List your favorite games on 3x3

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never played cuphead, didn't like mother 3 or cave story (though I was really lukewarm on SotN, but I'll count that as "liked" anyway because I didn't DISlike it either)

I know I have shit taste but I don't care they are fun as fuck


Which persona 2 is the best? I own both of them but haven't gotten to playing them yet.




0/2 (didn't like Mirror's Edge or GTA IV)

5/6 Don't like mainline pokemon games


>Harmony of Despair
it still fucking hurts that it will never be on pc

I really should play Cave Story already.
Kind of weird to put three games of the same franchise.
Same as above
For some reason I hated Braid
Great taste, I'm finally playing through Automata and it's so much better than the original Nier. Real 3x3 material, might get on mine depending on the rest.
Kind of vanilla taste, no real odd choices, but not Sup Forumscore either.

You should play cave story, it's freeware

I know, but that doesn't really matter to me when choosing what game to play. It's more about being in the mood, which I never am so the backlog just gets bigger.

Demon's Souls, Dark Souls, and Bloodborne are TECHNICALLY 3 separate IPs, so I figured why not.

Late night Sup Forums REALLY likes Bloodborne.

And for that matter, late night Sup Forums seems to really like atmosphere heavy games in general.

5/5 +SotN, MS3, Half Life, Dudesex, M3
4/5 +UU, Thief, DeS, DaS -TO Too much Soulsbourne dude, play more shit.
5/5 GTA4, H3, ODST, QL, UT really need to get around to Mirror's Edge
3/4 +MGS3, Portal, P2 -Braid
5/6 +DaS, Super Metroid, FF7, SotN, EB -PM
6/6 +Cas2, Cas4, D2, RE2, WC3, DaS

I guess it's technically true, but it kind of feels wrong, like it narrows the showcase too much. Especially Demon's Souls and Dark Souls, which are basically the same series, but with changes so it could be multiplatform.

It's a damn good game. The gameplay changes from Souls keep it fresh, and the atmosphere is at its best. The setting is also fantastic and really different from any other game, going through all the horror tropes one can think of and being worthy of the "Lovecraftian" meme.

It's sad that console wars sully its name, as well as contrarians.

I'm caught between DkS 3 and BB, I like the build diversity and bosses more than what BB offers, but the atmosphere, polish, presentation, and music in BB are fantastic too. As nice as DkS is the potato ass characters, jerky animations and engine keep me from being able to enjoy it on repeat playthroughs as much.






6/6, nice picks.
Ruiner feels out of place, replace it with Nether. 1/9

1/1 Quake

0/1 -Lords of the Fallen

1/2 +Deus Ex -LiS


5/6 still need to go through ultima series
5/8 if this is bait, it's decent
4/4 just finished 999 about to start ace attorney and then ghost trick
5/5 but I love all that I've played

Ace Attorney is great, try to get as little spoilers as you can. There's a lot of callbacks and returning characters that make the original trilogy a pleasure to play. Keep in mind the games are about 1:2 in terms of relevant core plot content and more fillery cases. It isn't such a big deal though, because the "filler" cases help flesh out characters and are still fun mysteries.

What is that game in the middle?



You are really fucking new, aren't you.

no I've just never heard of that game






what's to the right of metroid fusion?

I never feel right making these since a good sum of my favourites are games I feel that I seriously enjoy and could play on a whims notice at any time.

Regardless, BK/T, Serious Sam, Terraria, Katamari Damacy, and JSRF are all games I will never get tired of.

he's right, you need to lurk more, but since it's such a good game. I'll spoonfeed you.
sengoku rance, came for the porn stayed for the gameplay.

6/7, please explain 358/2 days
is it the story? have you not played any other KH games? how is this possible

Called maturity, lol.

its called "Sengoku Rance" its a porn game but appearently is legit good

5/5 Bloodborne, Cuphead, Half-Life, Castlevania, Doom

2/2 ODST and Halo 3

6/7 + Bloodborne, RE4, Persona 5, SotC, MGR, Fusion

- Neir: Automata

4/4 BOTW, Super Metroid, Paper Mario, Castlevania

6/6 Majora's Mask, Bloodborn, MH4U, SMTIV, Okami, Metroid

1/1 Devil Summoners

3/4 + Xenogears, Bloodborne and Okami

- Nier: Automata

1/1 Silent Hills

Playing Castlevania: Order of Ecclesia at the moment. Too much bullshit with destroying secret walls to find villagers, Portrait of Ruin was so much better

3/5 + bloodborne, sotn, doom, - halflife, metal slug
3/4 + gothic, demon's souls, bloodborne, - dark souls
0/1 - mgs3
1/2 + sotn, - das
3/4 + ooe, d2, homm3, - das
1/3 + bloodborne, - das, mgs
1/2 + quake, - medievil
1/3 + homm, - lis, divinity
1/2 + bloodborne, - n:a
1/3 + m&b, - witcher, silent hill
3/3 + doom, sim city 4, aoe
1/2 + bloodborne, - lis
2/2 + sotn, aos


Don't think this'll live much longer, rating whoever rated me.

