You always have to start the conversation on steam

>You always have to start the conversation on steam

>Dont start conversation for a day
>"Oh sorry i thought you didnt want to be my friend anymore"

I never initiate any contact with anyone. I'm a lone wolf.

>tfw I can't even remember the last time someone started a conversation with me on steam or by text message and most people would just forget I exist if I never texted them again

I didn't. Now I live alone in the middle of Alaskan wilderness. Go live your life and enjoy. Stop fucking taking things for granted for fuck's sake.

Sounds like a personal problem

>decide not to text girl unless she texts me first for once to gauge if she's interested
>never receive text from that contact

>get rare drop
>host says he's tired and ends the game

Just like ops.

abenobashi is a really funny anime
I would even recommend the dub