>mfw West Coast Bogs will never EVER get 2018, not even a quick rundown
Mfw West Coast Bogs will never EVER get 2018, not even a quick rundown
west coast fags gets sloppy seconds
Central here. They won't be getting those seconds.
>mfw it was just a timed exclusive AGAIN
thanks for beta testing 2018 for us, fags
>Worst Coast fags
Shit year anyway.
>worst coasters
I'm hoping the San Andres fault shifts and we all fall in the ocean.
being a washington cuck is awful. don't listen to other faggots
>that proximity to California and Oregon
I'm so sorry
Enjoy the hideous "YEAR OF THE DECADE" repackaging featuring Dante from the Devil May Cry™ series "10 OUT OF 10 A MUST OWN" -YearInformer
>yfw central bros get 2018 before westcoast fags
>tfw 30 munites
2018 is shit, 2017 was better.
Imagine actually living on the west coast
>tfw living in oregon, literally the most comfy state in the entire world of america
imagine actually have to live somewhere else. terrifying stuff.
>Americunts getting sloppy seconds
>Ausfailian sales numbers
literally who?
>Plaid shirts and Kale, the state, also borders California
that's not New Hampshire, Vermont or Maine dood.
not even 40 minutes and you're still at it
washington is one of the best states m8.
sssshhhhhhhhhh please don't let people know the pacific northwest is by far the best part of the country. I want these subhumans staying in their own garbage states.
Enjoy them while they last, before all the Californians flood in
We're full niggers.
>mfw 2018 Australian weak soft launch numbers determines if they even make 2019
only people who were born into Washington can afford to live in Washington that or you become rich and decide on having poor taste in location.
it's already happened to Oregon
not even top 10 most populated states.
>We're closer to 2030 than to 2000
>We're closer to 2000 than to 3000
see why these posts are childish?
Everything else is mountains or state land. 64% is already government land. We really are full.
>earth is """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""supposedly""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" millions of years old
>it's barely turning 2018
the fuck are we paying these eggheads at NASA for?
why the fuck does our government own land? they should have to petition state citizens and then decide how much they'd be willing to sell it to them for.
>Autist is not able to understand the passage of time in human life time spans
This whole site is childish dumbass. You don't get big boy points from mommy here faggot.
>mortal projection
im a vampire so no i dont
go to bed city cockroaches, winter is coming :^)
t. no shirt and shorts sitting under a palm tree
To keep it forest and to catch Canadian Mexicans.
what a fair trade for freedom
No you're right. Washington is horrible. Stay away.
west cost user here
ten o'clock booze is all gone
these games are not fun
whatever you say chief shiny rock
puyallup here
>millions of years old
Way to stay up to date, Lord Kelvin.
Portland reporting in. Where did all these spics come from?
They were free DLC. They appeared on everyone's accounts without our consent.
>Portland reporting in. Where did all these spics come from?
Commiefornia. Better build a wall so they don't come to Washington either.
theyre already here if youve been to walla walla recently
Too late friend, you already aggro'd them
How much explosives would it take to separate California from the mainland?
>I can dick hookers born in the year 2000 now
I hacked my 19th Century Classic and put ALL the best years on it.
You act like it was impossible to do before now. :-/
(protip: it wasn't)
I feel like a girl who is prostituting herself at 18 is probably a slave. That seems really young to have your life that fucked up.
every single women will fuck for cash if you ask them privately and guarantee nobody will ever find out
At least we have legal weed faggots
I wish I had enough money to try this out. I'm not broke, but I have no idea what a reasonable price for pussy is so I'd end up overpaying.
until she accuses you of rape
>Already want a refund on 2018
Thank god I stopped before the 2 hour mark, I should be able to swing this.
start with an offer of $50 for a poke and raise the offer accordingly
film the entire encounter from the privacy of your home if your state laws permit using secret footage as evidence
the brilliance in this is that you can alter the footage to either blackmail her using the bits where she agrees to fuck for cash or showing the court how she's ok with being dicked