2/2 +WoW, DE
1/1 Okami
4/5 +Payne, SH, Stalker, Otogi -Witcher
4/6 +Okami, Prime, MGR, AW -MH4U, SoC
5/5 +Hexen, Diablo, SotN, Dead Space, DeS

Aint huge on AoE.

365 Days was interesting. I got to some point where my emulator seemed to shit the bed. Is it worth going back to. Also I dislike Final Fantasy VII, it had some flashy 3d tech but was insanely boring/slow with edgy writing.

I own Sleeping Dogs and I've never played it lmao need to get on that

which SS? 2?
either way
8/8 what's mid left? is that that one arpg, inquisitor game? can't read the stamp.
also surprised you have DS and RE7 in your top 9, but disliked SH1.


Very nice


358/2 was the first one that i played, i happedned to see it really cheap and had never heard of the series before, but i loved it, since then i've been more sympathetic towards Roxas' side of the story rather than Sora's,


Mid left is Disciples 2, it's a TBS with absolutely glorious art design. I disliked Silent Hill due to a horrible controls. Couldn't bear it after nice controls of parasite eve and mgs, though I didn't like the latter.


Tried playing Nier but kept trashing on startup



I have a feeling I should know some of these games but I don't, what are the top left 2, middle left and bottom right 2 about?

Whats bravely default, are the DS monster hunters worth putting time into

>are the DS monster hunters worth putting time into
Yes, 4U especially. World is coming out soon though so you might want to just wait for that.


Bravely default is your final fantasy that expands heavily on the combat and class system making a very unique but really rewarding and great combat system. Story is cliche and characters are lovable but quite predictable. Amazing OST.

The DS monster hunters are alright. I mostly played 3U on the Wii but 4U was great on the 3ds. If you don't have a 3ds though I'd just hold off til the world release. At first it'll feel like you're gimped having only a thumb stick and lock on but after a few hunts it won't feel like a hinderance at all

5/5, though I need to play more Gothic
4/7, I'm guessing you grew up with a ps3 and 360
2/3, Portal isn't great to me. Journey was good but a little short.
8/8, all good games
7/7, nothing bad here either
4/4, best re
3/4, dead space meh. You have unique taste in vidya though, what's that on the bottom right?
3/3, I've put so much time into wow but somehow don't really consider it a favourite game of mine though in reality it should be. It just doesn't come to mind.
3/4, not into dead space. You like gothic stuff, play legacy of kain
5/5, though hitman 2 will always be my personal favourite
1/1, I need to play more vidya
3/3, Transformers Armada for ps2 I remember really enjoying. I haven't played it in a while though but it's my personal favourite transformers game.

>what's that on the bottom right?
Arcade Ghouls'n Ghosts. It's hard to really pick a specific GNG game, I love pretty much all equally outside the very first entry. The cover for that is pretty damn rad so I stuck with it. Been thinking about taking the first Dead Space out soon.

Should have rated with my last post but 8/9. Love every single one of those games besides Secret of Mana. Been wanting to put SR2 or some Kain game on my 3x3, but it's really hard to pick a specific one because the gameplay isn't exactly the drawing point for these games.


how do these work anyway

number of games you liked / number of games you played

ITT: people lie about their taste to appear to have a varied and/or respected choice of games

does it matter if i post this? threads like these always dies whenever I get in ;_;

4/5 - Black Desert

pls respond this time


8/8 gr8 t8ste m8





I've gotcha user!


so to make one you just fill them up with whatever?

Top left, top middle, and top right, are your favorite franchises, and your favorite games within that series.

Left middle, middle, and right middle are your fresh likes, as in, favorite games which you've played recently.

Bottom left, bottom middle, and bottom right, are ones you think are the best to replay.

Rating is simply selecting your favorite game among another's 3x3. You can vote up to two games, but can remain with just one. So for example, if my favorite game in user's 3x3 is the middle game, I would say 5/5, but if I also liked the top left game, I would say 1/5.

No. This is not how I do mine. My middle is my absolute favorite, the rest are no real order.

