It doesn't matter what you faggots say. This game is a masterpiece, say what you will about "muh movie game" "muh cutscenes the game, this game is well directed, has pretty good gameplay that is visceral and violent enough to support the narrative in a way that never feels immersion breaking. It has a lot of cutscenes, and they wonderfully acted. While the story seems simple on the surface, it tackles the reality of humanity at its lowest in a way that most games never even try to touch. This has nothing to do with "muh exclusivity". I do not support the idea of exclusive titles, but this game should be played by anyone and everyone who considers themselves a gamer
You are wrong
You're right. I unironically agree
>this game is well directed
>pretty good gameplay that is visceral and violent enough to support the narrative in a way that never feels immersion breaking
>It has a lot of cutscenes
>wonderfully acted
>it tackles the reality of humanity at its lowest in a way that most games never even try to touch.
Jesus why don't you get a room and just fuck.
For some reason I hate this game, only got up to the part where that woman gets bit and makes her last stand, pretty early on.
I loved all Uncharted games too
Give it another shot
What's the point you're getting at? Thanks for reading what I had to say though
I want to see Ellie's ass
Google The Last of Us Of Inner Demons
You sound like a perfect fit for Kotaku, I agrer with some of what you say, but calling it a "masterpiece" just shows how much of a shrieking drone you are. Be gone.
Why should I?
You really think I'm good enough for Kotaku user?
It's a good game but really what it has over all the other zombie survival games is the more cinematic presentation. Polishing things up really does go a long way but I wouldn't even call it the best Naughty Dog game on the PS3.
user that ain't even an hour in, you gotta play more before having a solid opinion on it
I dropped the game at the university when I had to get off the horse and go through a shutter door that was obviously going to slam shut and cause a bajillion zombies to suddenly spawn who weren't there before and it did
The game's moment to moment antics were so fucking predictable and samey that it hurt. It's the perfect game for people who never fucking play videogames though.
It's just Resident Evil 4 but with bad gameplay and way too many cutscenes. Seriously, check this:
>Zombie game
>Have to escort girl around
>Weapon upgrades
>Third Person Shooter
>Instant kill enemies
Just go play Resident Evil 4, dumbasses. At least that game is fun, you can do multiple playthroughs, it's released twice on every fucking system ever and you can skip the cutscenes.
Generic boring setting with good character development, it's a good game, that's it, not a masterpiece.
You know I really hated Tess in that scene.
>I'm going home Tess
>Wait Joel, there's... totally something between us. So go do what I want. *dies*
You haven't even played more games than me. You don't know what you're talking about
You're autistic then
Babysitter the vidya. Game is boring as fuck until near the end where you play as Lara Croft...I mean Ellie (inb4whichgamecamefirst).
I find it retarded that you have to collect a big quantity amount of resources to create one thing, in which you can only carry like what, three of that one thing? With that said, not enough inventory. And don't give me the "muh survival" when the motherfucker can carry like eight guns on his person.
And don't get me started on the unlockable requirements. Trust me, I get it. Explore, but never in your fucking life have a game where you have to find resources to fucking upgrade your weapons also to mention the quantity of resources needed for one upgrade. Thankfully I'm the explorer type, so I didn't get totally fucked, but still, it was nerve wracking collecting this shit wondering if I'll ever have enough for one upgrade. Inb4realism.
The lack of the ability to create arrows was a let down And being able to unlock the ability of instant shiving blind zombies was a mistake. It eliminates the only fear from the game.
The game is alright, but far from a masterpiece. I just hate that it only gets good near the ending.
yeah its bretty good
i was surprised matthewmatosis enjoyed the fuck out of it
>Game is boring as fuck until near the end where you play as Lara Croft...I mean Ellie (inb4whichgamecamefirst).
This is the kind of opinion that made me drop your entire post. What a retarded and incorrect and absolutely ridiculous opinion to have. You should unironically kill yourself slowly you sad fat sack of shit
You're retarded.
They were obviously a couple, and had been for a LONG time.
The only people that don't know that are the dude on the bus that tries to stop you 5 min in, and you.
>bad gameplay
>Ashley is too pussy to fight unless she's in an medieval armor.
>Ellie doesn't give a fuck and will jump on a nigga and shank them for you.
>I can't debate. Better tell you to kill yourself instead.
Lmao! OP checking in. Implying I haven't played Re4, when it's my favorite game of all time? That's funny
It's like a Hollywood movie: it has cheesy dialogue, shit characters, shit art, childish themes and the most boring narrative structure. I guess it's fine if all you watch are American films.
>Thankfully I'm the explorer type, so I didn't get totally fucked
It baffles me that people will actually play a game and not explore. My cousin was watching me play this game and was impressed that I actually bothered to search the environment as if it wasnt a common choice.
It's at least miles better than the garbage that are Uncharted games.
It's still a 7,5 game. It's nice, well done work went into it, but in the end, it's just a resident evil II remix game with a cinematic scenario and a little more gameplay variety. People calling it bad are as retarded as the ones who call it a masterpiece.
It's not a bad game, that's what I can give you.
Gameplay is very naughty dog way of 'sufficient', not too immersive and is responsible for setting the sony experience carve-out model so I wouldn't gibe it too much props in retrospective.
The plot, like other anons said, isn't that different from other zombie games/shows/movies, maybe the grittier tone with no campy elements makes it more impactful, but I walked away from the game unimpressed.
