Pascal the dog is here

Pascal the dog is here.

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Will he be in SMTV?


I wish I could have fun with these games but it's really tedious.





Toki > Pascal

a master is out.

I wanna see Pascal take the knot

and SMT II.


Not him, but in SMT1 SFC the encounter rate in some areas is absolutely fucking absurd, and I'm really generous about encounter rates in JRPGs.
Thankfully it's a lot better in the other SFC titles like 2 and Kyuuyaku. Can't speak for the PS1 versions considering no one has translated them and will unfortunately probably stay that way





Is that.



I too miss when JRPGs were good.


which smt should I play I only got like 3/4 of the way through Nocturne

SMT 1 and 2 are the perfect games for your smartphone. I thought SMT 1 was tedious too until I started playing at work and between meetings. I'm hooked now.

Anyone else ghetting depressed at the ending to persona 3 still?

really? always wanted to play this but it gets frustrating. I'll have to give it a shot


I probably would be but it's hard to take the ending serious.
>final boss is just listening to "the arcana is the means by which all is revealed" for like 45 min
>final dramatic moment ruined by shitty rap with engrish
>"the power of friendships surges through you!"
I couldn't take that shit serious.

It's pretty shit honestly, I would rather just get devil summoner 1.

He is there to fuse into a strong demo later on

how shit is it friend

Pretty shit. The problem is a lot of the dungeons rely on some sort of gimmick and often it is so fucking tedious that it genuinely is just not fun to play. One dungeon for example makes you walk back and forth repeatedly as you need to be on a specific moon cycle to progress.

However there is a bonus route available from your second playthrough onward that plays pretty differently so maybe that is better but still, the base game is just not good. They literally just took a fuck ton of assets from SMTI/II and put together what is essentially a official romhack.

are you playing it on an emulator or the official phone versions?

But then we wouldn't have had the Elliot Rodgers of the series.

He's just some edgelord who whole deal is "muh friendzone" and "muh dad". He's only really notable for being one of the rare instances of a human being the main antagonist in a SMT.

What in shin megami T.V.?

don't forget he filled the entire school with demons and into their dimension

>hardest boss in the entire game
>just a sidequest boss

The music.

Estoma helps a bunch at least.

>going on the internet and lying for no reason
What game are you even referring too? Nocturne? He's not tough there at all. IV? He's pretty tough here actually but nothing insane.


>wanted to get into SMT so I could participate in discussions on Sup Forums and expand knowledge of jrpgs
>Decide to play through SMT1
>emulate on phone for convenience
>get a few hours in but drop the game for a few days
>try to start up again
>realize that I forgot this was one of those older games that doesn't display your current objectives
>wasn't gonna explore that fuckhuge world trying to figure out what to do
I haven't touched it in months, I think I'll finally beat it in 2018.

SMTI is pretty rough and broken as fuck. You either will have a brutal time or it'll be a complete breeze depending on if you know what shit is broken or not.

Just go play Nocturne or IV.

>finish IV
>get into IV apocalypse
>they fixed the shitty maps giving the absolute minimal information
dog bless
exploring the big map was awful

If you dont have the stomache for old gameplay design then smt might be a bit strong. The map is a bitch to traverse, the encounter rate is through the roof and the easiest way to play is to literally break the game to get through it. Ultimatelly its just better to appreciate for its history rather than its game mechanics

Don't say thanks just yet, get ready for the worst writing and cast in mainline SMT by far.

Combat is fucking great though.

If you can appreciate the older fallouts in what it set out to do than smt 1 and 2 will be good

I can definitely push myself through it, I just lost the drive to continue since I was kinda playing it passively anyways.
But I do agree that it was a pretty rough game, however I kinda like playing archaic stuff everyonce and a while so I don't mind.

But I also think it would be cool if these earlier SMT games could get full remakes, I think SMT, SMTII, and if... all condensed into a single game could work.

>Pascal the dog is here.

>playing smt games for the story

Unfortunatey haven't played the original fallouts, but I remember having a lot of fun with a similar game in the past.

