree. Was $5 at Apple store. Is $20 on switch).
I don't see if there's anything nintendo can do to reverse this trend and honestly I don't know if they want to. But I hoped a little more.
>nowhere near far enough to have it come out on time
There's the entire 2018. Nintendo has yet to delay a single Switch game.
I mainly used the right analog stick for drawing the weapon shapes and had no trouble. Even the moments where you had two separate screens to look at had a picture-in-picture mode for one screen that should easily carry over to a Switch port.
With that logic every game in OP could change their date.
It's listed as 2018 on their website, so it's confirmed for 2018. Don't go moving goalposts.
Because Ninty is stupid. Smash4 was almost surefire after how hard they forced the whole "WE LOVE ESPORTS" scene. And yet they've done absolutely nothing with it.
The desire for metroid wasn't even in nintendo's books until the craze about it in 2017 with AM2R. SR had less than a years worth of dev time with Mecury steam, and you're going to honestly tell me you think they've "secretly" been working on prime, the series HATED by metroid purists, instead of a simple 2D flat metroid for X amount of years? They barely started it and the only reason was because every metroid fan wouldn't get off thei back about it.
>The desire for metroid wasn't even in nintendo's books until the craze about it in 2017 with AM2R. SR had less than a years worth of dev time with Mecury steam
Don't be a retard. Or at least provide a proper source if you're going to spout nonsense like this.
why would you buy it for only two games?
that can't be all of it, what about mega man and ports like super meatboy
all i want is to play some old ass games on my switch while i take a shit but nintendo can't even give me that
Your "source" is the livelihood of all metroid fans. You weren't there, so you couldn't possibly know how we suffered.
Have some money from Xmas, and I really want to play botw and Mario odyssey. I wish there were more exclusives, but why Nintendo chooses to release nothing is beyond me. M$ has halo, Nintendo has a huge amount of exclusive IPs that no one does, but don't release anything significant. Just.. Why
Samus Returns started development in 2015
Wait on BOTW, you'll end up paying $90 for it and the DLC.
Sup bitches, do you think 2019 will be the year of the chad PS5? Whos bodies are ready for that ps1, ps2, ps3, and ps4 backwards compatibility?
Ok, so you're talking bullshit straight from your ass. Thanks for clearing that up.
the taste and desire of any series’ “purists” hasn’t factored into a single nintendo decision apart from MAYBE odyssey in the last loooong while. No new F Zero, no new real pikmin, simplified pokémon, no (muh) melee remaster. AM2R’s takedown and the surrounding buzz was only such a big deal to N because they were literally already developing samus returns. Find me a source on SR having less than one year of dev time and i’ll admit i’m wrong.
there were leaks about Retro being hiring for unnamed projects as early as the beginning of 2016 iirc. let’s not act like we know everything that goes on behind closed doors when neither of us do.
If there's nothing coming out for the switch that you're interested, why not pick up something on PC in the meanwhile? Or PS4? I bought Xenoblade Chronicles 2 this month, and by the time I finished I'll have Monster Hunter World and DBZF right around the corner
I don't know why people limit themselves to one platform
I am. Getting Mario odyssey, and i'll wait until I beat that to get botw. I have 60 dollars credit at gamestop so I might use that on botw. I'm just annoyed with Nintendo. Been a fan for a long time and they've been fucking themselves over for a while. Fucking up series by changing them for the worse (Mario party, paper Mario, etc) not releasing enough games and relying on ports of not even amazing games. Some people may want them, but I have a lot of consoles and a really good pc. Nintendo could be killing m$ and Sony in the software department, but they won't try. So irritating.
>owning a ps3 for 2 games
Try out some other shit than just souls games then. And play the ps360 multiplats that are better on ps3 than 360. Drakengard 3, Deadly Premonition: Director's Cut (doesn't crash like on PC), Ni no Kuni, 3D Dot Game Heroes, Folklore, Lollypop Chainsaw, GoW Ascension, Heavenly Sword, Catherine (before the remake hits at least), Ratchet and Clank, Yakuza 3, 4, 5, Kenzan. The ps3 is quite shit compared to the ps2 in the exclusive library department, but when you have one you might as well use it for what it's worth.
>Try out some other shit
I did,. I used to own 30+ PS3 games. Now I own 31 PS4 games.
brand loyalty is a mental disorder
I will buy a Switch, but not until SMTV comes along.
None of the games I mentioned are on ps4. The Yakuza games might get more remakes, but that's it. There's also plenty of good HD remakes of ps2 games (except Silent Hill 2+3), and some hidden gems. On LCDs ps3 handle ps2 games better than the original hardware too, especially if you have the early phat model with hardware based backwards compatibility. Ps1 emulation is good on it too. ps1 and ps2 emulation on ps4 is garbage and requires you to buy the games again digitally, which is bullshit. Plenty of uses you can have for a ps3 still.
I bought a Wii U for 3D World and Bayonetta
I bought a Switch for Odyssey and Bayonetta
I'm not worried
When the fuck is SMTV and that new FE game supposed to come out? Those and Xenoblade were like the only reasons to buy a Switch unless you're somehow still not bored of 3D Mario.
A physical version is available for preorder on Amazon.
FE is 2018. Wouldn't be surprised if it's an april title like Echoes was.
Do you even realize there’s fucking E3.