If DMC 5 sucks, the action genre is DEAD

DMC 3 SE and DMC 4 SE are the pinnacle of the action genre and the ONLY good games in the genre. Bayonetta sucks and is a dumbed down qtefest, metal gear rising was even more dumbed down with a parry system made for noobs and a broken execution system, ninja gaiden games are slow and clunky as fucking shit. Gow of War isn't even an action game anymore and always sucked ass, and don't even get me started on fucking DmC, that game isn't even playable.

When will an action game match the depth and gameplay of dmc 3 and 4?

Other urls found in this thread:


DMC5 isnt coming.


so as long as DMC5 never comes out, the action genre is still alive?
wow, way to shit on DMC.

>this fag again

Character action games are and have always been garbage.

>ninja gaiden games are slow
>starting the year with a fucking week as ass bait
fucking hell, grow a life

It is, but it better be more like dmc 4 and nothing like platinum's qte filled garbage

Please stop trying to force a rivalry between Bayonetta and DMC, or Ninja Gaiden, or whatever the fuck, it's fucking stupid to squabble when stylish action games are hard enough to come by as it is. Insomniac's Spider-Man got Bamham'd and God of War got Soul'd/TLOU'd. Even though Bayo2 is only a sidegrade to the original and DMC4 is half-finished, they're still far far far far far far far superior to the trash AAA is shitting out.

Why, because you suck at them?

Have you even played them? DMC games are way faster than ninja gaiden and more smooth. NG has bad controls and feels clunky as fuck. Ryu is like controlling a goddamn boat compared to Dante.

>DMC 3 SE and DMC 4 SE are the pinnacle of the action genre and the ONLY good games in the genre.
I'm not denying anything, but you fags really need to stop glossing over the first game.

Bayo 2 is trash period. It's a watered down Bayo 2, which was a watered down dmc game. Fuck qtes and piss easy dial a combo systems made for scrubs. If any of you own any action game besides dmc 3/dmc 4, you need to delete them off your harddrive, or throw the disc in the trash.

First game is out dated garbage

dmc 1 sucked, it has none of the cuhrazeeeee shit the 3rd and 4th game has.

like clockwork. There really is no saving this terrible fanbase.

Why is the DMC fanbase so fucking autistic?

Kill yourself

git gud

Bayonetta and NGB are better than any DMC game.

I liked nu DMC

>likes actions games
>but only DMC 3 and 4

So you don't actually like action games?

Troll thread but Im gonna ask a legit question. Is the first secret mission in dmc3 on very hard mofe doable on a fresh playthrough? I feel like I just don't have the dps so early and always time out with one half dead enemy left

ended up using a holy water

>It is
Theres no decisive evidence.


Why would you want to play what is essentially a fucking tech demo of what dmc would become later? DMC 1 feels like a fucking alpha tech demo compared to dmc 3 and 4.

Me too. Sup Forums loves to hate it but I had a lot of fun with it.


Who cares if the gameplay is fun?

DmC had a lot of merits when it came to animation and visuals. It was far more visually tasteful than DMC's drab clusterfuck design. Sadly the character design suffered.

>I liked nu DMC

No you didn't. No one like DmC. It was festering garbage made by a simpleton, with dumbed down gameplay, shit controls, and shit characters and shit art design.

The definition of the "Push Button, Something Awesome Happens" crowd. Just a little more skilled than the typical fags but these dudes don't actually like DMC.

DmC DE is probably the best western-made character action game around. Period. But I still feel it would have benefited by being its own thing instead of being DmC. It never should have used the DMC name.

The genre is brawler and it will live on.

Cute. Now compare that shit to this

>DmC DE is probably the best western-made character action game around.
because japanese people retooled the original horrible idea halfway through development and then patched the game even further with DE

Why ask? You're not going to read the shit I post anyway. There's more to game's than mere depth of gameplay. The first game has a delicate balance between exporation, atmosphere supported by it's OST as well as combat. The third game built off the first's gameplay, but changed the direction entirely to a more freeform, combo-centric style with enemies made tankier to support this. It's great in it's own right, but the enemies lost their overall aggressiveness, killing shit can feel like a chore on the higher difficulties.

>DMC 5

Itsuno posted on Twitter recently, apparently they're in the later stages of development already.