I've never heard of those row rules, user, and I've been posting in these threads for a decade now.

Not him, but that is absolutely how we did things. It was mentioned in every 3x3 thread, but lately it seems to be overlooked and you guys have some bizarre interpretations

my understanding was that you just put your 9 favourite games on there.
that said, i do like the way you are thinking.

this is some good shit, 3/3 need to play some of these
can't wait till I have a PC so I can play New Vegas

headcanon, that's not how it works

I've always just organized them by color because it looks nicer that way, see

>It was mentioned in every 3x3 thread
whatever samefag. I've been here for a good while and this is the first time i've heard these retarded rules. If that was ever the case, it is not now.

They ARE the rules, it even says so on Big Huge Labs. Just go rearrange your 3x3, easy as that.

that's not going to happen

cool thanks

Not happenin. Anons can barely get the rating system right half the time, and you think you're going to impose rules on my 3x3? Nah

Your loss

Meanwhile, you're going to be the only one making judements on your own particular ruleset. Enjoy.

avatarfagging is against the rools

I'm not the only one, you know.

easy list

the game in Persona 5's slot was originally rayman 3

Akibas Trip got booted off the list for psychonauts since i finally got to finish it

holy shit nice

okay, i made one with your rules, but your rules are dumb because it requires me to update the middle row somewhat often wich is the opposite of what i want to do...

Don't pander to the disillusioned. 3/3 +God Hand, DMC3, MGS3. No clue what top left and mid is. You're going to get shit for Bayo2.

8/9 but you don't deserve it. Too much persona, pick one and get some more variety in there. -Psychonauts

yea fuck that guy, anyways,, top left is Garou Mark of the Wolves (my favourite fighting game).
Middle is Titanfall 2
and yea, people seem to dislike Bayo 2 for some reason but i thought it was a big improvement over bayo 1.


this is dumb. its just your 9 favorite games. rating is games played and liked/ games played

Mind if I ask you why Budokai Tenkaichi 2 instead of 3?

+: Castlevania, Metal Slug 3, Deus Ex, not sure which Doom that is but if it's 1 or 2 it belongs here
-: Half life
+: Ultima 7, Ultima Underworld, Gothic collection, Thief Gold, Tactics Ogre, Demon's Souls
-:FC3, GTA4, Halo 4, Halo 3, CoW: IW, ODST, Mirror's Edge
+: Persona 2, Portal
+NieR: Automata, Shadow of the Colossus, FF VII, RE, Symphony of the Night, RE4
+FF VII, Symphony of the night, Paper Mari
+HoMM3, WC3 TFT, RE2, Diablo 2
+Tron 2.0, Quake, Thief
-: LotF, Hatred, Order 1886, Ruiner, Kane & Lynch 2
+: DOS, DOS2, Deux, HoMM3
-: WoW in any form
+Suikoden 2, Nier:Automata
-: Ace Attorney
+: Max Payne, SS2, Witcher, M&B even if it is F&S, SOC, Silent Hill, Can you guess the last one I like? :')
+: P3, P4, F:NV, Destroy All Humans
-: Inferior version of Conker
0/0 gj
+: P3, Pokemon Crystal
-: Inferior version of Conker

People on this board get so overly hung up on technicalities on games here and will deem them and your taste as complete shit if it's not entirely like a certain other game in the genre. I should know, I have DMC1 on my 3x3 and love the game to fucking death, but sometimes it feels like i'm the only person who can see the fucking good in it. I do know how you feel user. Never heard of this Garou, will look into it.

this is a good looking 3x3. good picks
1/3 +new vegas -daS2 oblivion

blow it out your ass

whats the one with the knight with his arms spread wide?

i prefer the story structure and gameplay better than 3's

Temba, his arms wide.
Ultima 6

Not the same user but the OST in BT3 sucked ass.

The one where the dude is standing over the gargoyle is Ultima 6.

I just woke up. Still not 100%. Didn't even drink. Lame-O reporting in.

1/3 despite the genre I did like ME
1/3 label your games
0/0 actually I never bothered trying 1886 when we rented it
0/2 wife received NierA for a Christmas gift. I started it out. Seems OK from the beginning
1/2 label your games
1/2 counting FFT for PS1
0/2 label your games
1/2 first time I've seen SO2 here
55/100 I guess according to those rules
0/0 label your games
And Okami, now that you mention the correlation of atmosphere heavy games. Seeing Conker a few times here too when usually nothing from that. Very few arcade or PC oriented games or genres in comparison to console and handheld oriented games.
I hope you enjoy the (you)s.
Yes (you) are, and (you) know it.