EDF Thread

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To patiently wait for EDF 5 to get ported

finally a reason to post this

>tfw want to complete EDF2 Portable 100% but noone to play with

>using a balam to fight hectors
Truly, no greater fun is to be had. Uppercuts for everyone!



Is the new EDF going to come out on PC the same time as the PS4 version? I hope it does :X


>Friend wants to play 4.1 coop
>Wants to play on hardest for challenge/gear
>Doesn't want to grind armor

Grinding for armor is the ONLY thing I hate about these games. I only had about 2000 total when finally clearing solo inferno and that was AFTER I tried to spend a couple of hours farming boxes.

Lawrence. Get outta here.

The PS4 version is already out

It wouldn't be so bad if you didn't have to collect every single armor box yourself.
Fuck, just give me a flat increase depending on the level cleared or something.

Oh I mean when it comes to NA

Recently recruited Fencer main, reporting in!

Acquire speed, boyo.

come on, guys, just import it. i don't have many webms, but it is slowly looking better than 4.1. one thing about the nip version is that almost all lobbies are password-protected. you would have to have one that isn't protected just by clicking on rooms you want to enter. i did up to mission 30 online by creating my own lobbies, jumped around missions by entering other lobbies.

but look how active it is. and if you know 4.1 like the back of your hand, 5's settings placements are almost exactly the same. i even give the same autotext chat calls based on memory from 4.1. wing diver can sing now

>multiplayer locked behind a paywall
Fuck off

Is Mission 11 the biggest casual filter of all time?

is 2 hours enough to figure out if this game is good or not

>Tfw attempting those destroyed city hold out missions as an Air Raider
>Only like two viable tactics
>Pray you can take off in your bazelart and do 500 strafing runs while kiting enemies
>Or use a Vegalta amped up with healing posts and just try and tank the swarm

No idea how I'll beat them with ranger if I ever try to go through it again.

>kinda want to buy 4.1
>5 looks very similar, barring a few grachical and QoL changes
>feel like I should save my money for 5 to avoid getting burned out on the series too quickly
PC port when?

yep -- not proud, but resubscribed to PS+ for this. don't worry, it'll be on steam sometime. but this is EDF we're talking about. you will pay for it whether you like it or not so you can play with other members

who is calling all the artillery here?

That mission was a humongous slog on higher difficulties. Those bots would pop like zits once the ant spam chewed the armor to bits.

no one else but air raider. he was somewhere there

Ah didn't see that other players.


Which one's Brute Force
Thats a casual filter on high difficulties

mission 31 online. i think 29 or 30 for offline. that's one of my favorites. early on, taking out hectors wasn't the real problem. it's the flying drones that really get you

webm cut off the fancy new wing diver moves and the erginus

go play some missions online


you know, you could just hack that shit?

I'm to retarded to learn niponese

I love the God Raider in 5, but taking away his railguns was a bitch move. Leaves him with literally nothing to hit drop ships and other targets that need to be hit from below except the limpet sniper. I'm salty about the Nereid too, but that's replaceable.


>They took away the Epsilon

What's Air Raider supposed to use on maps filled with high hp targets then?

no need. you'll know which weapons are which because they show them while selecting, especially if you've played 4.1. the only hard part about this should air raider because they don't really show vehicles, air raids, etc for air raiders. most are just the usual guns or grenade markers that call for these items

There are all sorts of reloadable air strikes you can use for queens/ armored cosmonauts/ other big shit. The whale machine gun is on a 2 second reload and does a broken amount of damage, for example. Of course all of that shit comes from the sky, so dropships are immune.

How good are the maser tanks? Are they oversized Idduns? Please tell me they're great

can rangers call for vehicles?

maybe multiple homing with homing kit

Every vehicle's name is in katakana, so it's not hard at all. I can't read nip for shit, but learning that takes like a day.

they hit hard with laser beams. even the walking mechs here cleared everything before i could pick up all the rewards

Yeah, rangers stole the railguns, Nereid, brute, and bikes. They also get exclusive access to the EMC.

How do you summon them? I'm playing and I know there is a third slot for his weaponry. Which button do I push?

Press X. Keep in mind all vehicles start at half charge now, so you always have to kill some stuff first.

Sorry, meant for Dying to call for vehicles as Ranger. I saw a few Ranger vehicles that looked like they were from EDF2

Least he has air strikes besides Whale that'll get used from time to time. Is there no alternative to the old double ZE-GUN + Sniper Tank strat now though?

ah, i see. seems doable. thanks

Is EDF 4.1 worth it for 30$ Should I just get the base game or do I need the DLC too?


