My new years resolution was to quit Sup Forums permanently

My new years resolution was to quit Sup Forums permanently.

So long, faggots

If thats your resolution and you don't care, then go ahead and post some porn

See you next year faggot.

See you in an hour.

Good luck, man.

See you next month faggot.

>Instead of not posting at all you still posting this stupid shit
AYY LMAO, see you tomorrow champ.

Try committing to something more realistic. Like floss everyday and exercise everyday.

>Posted at 12:18
Off to a great start, fag.

>already failed 18 minutes in
kek might as well just kill yourself

More like an hour.

Alright sorry guys I couldn't do it.
What are you all playing?

Time Zones, boys.

t. A Californian still in 2017

see you next week user.

>My new years resolution was to quit Sup Forums permanently
>Past Tense
OP is on the eastern American coast.


See you in five minutes

>time zones
good goy yes it surely is 24 different times at once on one planet

so long gay bowser

See you in


Is this the hottest new meme of 2018?

I hope you can do it bro
Leave this shithole behind.

Do you really think you'll be a better, more productive person by leaving here?
Protip: you won't
If you have to make a resolution to leave this place, if it's even that much of a struggle, then you're always going to be one of us.

Of course not you popsicle.

>My new years resolution was to quit Sup Forums permanently.
And yet you came back to post this like a retard.
I'd say see you tomorrow but no one would notice anyway since there is a seemingly never ending amount of faggots like yourself who post here.

>the measurement of time
>not completely arbitrary
thats a good one desu

>anyone leaving this shithole

See you tomorrow faggot.

My new years resolution is 1920x1080


My new years resolution is to bully more people into leaving Sup Forums.

Only under two more hours left Calibro and then we can be in the future like the rest of the world!