>if one game sucks THIS WHOLE GENRE SUCKS

fucking off yourself

No you didn't, quit fucking trolling, No one enjoyed that shit.

Action games need to be more than fun, they need to be cuhrazee.

This can't be real, can it?

What about Bayo 3?

What about it? More dumbed down dial a combos(which should NEVER be in games like this), qtes out the ass, and probably some stupid gimmick slapped on? Platinum Games can't make action games worth a shit, and it's a good thing Kamiya wasn't allowed to do more dmc games, he'd fuck them up. He liked God of fucking War for crying out loud.

>action genre is dead
No sweetie, dark souls is carrying the whole genre and rpgs as well in it's back and made them relevant to casual fags

>implying Capcom isn't making him lying
He is great but also a huge drone

How are the ps4 versions of the DMC games? I'm assuming trilogy will be identical to its ps3 version so I feel like its fine to ask despite it not being "out" yet.

>dark souls

It's a fucking rpg for people who suck at real turn based rpgs

While limited, pushing that system to those limits is far more impressive. You can get hung up on your youtube combo videos all you want, but you know deep inside that you're never going to have the autism to pull off anything remotely similiar to that shit. In the end, you're just living vicariously though those combo vids, pretending you're hardcore when you're just a sad little pleb.

My favorite theory on what's taking them so long is Sony's intentionally putting off the announcement so it doesn't take any attention away from God of War.

>suck at real turn based rpgs
What like FF and Persona?

Dark souls is an """"action"""" role playing game therefore not only is Dark souls series making action games relevant, it's doing the same for rpgs too.

>any attention away from God of War.
GOW has always outsold DMC

DmC is not as bad as you make it out and is probably in the top 3 of the hack n slash genre, probably only because the genre isn't that well developed. Give the game another chance with the definitive edition.
Bayonetta is better than Devil May Cry in some ways too.

DmC is fucking GARBAGE. You hear me? GARBAGE!

Hey fuck you, kid.

Like an user said earlier, DmC is probably the best western character action game. It's serviceable.

DMC 5 is never coming so the action genre is saved forever

I miss the comfy DMC threads where we could appreciate all the game in the series. I'm even willing to let the DmCfags in on the fun, i'm over that shit by now. Why is every thread a DMC3circlejerk, while shitting on every single other game in the series now? Where did it go wrong? pls guys

el-fuck you

Souls and Souls-likes are almost action games but limited stamina just kills it

Dante doesn't cuss. It's flock off.

3 is flawed as fuck though. The last arc is a trainwreck in everything except Vergil 3

Let's start the new year off well, guys. Tell me your
>Favorite Devil Arm
>Favorite Firearm
>Favorite Boss fight
>Favorite Playable character
>Favorite environment/level
>Favorite outfit
>Favorite song
>Best girl
>Best game overall
>Hopes and dreams for DMC5

We have pic related so not everything is lost.

dmc1 is great and all but its not really the same thing , it is the best resident evil tho

I really hope that's some shitty tutorial area on the casual difficulty or something. The first minute of NG3RE on hard is more demanding than that.

I thought those are training dummies.

"a bloo bloo bloo give me my shitty resident evil back"

I understand. But where the fuck am I supposed to discuss the game? Not like I can make my own thread to talk about it with myself.

I just know when this comes out people will shout it's what FFXV should have been.

>nobody has mentioned God Hand
Or have we already gotten past OP's stupid claim?

this looks like the ffxv that i wanted

God Hand is a shit, poorly thought out, and designed game.

in the eventual hd collection threads when that drops for pc
also if you made a dmc1 thread id probably post in it if i saw it so there would be 2 posters

You fags completely undermine the challenge of the first DMC, merely because you don't want to understand how it plays specifically and have to unlearn what DMC3-on taught you. Guaranteed you kids only played normal, if even at all. Beat DMD, tell me the shit is easy. S-ranking every mission on Normal is challenge enough.

I was about to post in response to all these cancerous lesser DMC fans who have lost sight of their roots, but then I saw this post. I was just about to say that DMC1 makes up for the unpolished gameplay with superior atmosphere and level design. This guy gets it. You can't just blindly put all your chips on gameplay, and this is coming from a guy who actually prefers DMC3.

