Lets do it, post your Top 10 Games of The Year.
Honorable Mention:
Lets do it, post your Top 10 Games of The Year.
Honorable Mention:
Here is mine:
10- Players Unknown`s Battlegrounds
9- Thimbleweed Park
8- Wolfenstein 2
7- Divinity: Original Sin 2
6- Nier: Automata
5- Legend Of zelda: Breath of the Wild
4- Resident Evil 7
3- Tacoma
2- Horizon Zero Dawn
1- Prey
Honorable Mention: Gorogoa
I didn't play much that is worth being on my list so I'll do top 5.
5- Hollow Knight
4- Rev 2
3- Nier
2- Persona
1- Prey
5 - Senran Kagura PBS
4 - Persona 5
3 - A Hat in Time
2 - Zelda BoTW
1 - AC Origins
Those are the only new games I played in 2017.
Happy New Year, anons.
5- RE7
6- Dishonored DOTO
7- Ruiner
8- Ran out of games I really like, so Evil Within 2
9-Wolfenstein 2
10-PUBG, although I mostly played Siege more than anything else this year
I'm looking forward to playing Nier soon, and maybe a PS4 down the line.
10- Blue Reflection
9- Danganronpa V3
8- Nioh
7- Resident Evil VII
6- Sonic Mania
5- Xenoblade Chronicles 2
4- Breath of the Wild
3- Persona 5
2- Super Mario Odyssey
1- Nier Automata
Honorable Mentions: Gravity Rush 2, Samus Returns, Dragon Quest Builders, Digimon Cyber Sleuth
10-Snake Pass
9-Xenoblade Chronicles 2
8-Splatoon 2
7-Super Mario Odyssey
6-Nier Automata
5-Sonic Mania
3-Hollow Knight
2-Persona 5
Honorable Mention: Gravity Rush 2. But Sup Forums overrates the shit out of it and Kat isn't cute at all.
Is Prey the new contrarian hipster favorite? It was mediocre at best.
In no particular order
Golf Story
Persona 5
Metroid: Samus Returns
Super Mario Odyssey
Mario + Rabbids
Sonic Mania
Xenoblade 2
Steamworld Dig 2
Splatoon 2
Still got Nioh, RE7, Wolfenstein 2, Gravity Rush 2, Hollow Knight and Cyber Sluts to get around to eventually. Also maybe Crash Bandicoot and finishing up Prey, though the latter kinda lost my interest due to backtracking and giant fuzzy retard monster offering free easy supplies everywhere.
>Kat isn't cute at all
Fuck you
>10- Resident Evil 7
>9- Both Utawarerumono games
>8- Divinity: Original Sin 2
>7- Etrian Odyssey V
>6- Cuphead
>5- Gravity Rush 2
>4- Xenoblade Chronicles 2
>3- Persona 5
>2- Nier: Automata
>1- Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
4- Nier
3- GGXrd Rev 2
2- Sonic Mania
1- Persona 5
I had my old toaster fucked for a good 4 months before I replaced it and don't have any current gen consoles yet, so I haven't really played many current games
hopefully I can be up to date next year
5 - Super Mario Odyssey
4 - Cuphead
3 - A Hat in Time
2 - Nier Automata
1 - Sonic Mania
10- Splatoon 2
9- Pyre
8- Hollow Knight
7- Prey
6- BotW
5- RE7
4- Yakuza 0
3- Persona 5
2- Mario Odyssey
1- Nier Tomato
Honorable Mention: Cuphead
10- Xenoblade 2
9- Gravity Rush 2
8- Resident Evil 7
7- Nioh
6- LoZ BotW
5- Tales of Berseria
4- Ys VIII
3- Super Mario Odyssey
2- Yakuza 0
1- Nier Automata
Honorable Mention: Either Horizon or Persona 5. I only listed games that I finished. My taste is better than your taste.
It's already 2018 but fuck it
1. Breath of the Wild
2. Hollow Knight
3. Persona 4
4. Nier Automata
5. Battle Brothers
6. Mario Odyssey
7. Nex Machina
8. Prey
9. Nioh
10. Finding Paradise
10 - Horizon Nu Male Dawn
9 - Sonic Mania
8 - Samus Returns
7 - Cuphead
6 - Hollow Knight
5 - Yakuza 0
4 - Persona 5
3 - Nier Automata
2 - Breath of the Wild
1 - Mario Odyssey
... >mfw I realize how much time I've pissed away on something as trivial as vidya...
5- RE7
4- Nioh
3- Nier
2- Odyssey
Also played Yakuza 0, BOTW, and P5 and didn't like any of them enough to finish them. Also my actual favorite game of the year was the MHW beta
I enjoyed it, it was pleasant to me since I'm pretty fond of system shock and I feel like it really improved on the formula. It had its faults, mostly the name. Shit like seeing the nightmare the first time and finding the addtional skill tree made me go wow. Then again I didn't play much this year so I don't know if my opinion stands.
