What is the worst localization of all time?
What is the worst localization of all time?
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Xenoblade Chronicles 2
Shitposting aside it's probably some NISA localization, maybe Ys 8.
>What is the worst localization of all time?
Some NES game.
But a more recent example is sword art online hollow fragment.
I can't think of another so bad the company responsible publicly apologized and undertook to redo it all. So Ys 8 is probably it.
FFXV, every single line in this game was translated as one liners, the dudes feels like they're just waiting for the right moment to throw in a speech they've been practicing for weeks instead of just genuinely hanging out
And of course there's the puns
Wait, did they actually fix the godawful localization? Thats a goddamn miracle because they always adamantly refuse and the NISA cocksuckers defend them at every turn
It's not fixed yet. Was supposed to be done by November, now delayed into 2018 along with the PC version.
>sword art online
that's intentional
Guilty Gear Dust Strikers
So they actually have to redo the entire localization huh
Probably not the worst but it's pretty fucking bad
Megaman Battle Network 2.
It happened with Gunvolt 1 as well. Hell, it was a voluntary thing done by one of their own dev members during his free time.
The BN games are the best, I love how almost every black character in the game is basically "Ayo hol up, is dat sum fried chicken I smell? Share some with a brotha, yeah?"
>I can't think of another so bad the company responsible publicly apologized and undertook to redo it all. So Ys 8 is probably it.
It wasn't even bad and that entire thing was overblown.
Did it have fuckups? Yes. Was it bad or amongst the worst localizations ever? Not even close. You haven't seen shit if you seriously believe that.
Even you must have heard of All Your Base and that isn't even the worst example.
>It wasn't even bad and that entire thing was overblown
No, it really was pretty bad since it's fucking Ys. If NISA botched something like Criminal Girls, no one would care, but this is fucking Ys, It's a long-running series with a lot of dedicated fans and just because it was readable doesn't mean it's good.
"It's better than an English Asian translation" isn't a good excuse for a full priced console game.
You're confusing two different things. There's Engrish localizations done by native nip speakers, then there's the godawful shit NISA, Treehouse, Aksys, and 8-4 push out despite a full grasp of the English language.
I'll take broken, almost unintelligible English delivered with the faithful intent of the original over the latter alternative every time.
Nigger it's fucking 2018, just because the 80s/ early 90s had silly localisations doesn't excuse a late 2017 localisation from being almost Google-translate-tier at times.
As I said, you haven't seen shit if you call the translation in Ys8 bad. For fucks sake have you even played it?
There are fucking hundreds of complete garbage localization. How fucking young are you? 15?
>Nigger it's fucking 2018, just because the 80s/ early 90s had silly localisations doesn't excuse a late 2017 localisation from being almost Google-translate-tier at times.
Read the OP you dumb cunt. It said "of all time". You're trying to push for shit like Ys8 either because you're ignorant or want to ride some hate bandwagon, which makes you too biased.
Ys VIII. I still find it hillarious they fucked up so hard they cancelled THE DAY BEFORE the scheduled PC release and we've barely heard anything 3 months later.
Chaos War
The answer is always Chaos War
So does that mean it's ok to Google Translate all future games then? Sure, I played badly translated NES and SNES games as a kid, what does that have to do with modern gaming?
>it's fine that it's shit because 30 years ago localisations were bad
Ghostlight fucked up the Europe Devil Survivor release pretty bad. Some of the text was fucked and the game froze every time you summoned a demon.
Tell me what other recent game has gotten a localisation so bad that people complain about stunted, awkward dialogue that sounds like it was directly translated straight from Japanese.
Again, none of this excuses the quality of Ys VIII which I bought and suffered through on launch. It's inexcusable for a game to get this level of low quality localisation in 2017.
Oh shit I thought that was just me, nobody else ever talked about it happening
How the fuck does a localisation do that?
Do you guys honestly believe they pushed back the PC release just because of a spotty translation? Or maybe it was just a convenient excuse to keep working on a broken PC build that wasn't ready for release yet
They were adding Europe languages and fucked something I assume. Still, put me off buying any of their games ever again. Pretty sure it took them two months to patch it.
