Gameplay > Art Design > Music > Story
Gameplay > Art Design > Music > Story
Get a better picture next time
Gameplay >Art Design = Music > Story
Too big.
I'm not your litte brother you dumb bitch
Agree, but a small correction. It should be Sound Design rather than just music.
I disagree with you, user, but that's fine.
pick one you fence sitter
Gameplay >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Music >>>>>> Visuals >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Shit >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Story
So you guys like FF XV?
Feels good > price per hour value > supporting the specific developer > the fanbase >>> what Sup Forums thinks about the game
the game was better than pretty much all ff games, but still shit, so no.
All aspects of a video game are important, with gameplay being the main priority.
Gameplay ≥ Visuals = Music = Story
little correction
Gameplay>Music>Art Design>Story
You can be concentrating really well on something, and yet satisfying music will add more to the experience when facing challenges more than AD or story ever could.
Fine, Music > Art Design
internet cred value > waifus > meme potential > music >>>>>>> story >>>>>>> gameplay
Nah. Art design is what truly defines a game, separates it from others in the same genre.
Gameplay > Music > Story > Art Design
Though it depends heavily on the type of game.
I meant that music will universally add to the experience more than AD where as for AD you might not be able to look at the pretty background or scenery when focusing on fighting enemies.
Then again enemy visual design can be a part of art design. You know what I'm little bit ambivalent about it now that I think about it.
I agree entirely.
I love a good story in video games but it can not carry the game alone, the game needs to be fun first and foremost or the game is shit regardless of its story.
Story > Music > Gameplay > Art Design
if gameplay is the most important why the fuck are you playing anything but Pong?
Fun>Value>>Devs>Player base
Why aren't you reading a book?
Boobs >>>>>>>>>>>>> Music > Gameplay > Art Design > Story
because a game can show a story in a much better way than a book can.
Pong isn't that fun and just playing that over and over will get boring. And that's because it's so basic gameplay wise and just playing the same game over and over will make you grow tired of the gameplay.
>taroniggers are this delusional
People don't want to admit it but Pong and Tetris suck.
Well it's a shame there isn't a game in existence with a story more compelling than even a mediocre novel.
>xenogears, suikoden 2, fallout new vegas, the void, silent hill 2, nier/automata, drakengard, final fantasy 6
Yes, but what said
I just hate what the West became when it comes to this, because most people are fine with QTE movies with shit-ass mechanics and clunky gameplay. They actually favor it this way.
Gameplay > Art design> Music> Graphics > story
Nee-san > Milf > Cake > Imouto
Men > Women
>Tetris suck
The absolute state of nu-Sup Forums. Pong is never fun that's true.
Not even close lad. Experience is better.
Milf > Cake > Nee-san > imouto
Waifus>Gameplay>Art Design>Story
Anyone have the full version of this picture?
If Suwako is supposed to be a god, why is she such a semen demon?
dumb cowtits poster
gameplay > useful visual elements (HUD, menus etc) > content (maps, stages, items, etc) > graphics > art design = music > story
Gameplay > Atmosphere > Music > Art Design > Story > Graphics
>graphics above art design
Combination of Sound design and Art design
aren't music and art design just parts of atmosphere?
Yeah, I'm not thinking straight tonight lol
if you can't see shit, art design doesn't matter
try doing a good pixel art in a funcking atari you dipshit
indie games disagree, putting graphics below art design doesn't equal NES tier graphics.
>indie games
>try doing a good pixel art on one of the earliest consoles ever made
last time I checked it's not 40 fucking years ago so I don't need to do that
even if you wanna go back (almost) that far, there's plenty of NES and master system games which look better than modern games. just get past the arbitrary hurdle of pre-3rd gen consoles and graphics power matters less and less in aesthetics.
>, because most people are fine with QTE movies with shit-ass mechanics and clunky gameplay.
So the Yakuza series? The one Sup Forums shills here?