All in all, not that fresh of an experience.
Good bait friend
I don't consider myself a gamer because people who label themselves as "gamers" are cancerous blights on the industry.
7/10 game
>brings nothing new to the table story nor gameplay-wise
>but nice gameplay that works
>but gameplay is hindered by mandatory walking scenes and (everything) scripted events
>the really old "humans are actually the bad guys!" trope that is showcased in all forms of media; people will think this is new and fresh if they're plebs
>good ending, though
>multiplayer let the gameplay shine when it was players vs other players -- 8.5/10 multiplayer. if you have a PS4, just buy EDF 4.1. it's the best game ever made and it's only twenty bucks new. imported EDF5 and waiting for steam release now
OP, I'm glad you like your movie game. It's a genuinely good thing that you found video game you like.
>>the really old "humans are actually the bad guys!" trope that is showcased in all forms of media; people will think this is new and fresh if they're plebs
Wow, I understand now. This is why casuals and people who started playing games in the past five years praise this game as best all time. It's weird because they had years and years to take in other media. Why aren't they aware of this?
THEYY are actually the brain-dead zombies these video games have been talking about wink ;)
Yeah dude. Post apocalyptic settings never have bad humans in them.
No one says the story is original. It's not even trying to be. Both you and the other poster are dumbfucks
The gameplay was literally 7th gen gaming trends condensed into a single game.
>third person cover shooter
>with rudimentary stealth
>and crafting/“survival” mechanics
>forced walking scenes to hide loading screens
It had great visuals and was well acted, but it gets waaaaay too much credit for what it does and is overrated in general.
I think you meant to post this image
I know this is bait, but the game was such a flaccid disappointment i'm still amazed it was shilled as hard as it was. I was expecting an average game at worst, but it was just mediocre at its best. It's just Uncharted but stripped of any of the fun shit Uncharted had in favor of a really shitty stealth system that only works on blind enemies. It was super buggy too, the entire dam level was filled with enemies endlessly trying to shoot me from across the map through walls and running in place as they vainly attempted to gun down my AI partners, who were all too busy speed humping the railings to stand up and shoot.
>no one says the story is original
Literally everyone was praising the story as the pinnacle of stories when it launched you cum guzzling brickhouse.
Everyone kept calling it the “Citizen Kane of gaming” or “video games Citizen Kane moment”.
God damn pretentious cunts, Citizen Kane wasn’t a masterpiece because of its story, but because of its narrative structure and pioneering of modern cinematography.
>make a game with stealth a centralized mechanic
>the stealth only works on the enemies that have no eyesight
>shadows play no role in stealth, enemies can see you perfectly from a mile away
It's literally one of the games with the worst stealth mechanics I've ever seen.
Never listen to Sup Forums. I and I assume everyone else, come here solely to shitpost while keeping it vaguely game related. Titles that Sup Forums said were trash and I fucking loved
>Last of Us
>Entire Uncharted series
>Horizon Zero Dawn
This. Everyone knows Kane is famous but nearly none of them know why, which is why everyone was hailing this game as vidya's Kane moment. Ironically it wasn't even good in any of the other gameplay aspects it could've had to justify that kind of title.
Let's not forget that stealth only applies to Joel and none of the other characters. Ellie can crawl right in front of an enemy and it'll be like she wasn't even there
Which brand of soy drink do you buy?
Yeah but I prefer the civer-based stealth anyway. Hiding in shadows is dumb if light sources aren't interactable like in splinter cell and metro. Tlou also took place during daytime like all the time.
Cover based stealth is fine if it's used well, but TLOU's stealth was so half-assed it was worthless half the time.
>level takes place at night
>story and in-game enemy interactions support the idea its so dark they need a spotlight to even properly see anything
>all the enemies can see you in the pitch black darkness perfectly
>even turning off the searchlight does nothing, it just makes the enemies immediately know you're there
I've never been more disgusted.
Yeah I know, probably like 3 hours in though, but I just unexpectedly hated it so much, not saying it's a bad game etc though
It's a bit immersion breaking, but it's clearly the best option for the game when the alternative is the dumb AI getting you spotted in each encounter.
>generic zombie shooter
>called masterpiece because the devs bothered with a story for once
what does it feel like being this autistic?
>While the story seems simple on the surface, it tackles the reality of humanity at its lowest in a way that most games never even try to touch.
Fucking hell user play more video games. Almost every single post apocalyptic game touches this. The gameplay has horrid moments of shitty AI , the enemy appearing from thin air, intentionally making some invisible from your grumpy vision, and putting stealth in a game where they auto fail you if you get too far in stealth. Even on the 2nd to hardest difficulty I was never out or worrying about ammo. The only part I liked was the ending where I killed every damn Firefly including burning the doctors about to cut open Ellie for something they don't have the facility to make a cure from. I didn't like this game. happy new year faggot
The gameplay you learn in the first 15 minutes of the game is the same gameplay at the very end. Nothing changes. The game is devoid of gameplay and the story is D-tier at best.
gameplay mechanics and multiplayer were good. everything else was mediocre or worse
The fucking second Ellie walked on screen you knew she was the cure.
>criticize a gameplay element for feeling clunky
>criticize a gameplay element for feeling transparent and grindy
fucking kek true