Apologize right now

Apologize right now

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Do be jealous op you fucking faggot

remember to bully roasties whenever they're online
give their delusion a basis in reality
I've called for the rape of three women in the last two days, all on GMod.

Be better. We have to be better. As an entire gender, we have to do better

Didn't wanna rape her anyway.

Remember to feed your sons and brothers lots of soy based food and bottled water.

yes, women should learn to stop coming online.
if only our gender knew this, this could stop happening.

i'll take things that didn't happen for $200 alex

Who the fuck says there is a girl here pull down her pants?

>being offended by a rape joke
>on fucking PUBG
What did she expect, jokes that are not made by 15 year olds?

If we come together as one we can do it! We can be better


I want someone to rape her to death then rape the corpse

I agree with this kind fellow! Let's do better as human!

You apologize for making a Twitter screencap thread

what does r*pe mean

i've heard plenty of teens say similar or even dumber things plenty of times though

Jokes on her, I wasn't going to rape her anyways.

Rope. It means hang that person.

How about she just doesn't play PUBG? Shit game for shit people.

Was this event in India?

She shouldn't play video games if she cannot take bants.

How do you ripe someone, and why would you pull down their pants to do it?

Yeah, they were total going to rape her in an ONLINE game.

>Pull down her pants and ripe her
What, were they gonna brap on her?

America has more rape per capita for a developed nation

wew what a fucking legend

Excuse me, did you just ASSUME MY FUCKING GENDER?

How else are you going to check if they're ripe?

>teach men not to rape
fuck off

Missing the part where she scolds him and everyone starts clapping

You've got a good point there, user.

It's slang for slapping someone's bare ass with fresh produce

stfu or I rape u bitch

>Developed nation

Okay, but can I still put #MeToo in chat when my team gets stomped in a match?

Are you saying if law and society didn’t exist all men wouldn’t naturally be rapists?

How long does it take for the soy to kick in?
I've been feeding my son a nice diet of soy products, when does he turn into a feminine little boy slut who craves cock so much he has to get it from his daddy?

I so fucking loathe the intense infantilization that has swept the world. Both genders are completely infected at this point. It's genuinely revolting.

Men are reduced to 6-year olds mentally, wearing pyjama pants with unicorn print in public and gleefully tearing open their new game systems while screeching like babies while chowing down a bowl of milk and sugary whacky smacks. I know it can be comfortable and safe to pretend to be a child again sometimes, but holy fucking shit this type of regression is neither normal or healthy in any way. Men don't need to be masculine all the time, but rejecting masculinity and manhood outright (often because they cannot handle the pressure and negativity directed towards men in this wretched decade) is a symptom of something which has to be classified as a very serious mental and societal illness.

And women are hit even harder than men. All of them think a child-like behaviour and mentality is the cutest fucking thing. They dress like preteens despite being grown-ass women who should know better and argue like them too. "You can't do/say/think that cus I don't like it, stop them daddy!". "Boys are stupid and icky, they should all just die. Except Chad Cuntcrusher, he's soo hot omgg". They refuse to grow up, and taking any kind of responsibility for anything is an absolutely alien concept to them. Not to mention flat-out lying about abuse for attention in order to further victimize themselves and appear vulnerable.

I'm sick of it. Fucking sick. But I can't do anything to change it and it saddens me.
I can honestly see why some people wish for a world war, just to purge some of this shit.

>Kate Stark
Literally who?

Dude its just a joke

One thats not funny

Play shit games, win shit prizes.


what compels you faggots to make the same threads over and over?

I'm not friends with 13 year olds.

teach women not to get raped

good post m8

Spend a bit less time on the internet.

Did you buy him a Switch yet?

Let's be better people as a whole, for the future.

Bitch got graped good. Nothing like a bit of sodomelon

Probably yes, if there wasn't any laws against anything, people would just kill with no remorse.

>give adolescent fuckwits microphones
>oh my god, they're assholes
Well who woulda thunk it?

Nobody reasonable plays games with them, they're fucking annoying more than anything. You wouldn't have a phone conversation with any of those idiots, so why would you ever have them squeaking their horseshit in your ear?

Anyone under 29 should be automatically muted. You can still play, but you are not allowed to use a mic

Is it okay if a girl rapes another girl

Just your average female Twitch streamer.

There are some people that spend the time in between waking up and going to bed on here. Those same people are the ones upset by women and people having sex or socializing in any fashion besides an anonymous image board because obviously they know the key to a happy and healthy life.

You know how homophobes aee the biggest closet cases.

Are feminazis rape fetishist in the closet?

Of course I did, I even got him that zelda game hoping he'd want to be more like link in it.
He thought it was weird I was so obsessed with gerudo desert cause I kept telling him to go there but I don't think he caught on, probs thinks I just like the big women.