>Ys8 was so bad that not only are they redoing the translation with a new person doing it
>they are redoing THE ENTIRE DUB
>it's not that bad
>tfw still had crashes after the patch
Bravo ghostlight
>Two years worth of semen made a glopping noise as it flowed endlessly into Asuna
>It wasn't even bad and that entire thing was overblown.
>Falcom had to contact NIS because of fan backlash who in turn made NISA re-do the localization
>Will probably never work with NIS again
>Wasn't even that bad
Sure user sure, your right it's far from the worst localization ever but it was still fucking shit.
Publishers for Japanese games that aren't a doujin/indie effort don't like PC anyway, I doubt they'd need much of an excuse.
I'm almost certain it was because the game was broken. Maybe Falcom also wanted to control the damage they'd get from releasing the horrid translation to the rabid PC community.
Which one is this? I'm guessing 4.
Chaos Wars
Not going to post the video because I'm not in a cringing mood today
that's a problem with the dub, not the localisation
>worst VA is the main character
what did they mean by this
Just kill yourself you dumb fucking monkey.
Not only are you ignoring what OP asked (or you're just illiterate, which wouldn't surprise me), but you also have the retarded Sup Forums mentality of something is either shit or great. An extremist dumb cunt.
Even if we're looking at modern games there are BY FAR worse offenders. See .
Also you haven't even seen what basically is google translate when it comes to game translations you subhuman ape. Shit like Super Robot Wars: Moon Dwellers has such a bad english translation that it borders on caveman speak and makes it annoying as hell to read (it's so bad it strains your brain).
In addition, it's fucking obvious that you haven't played Ys8 and just want to echo whatever dumb shit the retards on Sup Forums tell you to think and like the idiot you are you take their words as gospel.
Was it great? No. Was it bad? No. It had fuckups yes but overall it was perfectly servicable.
Now again, just fucking kill yourself you Sup Forums sheep.
here you go big boy
Nigger THOSE WERE ASIAN RELEASES FOR SEAMONKEYS. The SAO one was brought over to the American PSN later but wasn't meant for America, only Asia.
Again, all you did was prove my point, which was "It's better than an English Asian translation isn't a good excuse for a full priced console game"
Dear mongoloid. You take this story and delude yourself into thinking that this means that it's hands down the worst localization of all time.
It had a bunch of mistakes with the translation but it was by no means bad (but you wouldn't know this since you're a fucking mongoloid sheep that don't check up on facts before he mouths off).
But fuck it, I know it's pointless to try to reason with complete and utter idiots like you. So stay retarded, in the end you're the one that suffers from it.
XB2 is probably the most recent one that triggers me. The voice director did not give a single fuck about his job, and the translation is 4kids tier. I guess nintendo still thinks we throw up in our mouths when see jap culture and get reminded of pearl harbor.
>Do you guys honestly believe they pushed back the PC release just because of a spotty translation?
Not him but no I don't from everything I heard the beta was a mess and ran like garbage which is funny because the game is nothing special in the visuals department. Even more amusing is the supposed involvement of Durante now with the port because the CS port was fantastic with the work he did on it.
It's unconfirmed but I still suspect one of the main reason's NIS got YS8 was a promised PC port to go with the PS4 launch, so they obviously rushed to get it out the door. Kondo expressing his desire to have as many of their games on steam as possible supports that further.
>in the end you're the one that suffers from it
I bought the game on launch, so yeah, I did suffer from it. Luckily for me, not everyone is a filthy NISA sheep drone like you and asked for a fix, which NISA is providing.
Don't know what you expected, following Nintendo's recent history of localization.
>moving goalposts and cherrypicking
>it's neither bad localization or the worst ever, yet you still want to argue and defend your stupidity
Wow, commendable for a subhuman pigfucker. Oh wait, you're just retarded. I'm done wasting time on filth.
Literally the director's(?) family doing the voice acting.
