Read a book

>read a book
>become a wiser, smarter man

>play a video game
>get better a pressing buttons I guess???

have fun?

Good thing you can do both

What book should I read?

Haha, fuckin' nerd.

>get better at the shittiest way of making clothes

>get good at the shittiest way of making woodwork

>play dice
>good good at wasting time on something that's all luck

stupid hobbies have existed since the start of time

helps with reflexes and making decisions under pressure.

Excellent painting

>implying reading books is solely arduous work

Listen to an audiobook while playing bidya.

Thats right go read fifty shades and fulfill your faggot destiny

>read a book
>get better at turning pages I guess??

>competitive book reading when

What's so fucking special about books? You read them and visualize what's happening in your head. Big whoop. I'm tried of bookfags acting like they're the peak of human expression and art.

>not building up speed for 12 hours and skipping straight to the end

>play a video game
>become more skilled in reaction timing and sharpen my wits by solving puzzles

>read a book
>get better at reading words I already know, I guess???

>Play Skyrim
>Read in-game books
>Become wiser man and more skillful character simultaneously.


>t. hasn't read a book since harry potter

Thats right go read doki doki literature club and fulfill your faggot destiny

>what are diminishing returns

Once you're omniscient books lose a lot of their value. Vidya can still be enjoyed though desu.

Well what other inherent skills do you learn in gaming besides the best loadout for a specific raid or where a specific weapon spawns or some shit?

You are right. Panda for today it is.

There's nothing special about books besides being the very first form of consumable media entertainment.

Reminder Charles Dickens got paid by the word and his books are filled with bloated unecessary shit because of it.

Visual novels are terrible. Just like fifty shades guess there's shit in both mediums and you should stop being such a pretentious judgmental toilet bitch

>play a video game
>feel happy for a second
>read a book
>happy for a couple hours
>play and learning an instrument
>happy for years
>shitpost on Sup Forums
>happy for the rest of my life

That doesn't mean much coming from a videogame fag. I would respect the opinion of a fan of film or music, but yours is utterly worthless and infantile.

From that perspective a games atmosphere is more important than the gameplay since you'll eventually git so gud that it seems braindead. Perhaps we should give walking simulators a chance. Anyone know any good ones? Only one I ever gave a chance was Yume Nikki and I mostly enjoyed it.


Ah yes, hence why the best fighter pilots and cryptologists in the world are avid gamers

And that's because?

What's a cryptologist? Someone who studies crypts? Like Dark Souls crypts? Videogames can help with that.

Professional fighters have admitted on a number of occasions that playing videogames and improving at them makes them better at fighting. What now faggo?

I've played vidya all my life and I'm shit at it, why should I believe that I'd become smarter and wiser?

People often brag about reading fast but is it really a good thing? You can't properly enjoy the flow and atmosphere of a novel if everyone's speaking on 3x fast forward.

Video games are for children.

Construct and dignity

>not doing both
ding ding ding retard alert retard alert

Considering fighter pilots have to undergo training through video game simulations, why yes the best ones are the avid gamers who practice all the time

and books aren't?

>play a video game
>become a better nu male

nice buzzwords.
This. The earliest storytelling was telling stories to children to pass them on.


This is so fucking bullshit

But shitposter-kun, there are multiple games that provoke deep questions,make the player reflect and think, and end up smarter.

The Mother series always did that, MGS2, Undertale, and recently Nier Automata pulled it off spetacularly.


Normalfags like that would give you the same look for talking about the subtleties and strengths of any other medium. They don't care for anything more beyond 'how cool' something was or how hot the actors were.

>make shitpost

>get 350 replies
meow we're talking

>a couple of professional fighters [citation] have given their anecdotes about videogames and performance with nothing to substantiate it

i laffed

fucking this I right a 300 page essay on undertale in school and got a B+.

>pilots and cryptos are literally trained on videos games
>right now, in current year
inb4 you were "merely pretending"


I like how bookfags feel superior even though 99% of the medium is gutter trash smut written for middle-aged cat ladies.


There is nothing inherently special about books as a medium. The average book isnt even that good (people who say otherwise are just selectively choosing to ignore the bad ones). Its just that since it is the oldest and most widespread medium it has the most great stuff.

I'm reading lord of the rings series atm while I have down time at work and then I go home and play the lord of the rings mod for warband so I guess what I'm trying to say is...
>why not both?

stop being so bitter just because the majority of the population couldn't give less of a shit of how pic related is high culture
Both mediums have their merits and aren't really comparable, but they both have a lot of shit you have to wade through.

Books aren't inherently special but a disproportionate amount of the best wisdom is only accessible through books (or audiobooks).

You flight simulators so they don't crash and know HOW to fly the plane?

Oh yeah, real hardcore gaming there, it's a wonder they're not in e-sports

>crochet and whittle
>ways of making products that can be sold, is literally the livelihood of some people

>play dice
>get better at playing dice
>earn big bucks via gambling

Those arent useless at all faggot.

