Daily reminder that a console isn't really portable UNLESS IT FITS IN YOUR POVKET

Daily reminder that a console isn't really portable UNLESS IT FITS IN YOUR POVKET.

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so the only portable console is the gameboy micro

The switch fits fine in normal sized pockets, try putting it in any pcoket other then the tiny miniature ones on your asschecks

How fat are you that a 3DS or Vita fits in your pocket?

It's a Nintendo console, so cargo pant pockets count.

found the soyboy

Putting your switch on a leash
What? Is this something Nintendo fags actually do? For what purpose?

I never carried my 3DS XL in my pocket either so the experience is the same for me.

Not everyone weighs 300 pounds

>putting stuff in the back pocket when a huge variety of shit can go wrong


You have some small ass pockets. Sure I understand having to take it out when you're sitting down or something, but my 3DS XL fits just fine in mine when I'm walking.

>put the joycons in one pocket
>put the switch in the other

wow that was hard

It fit fine. I just didn't like how it felt.

Daily reminder that you're a retard if you store anything of value in your back pocket

>see people put their phones in their back pocket

wear these

I'm sure you keep your wallet in your fannypack

Portable doesn't mean "fits in your pocket."
Portable does mean that something is relatively compact and hassle free, such that you can take it with you places.
Example: The portable cook stove I have for camping trips. It certainly doesn't fit in my pocket.

But I don't listen to Voltaire or play Vampire: the Masquerade.

Well, not anymore.


If only had invented a device that lets you easily store transport items maybe it could even go over your shoulder so as to leave your arms free.

It's more on so that people are used to portable consoles being able to easily fit in your pocket as most consoles like that have been able to fit in your pocket easily in the past.

>he doesnt have leashes for all his consoles

what the fuck else would you use when you take them out of the fridge?

i boned some fat goth chick in the bathroom at one of his shows once. surprisingly didnt get an std, but still 3/10 would not recommend

Do you wear girl jeans? a 3DS XL fits in my pocket.

it fits but it's to thicc to be comfortable or aesthetic

You must be female. 3DXL fits in all of my pants pockets, front or back.


Do you even browse regularly or you are too busy with your degree?

Enjoy your wiiu 2.0 said enough

Why do you keep calling the switch a console? its a gadget

Daily remainder that that's not what portable means.

You must be one massive fucking lardass if a Switch can fit in your pocket comfortably

If he's a lardass wouldn't he have less room on account of the fat?

no, fat people pants are fucking massive, and have equally massive pockets

hello kevin(s)

I don't, I'm manlet tier and am only 5'6" and weigh 130 pounds, and the switch fits fine in my pockets. It even fits fine in my size too small pajamas, webm related.

Granted, with the joycons, it'd be sticking out a bit and it wouldn't be comfortable, but then just do


If you're going out anywhere where you'd have the chance to play games, I don't see why you wouldn't have a bag to carry it in

It's like getting mad at tablets that are designed to be ultra portable don't fit in your pocket. You're supposed to put them in your bag you doofus

That being said I would kill for another Micro, it's such a cool little handheld

it fits in most pockets...

Unless your'e a retard that uses his back pocket.

>yeah im gonna play it without the controllers out and about
>in my pajamas
lmao, imagine, this person exists

Just get a phone then.

Y'know most pairs of pants have... Two sets of pockets, right?

yeah, suppose, doubt many manchildren need a phone or wallet so it works out

Not everyone is a little handbag-carrying sissyboy.

You are aware that pants have the same sized pockets as pajamas, right?

You could easily fit your phone, wallet (unless you stuff tons of bullshit in there instead of just some cash, ID, and 2-3 credit cards like some people I know), and both joycons in one pocket and the switch tablet in the other

>is that a gun or are you happy to see me
>yfw he empties both pockets to assemble some sort of toy


How fat are people that they can't physically put things in their pockets?

