ITT: Moments that a woman will never understand

ITT: Moments that a woman will never understand

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That's embarrassing. Anyone that gets that overexcited deserves to put in the ground

>FF7R moved to PS5
>TLG was mediocre
>Shenmue 3 looks shit

In hindsight it becomes a very meh E3 for Sony

fuck off soyboy, you are basycally a woman

>people act like that over a remake
This is why video games are garbage nowadays.

I think women understand screaming effeminate chimpouts just fine

MAX is ourguy

Fuck off and die bugman

I think the funniest thing about this video is how quickly Huber reacts upon hearing the Shenmue music.

>Over here, we can see the bugmen in action. Note their exceptional energy and overly active expressions. It's astounding that Mr. Sanders didn't win in the primary with his supporters having this sort of vigor

But I do understand, 2015 was a good year for video games and announcements


Fucking bugman

I hate how the altright has taken the word “bugmen.” Never again will it just be a Fallout 2 moment.

Overreacting soyboy bugmen. Only women get so animated over something. Men will nod in approval and possibly smile faintly

>tfw you dont even know what fun is anymore

>Neither game still in any sight
This is everything wrong with GT/EZA. Falling for hype over no gameplay and fucking CGI trailers.
Reminder these cunts(besides Brandon) fell for the fucking No Man's Sky hype like a bunch of retards too.

>shenmues kikestarter

That's fucking weak.

Whats funny about it?
