People born in 2000 can now post on Sup Forums

>People born in 2000 can now post on Sup Forums

Other urls found in this thread:

like they weren't already

it cant get any worse than whatever image you just posted

>People born in 2000 can now be in pornos

>tfw 1989
>Almost 30
Life is moving too fast for me

>people born in 2000 can buy my game

'88 here. Turn 30 in October. I literally have less than a year to do something to make sure my 20's weren't a complete waste.

I've been using Sup Forums since I was 15. Are you actually naive enough to think that this site isn't filled to the brim with underages?

6 months until wizard powers

this is the real deal right here

>tfw 1988

born in 1998 and i already feel old


It doesn't get better. It never gets better.

I was born in 1996 and posted way before I was allowed to

>people porn in 1998 are 20 now
god, what?


You are a babby. You will feel true old soon.

you're a fucking criminal

delete this

i found /d/ when i was 8. i think Sup Forums is a pretty good parent.

It doesn't really start to hit until your mid 20s.


You know you're old when you're in your late 20's because people stop asking you what you want to do for a living.

You know nothing. Also hi everyone I’m 26.

Why was the internet abolished?

Too much illegal meme use

Born in 1998 here

No! It's not possible!


I'm born in 1999.

I was learning fractions and state capitals you fucking infant

But user I was born in the 80s.

Born in 2000 here.

I don't like this... I miss posting on Sup Forums knowing I'm not allowed to.
yes 1st of January of course :)

>1998 was 20 years ago

mods, ban this faggot for 3 years for posting 3 years too early.

Is this Loss?


>1990 was 40 years ago

We're closer to 2030 than 2006

They can't, and if you haven't been here since you were in your teens, I don't know what the fuck you were doing starting Sup Forums as an adult.

I was born in 1999. I found this shithole when I was 10. Why can't I leave?!

>almost 30
>Been here since 2006
>the best years of my life were spent in fron of a computer shitposting about waifus

Mother, tell your children
Not to do what I have done
Spend your lives in sin and misery,
In the House of the Rising Sun

I want off this ride

They are still 17 until it hits the day they are born

>tfw turning 23 this year

1998 and I feel young

Thread theme:

>tfw you found Sup Forums through the word of mouth in my middle school computer lab
>eventually everyone was browsing Sup Forums and Sup Forums

Bet it still happens


You and me both, user.


the years just keep piling up

>he hasn't seen mods retroactively ban someone

God it was some ride
I'm ready for some more

turned 18 in august, been here since 2007

Nah, nowadays kids find out about Sup Forums through Reddit and ifunny

Put my friend up to going on the chan beginning with master in class once. The website is so obscure it wasn't blocked by the software they use (like Sup Forums was).

Instantly, pornography of questionable legality appeared on screen and he insta-X clicked. He knew what he was getting into though, I told him it was a gamble on what he may or may not find.

1983 here

>Old people are lame
>Suddenly you are almost 30

Where does time go? really makes you think huh

>raised by Sup Forums

At least you hate video games like the rest of us.
How was it shitposting about the N64 on some usenet forum?

>people from your birth year are dying everyday

Has it happened to you yet?

I felt it happen to me when I turned 27 and it's only gotten worse.

Okay, I get teenagers, but actual 8 year old children were/are on Sup Forums? I suppose that would explain a lot.

my life is looking up dawg


I don't think you have either.

Yes, but I stopped caring years ago.

Where do you think you are

>I will be 20 this year
>still a jobless, directionless virgin with no prospects to speak of
Here's to hoping 2018 is the year I finally kick my ass into high gear and walk the road of self-improvement. Best wishes to all this year

Of course? 29 here, have a job + not fat

Any wizards wanna let me know what powers I should look into when it happens

some days i have troubles remembering my own age
i need to fix myself

Same here. This is me

This .

But I could said had popped cherry a long long time ago and it was not as good as expect so I keep its priority very low .

I keep forgetting how old I am

>born 1986
>Had every Nintendo console up to GC
>Lived the golden age of vidya
>Turning 32 in July
>Still lurk in Sup Forumseddit
I've lost control of my life havent I?

>People born in 2018 have already lost their virginity by rape
>I still haven't kissed a girl

>this first digit of his age isn't a 1
Time to get outta here you sad fucks.

Fuck off cancer child.

baited by a teenager


We all have

You guys remember the times before Sup Forums?

I do.

same here friends
it scares me sometimes

>being 100 years old
fuck off grandpa

In my defense (I think) I've had 4 gfs and lost my virginity and potential wizard powers long ago. But I play a lot of vidya. Life in college was so much simpler.

Oh, shut up. You're still a fucking a teenager, you precocious little shit.

West coast fag here. I'm still in 2017. How do I stop this terrible future?

you shoot yourself

you mean before stormfags invaded?
user please don't ruin a good thread by bringing up Sup Forums

>tfw Missouri
only 10 more munites lads

Looking at my really old folders kinda makes me realize our sense of humor 7-10 years ago was kinda bad.

The real moment of truth will be when people younger than Sup Forums will be allowed to post on Sup Forums.
I... I don't know how I'm going to handle that day. It won't be pretty.

but that's a very funny image

You mean /new/?

how about to get out underage

The problem with the really old pictures is chances are if they're truly old they already cycled around reddit twice and you know how we feel about that

lmao how the fuck did you people survive without the internet?

sounds like literal hell

>born 1996
>Already feel 50

Remember when talking about Bioware wasn't laughable?