What will be the first game you'll play in 2018?

What will be the first game you'll play in 2018?

I'm gonna finish my hole backlog this year, nothing will stop me now.

Got Okami HD today, probably that.


Oblivion with the Obscura overhaul

TF2, still 1am here so I'll wait a bit more

fuck off tripfag

Endless Legend because I haven't played any 4X in a long time and I loved Legend waymore than space or space2

skyrim without mods

and then with mods after i make sure it works

Farmville on my phone and there's nothing you can do to stop me

probably dark souls 3, still need to beat slave nig gael

just play Overwatch, TF2 is just a hat simulator with FPS elements

Honestly I don't know. I've been playing Dark Souls 3 nonstop for the past 3 days and I need a little break.

Darkest Dungeon
Only 5 more years until I become a wizard. I'm so lonely.

Bravely Second

Probably finish up Breath of the Wild or a VN I just started. First new game of 2018 could be anything. But most likely one of 8 games I've narrowed it down to playing next.

Gonna finish Xenoblade Chronicles 2 tomorrow morning.

Tactics Ogre for the SNES. I've been playing it all night.

DMC 1. Wish me luck

Risk of Rain

Good taste

That just makes it better :^)

Going to be playing through Pokemon Ultra Sun.

ES2 is good though

I'm probably going to start up a run of FES in a bit if I motivate myself.

Happy New Year, anons!

Are you me? Im debating between P3 and Yakuza 3. Happy new year