Who here believes 2018 is gonna be better than 2017? Why?

Who here believes 2018 is gonna be better than 2017? Why?

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Can I find a cute thicc latina that will sit on my face in 2018?

Switchs first year is proven to be the first viable Nintendo console in a long time, so I'm interested to see what 3rd party games get announced for it.

If you believe in yourself


Lots of games in January

BecauseMHW is the first game released and the beta was already better than anything from 17

Not if Trump has his way.


>Chel will NEVER ride your cock with her thicc hips


I work at Nintendo.

I'll make it better.

Wtf i hate Drumpf now


Those motherfuckers knew what they were doing

I keep trying myself the next year will be better, but it just ends up worse.

Watched this shit in class during high school and I'm sure glad the fucking lights were off.

How is it possible to make animations like this.

We'll make it through this, user. One year at a time.

My 2016 was pretty nuts and 2017 was boring so maybe my even years are more interesting

Step one is to not be ashamed of loving the female form. Study lots and lots of nude women, in many different poses and states of undress to understand how the body flows in motion. When you're not masturbating, practice drawing the women, then masturbate to those drawings.

Based user, this is godtier advice.


by doing it by hand like an actual artist instead of using flash or cg garbage.

also watching a LOT of porn.

sleep tight, pupper

sleep tight, pupper


Just pay Mercedes Carerra

>tfw thicc light skin black gf

Thank you officer