Im a fan on 80 and 90 PC FPS: Half Life, Deux ex, System Shock, etc. This game is to those games, what Botw is to old zelda games. imo
>10. Gravity Rush 2
>9. Tales of Berseria
>8. Fire Emblem Warriors
>7. Sonic Mania
>6. WipEout Omega Collection
>5. Splatoon 2
>4. Yakuza Kiwami
>3. Super Mario Odyssey
>2. Persona 5
>1. Yakuza 0
9.Hat in Time
8. Evil Within 2
7.Uncharted Lost legacy
6.Yomawari Midnight Shadows
5.Danganronpa V3
4.Mario Odyssey
3.Sonic Mania
2.Yakuza 0
Didnt beat the major gotys this year
1. Zelda BOTW
2. Nioh
3. Nier: Automata
4. Mario Odyssey
5. Xenoblade Chronicles 2
6. Prey.
7. Resident Evil 7
8. Yakuza 0
9. Cuphead
10. Gravity Rush 2
10- Automata
9- Tekken 7
8- AC Origins
6- Divinity: OS 2
5- Prey
4- Yakuza 0
3- Nioh
1- Persona 5
I've played exactly 10 new releases in 2017 and all of them are good.
>tfw most of the games on your list you've put 50-100 hours into
>you've also replayed alot of old games
>also somehow put like 250-300 hours into DB Xenoverse 2 this year
So this is the power of a NEET with no friends? I really need a job and some more hobbies.
Didn't play enough so:
5. Hat in Time
4. Jackbox Party Pack 4
3. Cuphead
2. Opus Magnum
1. Cook Serve Delicious 2
3. Kingdom Hearts 0.2
2. Zelda BotW
1. Cuphead
That is literally every single new game I played in 2017.
Resident Evil 7
Persona 5
Yakuza 0
Hollow Knight
Etrian Odyssey V: Beyond the Myth
A Hat in Time
Splatoon 2
Danganronpa v3
10- Xenoblade Chronicles 2
9- Persona 5
8- Splatoon 2
6- Nioh
5- Metroid Samus Returns
4- Cuphead
3- Nier Automata
2- Zelda Breath of the Wild
1 - Super Mario Odyssey
Someone who actually played Yomawari? I'm actually surprised that Midnight Shadows was a top 10 for you.
Of the new games I played this year:
1. Hollow Knight
2. Nier: Automata
3. Odyssey
6. Yakuza0
7. Cuphead
seeing a lot of hollow knight, i played when it first came out, is the free dlc any good ?
10- Berseria
8- Yakuza Kiwami
7- Hatsune Miku Future Tone
6- P5
5- Mario Odyssey
4- Xenoblade 2
3- Yakuza 0
2- Zelda
1- Nier Automata
I don't really have a particular order. So just have this.
>7- Persona 5
>6- Yakuza 0
>5- Danganronpa V3
>4- Miku Future Tone
>3- Tales of Berseria
>2- Nier Automata
>1- Puyo Puyo Tetris
Didn't play anything else that released this year
8- Fire Emblem Warriors
7- Gravity Rush 2
6- Yakuza Kiwami
5- Legend of Zelda Breath of the Wild
4- Mario Odyssey
3- Persona 5
2- Yakuza 0
1- Nioh
Thats about it for me
>all these threads asking top whatever of the year
>tfw can't even remember what came out last year
>think of something I liked
>it actually came out 3 years ago
anyone else know this feel?
1 - Halo Wars 2
2 - Divinity: Original Sin 2
3 - uhhhh
I almost put Bloodborne on my list, user. You're not alone in this.
5-Persona 5
4-TF2s Inferno Update
2-Yakuza Kiwami
1-Yakuza Zero
10 - Dota 2
9 - LoL
8 - Paladins
7 - Warframe
6 - LoZ:BotW
5 - Xenoblade 2
4 - Mario Odyssey
3 - Automata
2 - Nioh
1 - Original Sin 2
8. Splatoon 2
7. Mario+Rabbids
6. Gravity Rush 2
5. Mario Odyssey
4. Sonic Mania
3. Prey
2. Persona 5
1. Breath of the Wild
These were the games I enjoyed this year. Special shoutout to Yakuza Kiwami for being a shitty game.
10- Mario & Rabbids (honestly didnt want to put this here but its my biggest surprise of the year)
9- Samus Returns
8- Sonic Mania
7- Persona 5
6- Breath of the Wild
5- Cuphead
4- Steamworld Dig 2
3- Okami HD (finally played this game for the first time, i really really like it alot)
2- Hollow Knight
Honorable Mention:
Hat in Time, its an alright 3D platformer but it was overblown to death here and everywhere else. Mafia Town sucked as a first world, I like hat kid's movement but it doesnt compliment jumping on narrow shit like jumping on tightropes, and the finale was really obnoxious. Hat Kid wasn't even that cute, pretty run-in-the-mill when it comes to platformer protagonists.
Games I'm looking forward to in 2018:
Dragonball FighterZ
1.Yakuza 0
2.Breath of the Wild
3.Tekken 7
5.Wonderboy 3
8.For Honor
9.Gravity Rush 2
10.Injustice 2
pretty much all new games i played.
couldnt get into persona 5 at all,, dropped it in mid makoto Dungeon.
special shoutout to Evil Within 2 wich i just started but i assume would easily make the list.
2018 is starting off strong too with DBFZ MonHun World and Metal Gear Survive
This is a nice and civilized thread.
Good job, boys.
10- Breath of the wild
9- Resident evil 7
8- Yakuza kiwami
7- Arms
6- Sonic mania
5- Xenoblade chronicles 2
4- The Evil within 2
3- Yakuza 0
2- Ni-oh
1- Super MarioOdyssey
Honorable Mention: Sonic forces