Gravity Rush 2

Happy New Year, Sup Forums!

Remember that you only have about seventeen more days to complete Kat's game before they shut down the servers!

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I will miss her. I hope she comes back again in some way, even if not a third game.

So when is the upload shit going down?

Kat is cute! CUTE!


Why the fuck are they closing them so soon? Is the online competent even important?

Demon souls servers had a longer life

Not terribly important. But it was a fun little distraction.

It's necessary for a few unlocks, namely some costumes and the ability to have infinite gravity shift.

And they're shutting it down because Sony wasn't able to turn this franchise into a money-making machine, so they want to point their vast resources toward something more lucrative.

The age of lovingly-crafted, creative and fun games that don't try to milk you for every penny is long over, and Gravity Rush is one of the last relics of that time.

I don't understand why they can't put those unlocks into the game somewhere, they're screwing over anyone who buys the game late.

Perhaps that is punishment to the non-believers.

I want to purchase Raven's figure!!!

It really is stupid, you'd think it would be a simple patch. Sony is such a penny-pincher that they won't even do that for their fans.

They actually never released the pre-order DLC in any form after launch, either. For once you truly had to pre-order a game to get the bonus. At least all the other DLC was free, which is almost unthinkable for a modern 2017 game.

I honestly believe this happened:
>Sony wants Toyama to develop some microtransaction content
>he refuses and says he would rather see the game destroyed than dirtied with such greedy practices
>Sony accepts those terms by dropping server support entirely

I believe it, what with literally all the DLC being free including the extra episode. I only recently got the game and I was shocked to see all of it free.

I was depressed as fuck when I finished GR2 knowing that I'll never see another game in the franchise

I grew disturbingly attached to Kat over her two adventures
She was too pure for any world, real or virtual

Reminder that sony released a greatest hits edition of GR1 and 2 in japan

There's hope lads.

Gravity Rush 2 was the biggest flop of the year in the rest of the world which is the most important market. It sucks but I think the franchise is done for.

Nah, that's just Sony leveraging their cheap BD printing line to milk a few more cents out of this game before the server shutdown one month later.

I would have hope if the reprint also came with either a delay on the shutdown or a patch/DLC that gives players the online-only unlockables.

>biggest flop of the year
Not even close.

GR2 sold at least 300k as of a few months ago. Considering the fact that it had no advertising and its obviously not a top budget game I'd say there's hope

If you haven't got your Dusty Tokens yet and feel that it's too late, don't panic. It literately takes a few days to get 6000 of them and all of the rewards.

Unless they give unique bonuses no buy. I already own the set as is

>By the way, I [Yoko Taro] go drinking with Keiichiro Toyama, the director of this game, from time to time, and when he’s drunk he becomes extremely funny.

What do you think they talk about?

>saved the world
>protected the people she cared about
>somehow comes back in the end and gets to be with her soul mate again

All things considered, she had a good run.
I'm happy knowing that she probably goes on to live a full and rich life after the events of GR2. It's nice that her story ends on an open note instead of just tying everything up.

How much of 2 do I need to get through before it lets me ge tokens? Just got it, didnt even finish downloading.

Chapter 2. Should take you like an hour or two

It was such a cock tease, though

Did she come back as some sort of super powerful spirit? Her true form before her personality split to Kat/Raven? Or was she just the same ol' Kat?

We'll never know, and that bothers me

>Did she come back as some sort of super powerful spirit?
Her true form before her personality split to Kat/Raven? Or was she just the same ol' Kat?
I assume she's the same Kat, she just gained a Superman-esque upgrade in the form of actually becoming a singularity.

Huh and know after posting that it looks like Red Kat has some weird alien bulge going on

Just finished the main quest with Kat, and I'm gonna start soon the other quest wuth Raven.
Is it good?

>that fully animated 20 minute cartoon
>those figures
>that manga
>all those webcomics
>that story that wraps up everything nicely

Say what you want about sales, but Kat went out with a fuckin' bang. It's like Toyama put all the marketting budget into making more content for us.

Etoan "females" confirmed for futa

Mediocre at best

They should revive it as a Rayman Origins styled 2D platformer, just to keep the IP alive and gauge interest in a 3rd.

Imagine if when the servers go down, Sony just takes away all of the unlock content even from those who already have it.

Who hurt you?

Oh man, I really hope they do a North American reprint of GR:R. Even if it's in "greatest hits" packaging.

I didn't learn about this series until after it was already sold out everywhere, so I only have a digital copy of it. I'm really glad I got GR2 physical, and the big 4-disc OST.

I think the number of dusty tokens is tied to the local save, not to the server, so we'll be fine

I think the dev/director has a fetish for cute girls being unaware of their true power. Not that I'm complaining, GR was an alright game, as was Silent Hill.

Do dusty tokens carry between saves?

Suffering, making characters suffer, eldritch horror, booze

Meh. Theyll probably just introduce a patch that gives you all the costumes instantly. GR2 was only good for advertising other IPs.

No spoilers plz but is it true you can play free roam as Raven in the post-game?