Also the leftmost column for ranger aren't vehicles, they're enhancements. Vehicles start from the second column, which I believe is railguns.

DLC is really fun -- and good for farming -- but you really don't have to buy them because there are already just a lot of missions. i doubt they will ever release a complete version of the game since 4.1 is already the upgraded version of 2025

Have anyone got hands on EDF 5, is the armor autistic grind and inferno damage balanced or still a shitfest?

So I should just go to the third slot of his weaponry and select a vehicle from column #2?

git used to it and play a lot

Yeah. The vehicle meter is always on screen now, so you know if you have one. Kill some stuff to fill the meter and hit x, which drops a beacon in front of you without needing to switch to it. I believe the columns are equipment, tanks, helis, and bikes from left to right. Don't remember if there's a fifth.

>no shield or javelin
Come on m8, Fencers secretly being the fastest class in the game is the best part about them.

If I get this game, RIGHT NOW, who wants to play? This game is far too niche for any of my friends. Wait, is there some sort of steam group or something?

Unless EDF 5 killed it there's still a good number of players online for 4.1

pls tend to it well if you purchase. we all do. i might get on later

Oh sweet I thought it was dead unless you got people together.

I'm not really sure what you're saying.

>playing wing diver
>not glorious air raider

I'd say EDF 5 did kill it. It's pretty close to outselling 2025 in Japan

>grind 500 hours for armor
>still get one shot by spiders


>his armor is

What about Vegaltas with machineguns and cannons? They work okay against dropships.

I loved how when you ride a Balam any Wing Divers following you flock around it like little birds.

It takes a long ass time to get armor.

>turrets autoreload
>extra slot
The air will be raided. On PC in 2019

So do those streams actually reveal anything new to the people that speak nip or is it all just those two girls being annoying and bad at the game?

If never played should I get 4.1 now or wait for EDF 5?

play up through normal and hard like you're fucking supposed to and you'll have plenty of armor

I'm glad they locked hardest and inferno in 5. shitters who farm for weapons and don't have the armor to back it up are the fucking worst part about online in 4.1

air strikes. they're cheaper to call now. he's AIR raider now, like he always should have been

4.1 turned him into Vehicle Raider, which was clearly not the intended effect

Do AI under your command get in your fucking vehicles yet?

Just wait for 5 since it will be newer with more people playing online. If you want to save around $30-40 then yeah, get 4.1 since it's only about $20 for PS4 and on Steam for $30 right now

no, cuz that would mean programming AI for every single vehicle side-car

there are AI improvements now, though. they'll navigate around obstacles pretty damn well to follow you, won't walk off of ledges, and won't shoot at enemies if there's a well between them

I was remorsing over some dead as fuck games earlier with

I found it pretty easy to find games on the PC version

lobbies vary a bit though, but people are nice enough that they don't insta kick you if you suck
unlike it Monster Hunter ;_;

according to this video, air raider gets their own railgun tank now and it does the same thing? high damage, goes through enemies


>don't want to waste money on 4.1 and its shitty design/performance
>just buy EDF: USA USA USA edition for a dollar
>It actually plays better in some ways

Stupid, lazy japs.

that's the Blacker-A series. it's just a tank that shoots a slug. it doesn't have the armor or power to match the actual Epsilon railgun by any means

>don't want to waste money on 4.1 and its shitty design/performance
this is like an oxymoron or a straight-up lie



Just pirate 4.1 if you're that much of a poorfag

is taste this shit actually real?

Welp, time to be a ranger
>High single target
>Mini neagling rocket launchers
>high rate of armor gain
giving the ranger some of the best vehicles air raider had is kinda fucked up
I dont agree with anyone that thinks this was a good idea

this game looks fucking awesome what the fuck is this

Why would I? Everything I read about 4.1 is that it's shit, grindy as fuck, they ruined class balance and it runs like dogshit.

Earth Defense Force

it's kind of like the older games where air raider wasn't present, but yeah, this was not a good idea

air raider isn't supposed to be Vehicles Man, he's supposed to coordinate air strikes

Fox, grapes, etc.

>blind fanboy

because those are reviews from angry plebs and normalfags. EDF 4.1 is quite literally the best game ever made

at least a few guys asking each thread. welcome

i don't understand. he's played the best game ever made and he's telling you it isn't shit to a person who has never played it and only read about it. it is you who is unreasonable

>want to grind for armor
>join a multiplayer game when I am on mission 15 or some shit
>duDE HacKS LmaO
>20,000 armor
>all challenge from the game removed
>have to trial and error finding a fun amount of armor to restrict myself to when playing through missions

pls treat us well and we'll be ur idols forever