Maybe 1? But he dies to ailment bullets like everyone else.
Most people say his IV incarnation is hardest, might be that.

Where are you at? Playing through it myself and interested. Did you get to the nuking of Tokyo yet?
I won't argue against your point but typically the games had more minimalist but enjoyable stories. IV:A's story has so many anime troupes in its cast and story that it becomes genuinely annoying.

>uh, you dont get to bring friends

Nah, no boss in SMTI is hard once you learn how broken shit like bufu/zio stunning and ailment bullets are.

Guessing he had to mean IV. He's the toughest in IV honestly since there is genuinely no bullshit way to beat him unless youcome back with shit like the broken dlc demons.

He's too busy complaining about Trump and being broke because he can't complete work at his actual jobs

>Playing KMT 1
>Ghost Vampire encounter
>He steals an entire level of experience from you

Have you even experienced macca beam?

I'd rather be hit by Macca Beam than have my characters level down in a slightly uncommon encounter in a massive confusing dungeon.


>Level 37
>Enemy levels you down
>Grinding to get to level 36
>Enemy levels you down to 35

>Macca Beam
>Shitty but recoverable

you mean to say, they really do level you do and not just a status effect for the fight only?

Yep, you've got to regain that lost level. Level drains persisted into SMT 1 and 2 as well, though you needed to be hit with a stun first IIRC. I kinda miss em.

I always thought it was just some sort of status effect that only happens in the fight only, like in Earthbound when they bring a stat down I think.

Yeah, you have to grind out that entire level again. Old school RPG mechanics are A FUCKING CUNT

i'm halfway through smt I. the coolest things are how the game constantly changes your party members at the beggining and the twist about yen being worth jackshit after the bomb drops. but i'm pretty sure the game doesn't make you start from zero, you just lose some coins, no big deal.

from what little i've played of the PS1 ports, they definitely lowered the encounter rate.

they kinda have to since they have this very short delay before every battle since it loads from the CD

isn't that just recycled nakajima anyway

What are these games about?

Are they really that good or is it a meme

i never thought of it that way, nakajima being the og and all



>The Yen that you were carrying became as worthless as the paper it was made from.
don't care if this is a fan translation thing, it's still memorable

Yes, literally hundreds of thousands of people discuss these games in depth "as a joke".

I want that boy for my Birthday Party.

I'd believe it.

never ever

Where do you think you are right now

Isn't the 3DS one a remake of this?

No, it's a remake of that game's sequel. That game did get a port on the psp but that too was Japan only.

Why would they remake the sequel but not the original?

Sorry, it actually was a port, not a remake. Basically they ported the first game on the psp and the second one on the 3ds. Originally both were released for the saturn and the second game was later ported to the ps1.

All of this, with the exception of the 3ds version of soul hackers (second game) is Japan only.

Damn, translation when gideon?

Just wait till Megami Tensei 2 where half the enemies you encounter late game can drain your level

There was a translation project for the PSP version of Devil Summoner 1 a couple years ago, but I remember them saying they were hit a roadblock actually getting the text to show up in-game because of how it was displayed or something

I forgot to mention, one last "fuck you" in the final dungeon of MT2 with the demons that reflect physical/gun, drains your level, inflict Panics, gives you a relatively low escape rate and appears in large groups.
Eat your fucking heart out Tamamo.

Pascal the dog is here.

That's pretty disappointing
I think that the Yakuza for PSP also had a similar situation

Eat shit, EOP.

gideon please i love you


Never ever man

you know nothing boyo
KHHsubs says he's 80% done and he managed to recruit one helper to help translate the substories cause that's the only thing left to translate

Yeah, I'm not playing it. I'm out.

I beat Megami Tensei and Majin Tensei. I am fine remaining at baby hardcore level.

>He steals an entire level of experience from you
What's the matter, son? Never played a Wizardry game before? You should expect shit like that in a Wizardry clone.

I haven't! Shit like that is why I've always avoided them!