>blunt/smashing weapon inflicts 'bleed'
Blunt/smashing weapon inflicts 'bleed'
>internal bleeding
spiked club, mace
>tfw blunt doesn't get you high
Let me hit you with a hammer into your head and let's see if it bleeds.
yeah, its comes out of your "whereever"
Apart from killing them instantly, what would you want to happen
>soyboy who was never in a fistfight
Why did they make so many different melee weapons? Most of them are one-hit KO anyway.
Spear masterrace
What's a milk-drinker like you doing out here? Go home to your mama!
I've never seen a punch causing serious blood loss.
Trailing new designs, cost-effectiveness, purity of metals, blacksmith skills, RICH AESTHETICS, who knows.
Internal bleeding user
What is internal bleeding, I’ll take Things that you can’t see but still exist for 500 Alex.
They obviously do make you bleed though.
Even then the issue isn't that a huge amount of blood being lost. So it wouldn't constitute blood loss.
>Internal bleeding
>Not huge blood loss
It’s like you think blood has the leave the body, not the veins/arteries to be considered lost. People die from blood loss due to internal bleeding all the fucking time moron.
They die of other causes than blood loss though.
Rollan for dat hammerhead
Yeah, organ failure, from blood loss. Shit can’t function without blood.
You seriously think getting smacked with a heavy ass mace isnt going to split the skin, fracture bones, and otherwise fuck you up in a manner as to cause bleeding?
No, it's almost always the blood loss. Takes much longer to die of organ failure unless that organ is the heart or both lungs.
>Internal bleeding is serious for two reasons: the excess blood can compress organs and cause their dysfunction