Wow, a game played by braindead underage monkeys has braindead underage monkeys saying stupid things in it?

Unacceptable. Something has to change. Fucking idiots. I know a bunch of girls exactly like this, too. They say shit in voice, retards start fucking with them, and they get all upset.

If you can't handle it, a: play with people you know, or b: don't use voice chat.


>someone who is actually retarded and may have down syndrome who can't help what they say off the top of their heads

women were a mistake

America is shithole even if it is developed nation. That's what I wanted to say.

Get over yourself

that's a lot of assumptions.

Plenty of guys will just say stuff like that because it's a meme and mildly funny, and the sense that anything that's offensive is mildly funny

>teach your sons abloo bloob blooo
What good will that do when such behaviour is a direct response to the insane hatred and demonization that feminism has been directing towards all men for decades now?

Call all men rapists long enough and tell everyone we live in a rape culture where rape is acceptable, and eventually we'll be convinced and start raping women on sight.

Honestly, I'd slap my kid on the head if I heard him say that shit. Disregard sjw faggotry, that's just lame middle school bathroom humor.

isnt the second half of her tweet sexist?
nice feminism

Yup i definitely would rape lolis and milfs if there was no law against it.

>Assuming my gender

Thanks for raping my rights, asshole.

>law and society tell women that having sex with men freely is wrong even though it goes against their basic instinct
>criminalize men

>Plebbit tier reply

Why is this feminist assuming people's genders? Seems insensitive.

>adult me
It's disturbing that he is so detached from reality that he refers to himself that way.

these chinamen need to be better

>"I'm not a r-rapist! I've never raped anyone, b-but if those god damn sjws don't stop calling me one, m-maybe I'll be forced to rape a women and it'll be their fault! It's their fault I raped someone for calling me a rapist all the time! Th-they convinced me to do it by scolding me for it!"

>lolis and milfs
Like at the same time? My nigga

I’ll take things that never happened for 500 Alex

someone needs to remove the minorities from the pubg servers.
it's getting out of control

society is the thing creating all these rapists and murderers

What about milf lolis?

>woman makes an assumption based on a male voice
Plenty of women will say stuff like in the OP for attention, your point being what exactly?

haha, she's basically asking for others to do it more.

If someone says this on the internet or an online game they're not serious. You shouldn't be serious either

Is it bad now I wish less females like her were in gaming because they tend to bitch online when someone says stupid shit? Then people flock to them saying they're sorry and coddle them like babies.

Are you trying to make a point?
Feminists are always right, and they're saying you're a rapist.

This but unironically.

Pull down her pants and rope her? What does that mean?

That's what happened when social media and the internet blew up. Everyone has a voice and can easily find hundreds of retards to agree with their opinion, no matter how fucking retarded.
Add to that that children are growing up in bubbles, living vicariously through youtube and streamers, and you end up a generation that is seriously fucked up.

Go look at any stupid fucking protest like antifa or tranny shit. Count the number of pasty, sheltered white guys and girls who are barely above 18, have no idea what they're doing, and just want to be a part of something to virtue signal so they can brag about it online. It's scary how almost every single one fits this description to a T.
Kids are fucked, man. It's gonna be worse in 10 years, too.

You have 10 seconds to be as SJW as possible!

Here I go:

"THIS. IS. UNACCEPTABLE. As white males (ie the most dangerous mammal on the planet), we CANNOT excuse ourselves anymore. I'm already losing sleep at the thought of our president still in office. Now I have to deal with THIS! Fuck 2017!"

Even better

>danger hair
>horrendous overcompensation lipstick
>look like a shrill harpy
and we have bingo

that legit sounds like a line from a bad 80s movie
not buying it

I can't argue this enough, men just love winding people up. What better way to wind someone up than someone who's literally asking for it? Nothing ever got done by asking it to stop

Something like this maybe?

that looks comfy, minus the rick and morty shit.

Oyakodon is far and away the best fetish

That is actually precisely how social conditioning works, user.
Punish someone like they're a criminal long enough, they will eventually become one because it is expected of them. If nothing else to at least validate the constant punishment.

Feminists are going to actively create the rape culture they fear more than anything.


You're obsessed so you keep seeing it everywhere, simple confirmation bias.
Stop spending so long on the internet and not interacting with people.
Those dudes wearing unicorn pajamas eating kids ceral probably got dressed after that and went to their job, or got on with their responcibilities, just because you saw a silly snapshot of their life doesn't mean you know what they're like and that the world is going that way just because the pic happened to get a lot of attention.
You think you're grown up, but you're on the same level as everyone else, get out of your own head.

now what did they mean by this?