>Vergil 2nd encounter
>Mundus Castle from DMC1
>DMC2 outfit
>Lock n' Load from DMC1
>Lady from DMC3
>3 but I usually play the other games besides 2
>Put Ifrit/Beowulf/Gilgamesh to rest please god. Also, give us a dedicated training room so people that play on consolos don't get fucked for not being able to use a trainer.

"abloo blo bloo kamiya jack me off and suck my dick XD

PC/PS4 announced so far, developed by one guy.



this sound design is atrocious

Embarrassing user, DMC1 is a great game in its own right and you're a brainlet for dismissing it

The director and his dev team are being heavily supported by Sony. We don't know if this means full ps4 exclusivity but I certainly hope not.

"ablo blo bl flock off araraa

>Yamato, when Vergil wields it.
>Ebony & Ivory. I really like rainstorm.
>Dmc4 dante > dmc3 vergil > dmc3 dante with style switching
>Vergil battle 1 area
>Prototype Nero
>Vergil battle 1
> Gloria is the hottest, but she is shit and underdeveloped, so Trish. Kyrie is cute too.
>DMC3Se and DMC4se are about equal for me. I play dmc4 more though. I also enjoy DmC DE, to an extent.
>I want Cerberus, the weapon, back.I want Nero, Vergil and Dante playable, as well as a new character. I wan't Nero to have maybe one or two new weapons, some changes to Vergil and some changes to Dante, mostly concerning gunslinger and having Lucifer removed or altered heavily. I would also like a training mode.


DMC1 is great, and sort of underrated since people for some reason can't go back to older games even though its not that old. Even though I know it won't happen I hope DMC5 goes back to a dmc1's style and atmosphere.

It doesn't exist, just let go. It's dead, Jim.

>Put Ifrit/Beowulf/Gilgamesh to rest
Ifrit and it's analogues are mainstays of the series. It's like telling Capcom to make a DMC without a sword or pistols or a shotgun. What's the only DMC without an ifrit variant? DMC2. Guess which one sucked the most?

I think this SJW may be fucking their siblings, or at least really want to.

looks sweet
>developed by one guy
really? step up your game over devs

step up your game other devs

Fair enough, then let's scratch that and say that I hope that the weapon changes up a bit of its moveset. It's still my fav Devil Arm in the series like I said, but I guess I just felt like 4 games (yes, including the shitty DmC) was enough.

DmC version doesn't have kicks moves, though Vorgil had divekick

I want something like Dante has all punches moves and Vergil has all kick moves. That's kind of what they were going for with their Beowulf

>Agni and Rudra
>3rd encounter Vergil or Credo
>Dmc3 dante swordmaster
>the first area when you take the portal to the demon world in dmc3
>Dmc2 outfit
>Cerberus battle theme
>dmc3 Lady
>no time limit on bloody palace (image is me when I found I couldn't fool around in dmc4 bp)

Bayonetta continues to be the gift that keeps on giving

>Favorite Devil Arm
Nightmare Beta
>Boss Fight
Nelo 3
>Favorite Playable character
>Favorite environment/level
DMC1 Castle Missions 1-8
>Favorite outfit
DMC1fag clearly
>Hopes and dreams for DMC5
Bring back the RE roots, and an atmospheric OST that isn't infested with lyrical cancer outside maybe boss fights. Definitely ditch that shit in the main combat themes.

The first game isn't as good as you think it is, dude. I played it recently.

Well shit, my life is a lie. You've convinced me.

What is wrong with all these elitists? DmC may not have been as good as DMC4, but it wasn't a total wash, and it certainly wasn't "unplayable" like OP claims; that kind of hyperbole is uncalled for. DmC was more basic overall, but it had the better weapon-switching mechanic that let you easily swap through a larger palette of weapons. Move upgrades were more creative and enticing. I also found DmC to have more engaging antagonists.

Ironically, all the biggest flaws come from the fact that it is merely CALLED Devil May Cry. They clearly had their own vision for what the characters should be like, which is incongruous with the established personalities, leading to fan backlash. Incorporating enemies that are straight-up immune to certain melee attacks is foolish in a game that is supposed to revolve around freestyle combos and style. Also, auto-lock-on is unwelcome in Devil May Cry; just look at DMC2.

DmC is shit, kill yourself fag then do it again until your life is lowered to the lowest difficulty.

Nyx wasn't even that bad, it's just that Arbiter was a more enticing heavy weapon.

Give that to me.