>use Sup Forums
>get better at shitposting

Go to bed Quentin

>even though 99% of the medium is gutter trash smut written for middle-aged cat ladies.

So by this logic we should disregard literally every medium in the art? Eh, most movies are shit, who needs em? Music? Don't even think about it. Art? Why, my 4 year old niece draws like shit! Who would want to be interested in this smut?

>use Sup Forums
>get worse at literally everything

Epic xD if you read a book for the story you're not actually into literature.

Go read poetry then faggot

Go read the Great Gatsby and then come back underage.

>Nier Automata pulled it off spetacularly.

holy shit (you)

imagine attempting to digest that pseudo-intellect trash

>if everything you do isn't dedicated towards self improvement you're wasting time

hate this meme

I thought you got permabanned Quentin

and why is a compulsary high school book still the peak of literature for you?

You can make money if you're good at vidya. Only thing books are good for are making you a pretentious cunt.

>get better at playing dice

wow thanks it blew my mind that part where the character does something lolsorandum because, hey, let's just meme the fuck out of everything and sell it in print. LOL epic XD "got this monnaaay and woow im too drunk whoops isnt that ironic these feelings of control huh dont you get it huh huh still got more ways to hammer in the same dumb idea for 200 pages"

>read a book
>become a wiser, smarter man
Only if you are reading school/college books. Dude, last book I read was over 1000 and I read it in two weeks, great story, good charachters, I like how everything ended good when you know everything will spiral to a very sad tragedy, guess what, I didnt become a wiser, smarter man. I read the fucking LOTR trilogy just because, and that didnt change a thing. How exactly will reading a book make me a "wiser, smarter man" that I cant read while playing a videogame?

Last book I read was The Witcher

I don't know man, LOTR had some pretty insightful things to say especially in those poems. You just didn't look at it beyond the surface level.

How was it? I feel like the Polish won't translate well into English.

This faggot read the poems, what a fag

>read a book
>understand nothing that's written in it
>learn nothing new
>earn nothing

>play a video game
>have fun


I literally beat the hell out of someone for saying they skipped the Church sermon section of Portrait of the Artist I'll get you too

>Words that are read
>Words with images accompanying them
>Words with images and gameplay accompanying them.
Unless you are playing something that is purely gameplay, I guess? Which is kinda rare nowadays.


>read a book
>get better at turning pages I guess???

>read a book
>get better at holding paper I guess???

>post on Sup Forums
>use reddit spacing I guess???

I read quite a lot and I can assure you they've taught me nothing remotely useful.

But what if you do both?

OP is correct though. Reading a book is almost always inherently more valuable than playing a game. Unless you're comparing some strategy game to trash genre fiction that is.

Im surprised you fell for the bait due to Nier but didnt notice the other games he namedropped.

Problem is books will always be better at storytelling and conveying ideas by nature of the medium. My books are never interrupted by loading screens, QTEs and inventory management, and the story doesn't have to be shared with "now kill 50 mooks" gameplay segments so there's more of it.

Dice throwing techniques are a thing you know.

I don't read boring non-fiction books though.

Hi Quentin.

Better than games? Yes. Not overall better than the other actual mediums meant for storytelling though.

Depends who you ask. Comics are the most dire shit out there and loved for their novelty more than quality storytelling, and even though there are some great comics out there like Kingdom Come and Watchmen I don't think those comics are better than some of the books I've read, the level they're written at is just extremely low all things considered. You could make a case for film though, I've watched some movies that use framing and soundtracks and cinematography to accent the story in ways unheard of in printed media.

You are looking at examples of works instead of what the medium can do though. Comics arent shit because the medium is shit, they are shit due to surrounding factors such as corporate faggotry, censorship (CCA), their narrow target audience, etc.

>He thinks that the only fiction books are genre trash

Pleb. Pure and utter pleb.

Majority of non-fiction books are equivalent to Switch games. One page of wisdom and 199 pages of filler repeating the same concepts over and over because no one in their right mind would pay for a flyer.

Every time I sit down to read a book I almost always regret the time wasted on it, unlike with video games where at least I can say I had fun.

Ignoring that fighter pilots are trained on videogames, fairly good proof that gamers are great cryptologists is the fact that pretty much every billion dollar game DRM gets hacked within a week or two of a game coming out

Yume Nikki and LSD are pretty much the only ones worth playing.

Could you sound any more uninformed and idiotic?

>>read a book
>>become a wiser, smarter man

>fighter pilots are trained on videogames

Are you clinically fucking retarded? I know this is anecdotal but I have a friend who's a fighter pilot and you know what he did to train? FLY FUCKING AIRPLANES

Go pull up some fucking sources next time that aren't about sims you fucking mong. There's a difference between someone flying a virtual plane to save any real world damage and playing fucking ace combat