>people actually put their 3DS or 3DS XL in their pockets

>underpowered as fuck for a console
>shit battery and size for a handheld
It's nothing short of a miracle that it's done as well as it has. I wonder if it'll maintain momentum or not

>switch further back than 3DS creating forced perspective
>shell on the 3DS, and it's opened
>joycons removed from switch
You're such a fucking faggot

Maybe 2018 is the year you'll stop being an insecure pansy!

>dp store
double penetration store?

USF2 is so fucking good. Shame that two characters dominate the game and you need a pro controller to play comfortably

>>shit battery and size for a handheld

If you aren't willing to play it in public to begin with then why are you in this thread?

While that's all true, the switch tablet really isn't that much bigger then a 3ds XL.


I'm not a KH character.

to make fun of the ones who do lmao

Then what fun are you?

>the back pocket of a pair of hipster jeans

Don't people have coats or jackets with pockets on the inside ? They're always really deep, why not just put the switch in that?

Haha oh man I bet you wear pajama pants like regular pants

I don't, but it's not like pajamas have larger pockets then normal pants, so it'd still fit you dumbass

Wear a backpack

>remove joycons
>put screen in pocket
>put joycons in pocket
So now that we have established that the Switch is a portable, what will the rest of the thread focus on?

It's size isn't really the issue.
It's battery life is.

It's portable for an hour, maybe

This is fucking bait considering you made up your own term for what "portable" means. If you can take it with you to another place then it's portable. In the 1980s there was the portable TV Sony Watchman which ran on batteries

Lies. Post butt

Why would you people freely admit to being obese?

3 to 6, but still isn't good enough. Should be 6 hours at a minimum. Once we get past pointless shit like touch screen and gyro controls, we can finally get a worthwhile battery life.

>wear cargo shorts
>put speakers in left lower pocket
>put mouse on right upper pocket
>put speakers in back pocket
>put mother board's corner in left upper pocket with fan facing away from you
>use chords to tie everything around yourself
>put hard drives in back pocket (you have two)
>wear a belt and tie your keyboard to your waste
>buy the smallest monitor with an hdmi port and tape it you a bracelet
bam, desktop computer is now portable
get to emulate GBA games on the go


Legit PC/ handheld option.

I want all the soyboys and manchildren to leave.

If you want your switch with you just put it in a god damn backpack or a numale purse for all you cucks.

some anons have bigger pockets than the others.
Retarded OP is retarded.
Having shit stashed in your bag is perfectly fine.

day 45:faggot still hasn't said he was wrong about

You forgot to mention the wheelbarrow with batteries.


The switch is very easy to take places. It's not a big deal.

Switch fits in my pockets.
Maybe you just have soyboy pockets

>hipster jeans
>putting anything breakable in your back pocket

Your thread is meaningless.

if you aren't obese, this is the only right answer

it's nintendo don't critique you fucking ass retard

I'm borderline obese and handhelds don't fit in my pockets comfortable. What the fuck is up with you cunts?

Cargo pants wearing turbo virgins

I put it in my manbag

That's why I'm waiting for the mini

A gameboy advance is around the same size as a smartphone

Voltaire is good.

Nigga there's two perfectly good pockets at your sides where shit doesn't get lost unless you're a woman or some fag who wears skinny jeans

op btfo

I have my wallet and phone in my back pocket because I don't like having a big-ass bulge on the side of my pants. Bite me.

You must be one clumsy motherfucker because I've never lost something from having it in my back pocket

You know portable and handheld aren't the same thing right, retatd? Laptops are classified as portables

The Switch is vastly larger than the 3DS in that image. You fucking blind, cunt?

If you have to dismantle the device in order to carry it in your pocket, it is not portable.

How small are your side pockets??

I've never been in a situation where I needed a game console more than a backpack and if I have a backpack, the console goes in there. I'm racking my brain right now trying to think of a scenario in which I would bring a console, but not need a backpack. Are there really people who can't go a few hours without video games and absolutely must have a system on hand for every little walk or ride on public transport? That's pathetic. Stop and look at the fucking world for a moment. People-watch. Heck, talk to a stranger and you might even make a connection for once.

That's an open invitation to get pick-pocketed here in México.

Anything is an open invitation to get anythinged in Mexico