Does a game need to be sexualized in order to be good?

Does a game need to be sexualized in order to be good?

No. But people that deny a game just because it has sexy characters are equally moronic.

Of course not, but sexualization doesn't hurt a game if it's already good, it's like a bonus.


No, but it helps.

>I wonder how i can post video game girls that I jerk off to on Sup Forums...

What mods?

It never hurts.

way too much fucking ass

The best a game can do sexualization in my opinion is through unlockable clothes/side quests. That way people who want a "serious 5realsies" atmosphere can ignore it, and degenerates can jump through hoops to jerk off to it.


Men and women are perverts, it helps but a good game is a good game.

>she'll never annihilate your pelvis

>Tumblr image

Please go away blue haired faggot.

dwarf fortress is one of the best games ever made and it's not sexualized. it's like anti-sexualization infact since playing it means you will never get laid.

No. But a game isn’t bad because there’s sexualization.


No. But sexy things can make it better.


atomic beauty
easy girls
cow girl cbbe

I bet you like pyra

>doesn't visit Tumblr to keep up with porn artists who post their smut there
Paheal is just rule 34 you're not actually getting everything an artist has drawn on there.


no, but helps

fucking this right here

>tfw I can't find women like her sexually arousing unless envisioning myself to have a penis and body proportionate enough to physically dominate her
How do shota-fags enjoy this?

I want a mommy to take care of me and hold me. Im 6'3", it'll neverr happen. Grass isn't always greener I suppose.

Consider pic related. Her sexiness comes from her skimpy armor which makes sense in-universe because she doesn't want heavy armor to catch fire from her spells.

Now consider female Night Elf armor in WoW. They block damage in a comically stupid area - the breasts and vagina only and barely even there. Sexy armor is cool if it makes sense in-universe. Otherwise, it's just as pandering as putting pandas in your game for furries.

I'm 5'11 and I just imagine the women being taller than me. two of my exes were anyway.

Sorry brother. I hope you come across a 6'4 fit grill someday to fulfill your dreams.


No but it does keep the cancer away.

I agree, shit should be more trim.

I'm 5'3 and I feel like you do so considering the other posts I guess grass is always greener


No, especially since games that have a focus on fapservice are often bad/mediocore, but get shilled by sex starved morons who aren't content with viewing fap material for free but want to shell out coins for it.

There's waldo


Vanessa is the hottest western porn OC.

I want a 7' chick thigh with giant mommy breast to do it, but I get by with my current GF that is 5'1.5" that does mommy play with me. At least she's got huge boobs.

To some extent

>tfw 6'4 only women want tall men while I just want a thicc amazon goddess to smother me to death

Can you give me a link or post more? I was about to rub one out to the OP.

No but it doesn't hurt and I don't know why people get so anally annihilated about it.

Oh my fucking god her kid is right there and hes thinking about rape. Men really are pigs.

What game??


yes because sex is good and everyone likes sexy things, so a good game is a sexy game.

>payment involved
not rape



Not games, no.
But this thread does, so post more


>not futa

Gashi Gashi
I would be thinking about groping her breasts and I'm a girl

It does not, but if a game is censored then it will definitely drive people away.

i like those hips.

Your trash fetish is dropped

wow what a fag

No, but it will make any game better.

Good for you user. I've never had a gf that shorter than me, but I guess it could work, with the right mindset.

>it's a tranny pretends they're a girl episode again

let him pretend user

How many successful games besides Nier Automata are there that actually became successful due to sexualizing their characters?

Sorry I forgot you guys have gynophobia

No, because retards will actually believe it and enable his mental illness.

how big is your dick?

Bayonetta, Tomb Raider(But she was more badass than sexy, I guess this can also count for bayonetta)
Dead or alive

are you a smelly neet?

As big as your dads right arm

Yes, John. We're all very proud and accepting of your new pronouns and frilly dresses.

That guy draws nice feet

as long as he wont cut off his nuts or dick, he can always revert.

It's fine as long as it stays out of games I actually care about.


My dad lost his right arm in Nam. Good to know.

and what games do you care about?

>post-op trannies
absolutely disgusting


A game can be good without being sexy
A game can be good and be sexy
But a game won't be good if it's ONLY sexy.
Unless it's a porn game, in which case it should be sexy.

This isn't fucking rocket science. It's basic logic.

Why are her hands so tiny? Is to make my micro penis look huge in her hands?

So then to answer OP’s question, no- games don’t need sexualization to be successful.

Quit making these stupid bait threads.

What else did he lose? Does he have a cool robot arm that is also his wife?


>live for the funk
Got damn.

Good games

Not smelly but a neet

bottom right corner you fucking retard

>Quit making these stupid bait threads.
People make these bait threads because they always gather replies. Normal sounding threads? Nobody gives a single fuck about those sadly. Its all about the bait.
>What games can I be a [x]post picture of a recent event
>550 replies
mods are shit too sadly.

doa5 is a big one

it brings in about $18 million in dlc ALONE every year

Such as?