I know the west in allergic to anime, but why don't western games ever have cool young non-anime protagonists like Dante and Leon Kennedy?
I know the west in allergic to anime...
Infamous: Second Son.
Anime is as popular as it's ever been in the west.
>some people on Sup Forums say animeposters are gay
>therefore the west is allergic to anime
you do realize that more and more people are constantly getting into anime, right?
Okay, but the mainstream audience doesn't like it.
And you picked the most fucking shounen version of him as well. Fucking retard.
Because he's the coolest and youngest Dante, he's still not really anime.
Dante is cringe as fuck tho
Yeah they do. It's on fucking netflix getting reccomend to everyone that also watches cartoons
RE4 Leon is a faggot.
Dante was only good in DMC1&4.
Modern day anime is trash outside of a very select few IPs.
Get some taste you underage dumbass, DMC3 Dante is as anime as it gets with the fucker is riding around on rockets and shit and being absolutely CUHRAYZEE.
Well, that's not entirely true but if you want the truth is because in the west there are different archetypes. They don't have the western origin of the Hero's myth. Their protagonists have different foundations. Here you have the power fantasy which (And, oh, sweet christmas, I hope I'm not starting everything) can best be personified by DmC's version of Dante.
Dante, in DMC1, is rather dynamic, forward moving, confident, and he comes from old manga type heroes, specifically Cobra, but if you look back at the characters that were common in his day you'd see a few more like him. DmC Dante is based on what you would argue is a common character in western comics, which is actually not as rare as all that. He is actually a common archetype here. He comes from a mentality that's different from a Japanese character. Arguably, one is created from the drive to make an idealized protagonist, like Cobra or Crying Freeman, while the other is more this is how I want to be.
A friend of mine once said that DmC Dante was more realistic because if it was him, his family killed by demons, he'd be on drugs and always acting like and asshole. My internal response was: and that's why you're not the protagonist of jack shit, and let's be franc, you'd used it as an excuse.
I actually enjoyed DmC Dante and i use him to shitpost a lot, he is so bad at being dante that its good
>Dante is non-anime
I'm still pretty entry as far as anime goes, but I fucking love Cobra and DMC1 Dante is my favorite incarnation of the character. Going to check out this Crying Freeman now. Don't have any other quick recommendations to save this shitty thread huh?
Japan produces more than just anime and in DMC3 Dante's case he isn't anime, he's B-movie hero. It's the influence of the action director. You can argue anime all you want but there are no anime characters that are similar, but if you go watch Japanese action b-movies, like Versus, Death Trance, Aragami and so on you'll see how this is a genre of it's own and Dante fits right in there.
>DMC3 Dante
Best Dante right here
You mean stuff from the time period? Fist of the North Star is from the same genre. Violence Jack, I guess. Even Devil Man was kinda around that time and fits those criteria.
Just a warning, Crying Freeman isn't strictly hentai but it sure as fuck has a lot of sex. Erotic is the appropriate term, I guess.
I think a lot of the similarities that those characters have come from the influence of Shinji Mikami.
From what I can see DMC1 Dante has more in common with Gene, Vanessa and Sam than he does with Bayonetta. She is way more similar to DMC3/4's Dante.
You may be right. I guess I just relate how overexaggerated and clearly japanese it is to anime. I mean, at one point Dante is running down the fucking tower at supersonic speeds, I just feel it's ridiculous to not claim it's anime but I guess it's not really my area.
Shit taste warning, i've tried getting into Ken, but he's just too much of a moralfag to really keep my interest. I'm willing to keep trying, but just saying it never grabbed me. Will try the rest, i'm no prude.
He is pretty fucking cool, user. Why don't you like him, because he's young?
Not really, he's meant to be pretty fucking retarded that every other characters in the game shit on him
Are you the guy that shills the first game on Sup Forums? You really need a better hobby
Probably, as sad as that is. Says more about the taste of this board than it does mine. I've been around for a long time, newfags only bother circlejerking about 3 anymore, so I stick out like a sore thumb.
Understandable. Though I don't think it's a surprise that 3 gets more love in here given the current situation of the series, and like you mentioned, most of the young people here haven't touched the first game since it's apparently asking too much. My initial post came out as rather condescending so I apologize for that.
It's cool. I don't blame anyone for loving 3, of course the game's great. I only come off the way I do because I just wish anons would break past the entry level and appreciate the series as a whole for what it is. So I do have to shill the first game in hopes that my brothers will eventually arrive. Doesn't really help that the first is legitimately my favorite game as well, not just in the series.
kill yourself
Because the west honestly hates bratty teenagers and the only reason the east does what it does is because they have a literal seniority complex as they hate being older than the age of 20. Anything older and you're a oldfag at that point to them while the west actually prefer being 25+ old men and women.
The west doesn't like young characters, they like middle-aged men.
cute sissy boys >>> ugly old men with beards
Nah. Uncle Dante all the way.
>Cole from Infamous 1
> Nathan Drake