>35 year old welsh woman who smokes coming out of a tiny Tsun cat girl
i only bought it because someone lied to me and said you can switch to jap VA and I fucking believed them
The worst one I've ever heard of is when I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream was released in certain European countries the part where you play as a Nazi scientist was removed, but it made the game literally impossible to complete.
>has to hide behind a bunch of Chinaman translations for Asia
Whatever you say, scum. I'm getting a fixed Ys VIII translation so I don't even care how much NISA dick you suck.
You can, its free dlc.
I didn't expect anything but I was still let down. Sup Forums gave XCX SO MUCH shit, but the fact is that XC2 has a far worse translation.
do i have to start a new game or is it seamless?
Seamless, you can switch between the dubs anytime you want in the settings.
Just change it in the options menu.
>It wasn't even bad and that entire thing was overblown.
Sup, ESL.
Shut up, user, you are overreacting.
This. They probably handed a few cups of ramen to some guy at the Japanese office at NB that went to America for a year and told him to do the job.
>Literal Kanji translation calls the formation a big hole
>The Japanese writers refer to it as a Crevice using English
>Your job is to localize it for Western audiences
Nah, big hole is good.
Probably something like Silhouette Mirage, where they tried to rebalance the game and overhaul major mechanics and only made it worse.
Hollow Fragment was a budget job for the English Asian market, I'm an SEAfag so we got it first. Same with Lost Song and Hollow Realization, we got it in "English" months before it was brought over to America.
Some of these are pure gold. One of my favourites is Adol talking about how his line caught a fish before he even cast his hook into the water.
Fuck off cunts, this is fine. Stop overreacting over something so minor.
Play the BN games.
I can't imagine how people who played with the dub could stand Rex. He's already an incredibly generic shonen protagonist, easily the weakest character in the game but his japanese VA actually does a pretty decent job at playing it straight and he can scream very well.
On the point you made tho: The voice acting does affect localization.
The subs are still written with with brittish idioms so you get a lot of scenes where Nia will just simply ask Rex if he's stupid in a standard tokyo dialect while the sub is something like "OI YA SILLY GIT!", it takes some getting over.
I apologise? Sorry to make mountain of molehill.
Get that nisa dick out of your mouth before you talk to me.
I might have been the only person who played this but I swear the whole thing was written by a ESL Robot
>I'll bash yer 'ed proper next time, i swer
I bought the collector's edition because it looked cool, but damn I had no idea what this game was about because of that.
Yeah, it was super stiff. It's too bad this game never got more recognition, I enjoyed it a ton besides those FUCKING STUPID MINIGAMES.
Ys 8 localization is probably the laziest localization I've ever seen but it doesn't detract from the game since the writing is bad anyway. Some of the NOA stuff is pretty horrid with how autistic they are about censorship. FE Fates and XCX had a lot of things ruined for now good reason.
not a bad translation
>the chicken he provides
She doesn't sound that old, and her voice is too clean to be a smoker's. Pyra/Mythra have the smoker rasp though and it's legit awful.
What animu is this poor girl from?
This shit right here
>Was it bad? No.
that's where you're wrong kiddo.
It was translated by the japs who made the game. The voice actors did their best to vocalize the script, but...
They ran out of money so they had a lot of shit cut out.
Probably not of all time but I'd say Azure Striker Gunvolt 2's is pretty horrendous.
>clearly hear people calling Copen "Akira" and Joule "Xion"
Love Lab
>mfw never managed to bring myself to finish Gunvolt 1 because of the XE XER XEM DID YOU JUST ASSUME HER GENDER shit
I really should get around to playing the new localisation of GV1.
Sank yu
So they literally just pulled the name Copen out of their ass for 1? (Never played these games Copen is in the first game right?)
I mean there's localization and then there's borderline making words up.
Yeah, that's the problem when you change a lot of shit but keep the Japanese dub. Tales of Hearts had the same thing.
>everyone calls the MC Kor in the dialogue
>you can clearly hear that his name is Shing
It was pushed back because according to beta testers, the game could not run at 60 FPS even with a modern i7 and a GTX 1080
Why did they even bother, what's wrong with Shing?
He sounds bored.
I thought the translation was done by indians using babelfish, but I can't recall where I read that.