This game deserved some form of recognition for its soundtrack, but most places completely ignored it

It's on par with Nier in my opinion (better in some respects)

Nope. You can play as her in the mining areas but only after you get to like level 20 or something in the mine depths. I was pretty disappointed.

You can manually fly back to the main world

It's apples and oranges, but I adore the upbeat swing music that some Gravity Rush tracks have. It's a genre that you don't see often in gaming.

I was so happy when Kat got into Playstation All Stars. I hope this series continues in a way that's not a shitty mobile game

I'm a trophy fag, I've platinumed GR1 twice (once on Vita, once on PS4) how hard is it to platinum 2?

>a sequel that builds upon a great foundation
>figures for both girls
>a full on OVA
>a manga
>a handful of cute webcomics
>a ton of free dlc
>Raven is playable
>LOTS of crossovers considering how short lived the series was

What else do you guys want? The series had a phenomenal life

Much harder. There's a trophy for collecting every gem in the world

Last bit is a grind to X amount of gems. Not to bad.

>a ton of free dlc
We just got one add on for GR2, and it wasnt even that good
Totally fucked with the story

And GR1's DLC was lame


You got an entire side story and a bunch of costumes for free

What do you miss out on if you don't do the dusty tokens stuff?

>What else do you guys want?
More recognition. It'd be a shame for this series to end up as one of Sony's forgotten IPs. The fact that the servers for GR2 are getting shut down barely a year after release doesn't give much hope.

3 costumes, a few taunts, and infinite flight

Tfw need like 3000-4000 more tokens. I'm not gonna make it. It takes way too fucking long to get them

Are you serious?

To be fair, Sony has gone through loads of IPs, many of which are gathering dust in the bargain bins of history

Remember Jumping Flash?

You still have over a week

Send out like 5 pictures each playsession, send out challenges, and for the love of god do EVERYTHING people send you.

You'll also get 8 treasure hunts every 12 hours instead of 4 later in the story

Wife beater, costume from 1, school outfit, eating animations and some talismans

I think he's mistaken, you just have to collect 60000 gems in total

Well shit I'm going to need those costumes.

>Wife beater
best costume

This game's in my cart. Any PSN discount codes before purchase?

Will it be easier to get the tokens after beating the game? How long is the story?

Do all online activities every 12 hours and you'll get everything in like 4 or 5 days. No need to rush the game.

Is it just me, or did Kat actually pull this outfit off better than 2B?

I think it's the delicious brown that does it.

You don't need to beat the game, just get a bit past halfway.

I think white hair fits the palette a bit better, but I appreciate how much more expressive Kat is with it.

Its because Kat is actually well designed and 2B is generic weebshit

Kat has a friendly bubbly personality

2B has the generic cold android persona

None of my pictures were ever rated and i think no one ever saw them.
I'll post a few please tell me what you think of them.

Simple but cute


>Did she come back as some sort of super powerful spirit

I have a theory about this.
So, Gravity Rush is already based around a romanticized, fantasized version of a real-world physical phenomenon (gravity). The game of course takes the real concept of gravity really far into fantasy territory. It even ties in fantasized versions of related phenomena, like time dilation.

What I think happened with Kat is that Toyama subjected her to a fantasy version of hawking radiation.
>there is a pair of two entangled particles near the event horizon of a black hole
>one of them is sucked across the horizon into the black hole, but the other is excited enough by the gravitational energy that it actually escapes instead, taking a portion of the black hole's energy with it (hawking radiation)
>the two particles remain entangled with each other across great distance
An actual physics fag could probably tell me all sorts of things wrong with what I just wrote, but I think what Toyama did was take this layman's view and apply it to Kat's powers.

>she becomes/generates a huge singularity in order to hold back the darkness, which she has to keep there forever
>during this act she experiences the "hawking radiation" effect, which splits her in existence in two: one Kat trapped inside to maintain the singularity forever, the other Kat blasted free of it to wander back to Hekseville
>they are still "entangled" with each other, not actually two separate people but more like two instances of one entity, a duality of consciousness
>Kat becomes an individual who exists in two places at once, and is somehow aware of both simultaneously: she is far below the world fighting back the darkness for eternity, even as she is also climbing back up the world pillar to see her friends again

>see this in your local dumpster
What do?

Thank you, I needed another ear worm to get rid of the shitty one I've had the past week (DDLC ending theme).

No more Monika. Just Kat now.

>buying kats game late
>not preordering kats game
playing like a faggot earns faggot prizes


Well, you know what they say: One man's trash...

>DeS getting shut down

Fuck. Can they at least port it if they have to do that?

Give the costume some gold designs like her default and you have an instantly eldritch-god-tier costume


You got a link for this one? I've seen the other ones but I never seen this one, not even in the artbook.




Raven had a chubby face


So what's the secret link between Raven and Kat? Are they two different versions of the same person or something?

As far as I know, it's just a fan edit

That's fanart.



Kat (Kitten) the smelly, whorish console heroine! I will make her my wife!


The fuck is that bird? I don't remember even seeing it, and I finished the game.


>not knowing what a Rappy is