The Majora's Mask of the Souls series

The Majora's Mask of the Souls series.

Other urls found in this thread:

>DS1 crow demons are booty birds
>DS2 crow demons are booty birds
>DS3 crow demons are fucking barfing skeletal abominations dragging a fucking trail of their distended prolapsed intestines behind them
Fucking squid kid huntards stay the fuck out of Dark Souls

someone actually responded to ANOTHER fucking dark souls topic.

Oh man I just started playing DS3 and the crow demons are fucking awesome in terror inducement. I started out as deprived, too.

Compared to dark souls 2:

ds3 is much more difficult
Better graphics
Way better graphics
Better enemy placement
Better combat
Better balancing to combat

fuck, dark souls 2 was E-Z.
I started with 2, so, it wasn't exactly what i expected. Thought it would be much harder.

DS2, enemies disappear if you die too much. Lol.
Yeah, it is supposed to be against farming but even so. DS3 deals with that in a different manner it seems.

Why is ds2 comparable to majoras mask?

but yeah them ds3 crow demons

Wtf I hate Majora's Mask now

As in the best one that's too deep for plebs? Absolutely.

Autists just couldn't handle the fact that you location warp.

The one casuals like most?

we had three of these threads already

I don't know. I'm not playing games made for beta males.

Not everyone is spending his entire time on some retarded website you know.

>casuals like the hardest ones the most

>majoras mask

>says the From cuck unironically
>literally NeoGAF's favourite series, which is also buggy and repetitive as fuck and only liked because of the marketing

>the hardest one
For you.


It's more complex than any Souls game for sure.

Probably not "hard" per se, though.

you can disable the disappearing enemies, you retard

It was clearly a moonlight shockwave, are you fucking blind?

Stop, I can't even tell if trolling or retarded Souls drone anymore.

I actually liked dark souls 2. Until I played dark souls 3 that is.
By hardest i think you meant easiest
'hey look, press 'O' to be invincible!'
how many i-frames during dodge roll? How about ALL the i-frames.

Ur obviously trolling, but dark souls 2 is not hard by any stretch of the imagination. I bet a 10 year old could beat that game.
also, you obviously haven't played DS3.

DaS > DaS2 > DeS > DaS3

No you fucking well cannot. Not on console at least. (and yes, I have a 360, but i'm playing 3 on PC like it should)
So, DS2 PC has the option to disable enemy despawn?

I liked dark souls 2 enough to discover the naked sex imagery on the pillars of the dark covenant shrine. The PvE covenant where you hand in the effigies? Yeah, zoom in with the binoculars on the actual pillars. Dicks and boobs galore! Lol.

>the average mouth breather

I think you are confusing '>, greater than' with '

oh, you weren't trolling?
Try levelling your stats differently. VIT has a LOT of impact in the game. So does AGI. Dodge rolls become OP after a certain stat threshold.

I never had much trouble from dark souls 2, in fact, it's the only game I have completed multiple playthroughs of...

>DS1 being the worst

Opinion disregarded. DS2 is better than DS3.

>No you fucking well cannot.
Yes you can, join the covenant of champions.


>implying Majora's Mask was that bad

Please read...
> And I haven't played 1 or demonsouls so... you're filling those in for yourself. Because 3 is obviously not the worst DS.

You CAN read, can't you?

Obviously thread is full of people who are too poor to afford DS3 and thus are stuck playing DS2 lmao. It is obvious within the first hour of playing through 3 that it is superior in every fucking way, even the multiplayer integration.

just to make sure you comprehend. I have no opinion of DS1, as i have not played it. The above post is based on somebody elses ranklist.

3 is linear shit and casualized to hell

I agree that DS2 is worth every score on that list, however, Dark Souls 3, Is superior. It is the better experience. Dark souls 2 wasn't even made with the same guys behind dark souls 1....

>there are people on this board that have played DaS3 but not DeS or DaS

you mean bloodborne user

>thinks dark souls 2 is not linear

dark souls 2 is linear except
A) heides tower of flame OR route B to lost bastille, you choose, how open-worlded bro!
B)Shaded woods.

Looking at pic related, both are exactly the same glancing by level map.
Dark souls 2 instances are way, way, way smaller and tiered less. (the first instance directly after firelink shrine is quite a-linear as you can literally go a multitude of directions)

Yes, tell me again how many instances there are in DS2 that are as big as the first one in DS3?
Lol. It's like you haven't even played 3. I'm not far into the game mind you, but from what I've seen, the entire game is three times as large as 2 is.

Dark Souls 2 is the Bloodborne of the Souls series?

>Souls series

I know ;__;
it saddens me too.
Demon souls I can get, because I did not have a ps3 back then and was unaware of its epicness. But ds1, I was following since development and so stoked on it... but I think homelessness prevented me from exploring that title.

I would like to play it some time in the near future, however, I like the PvP aspect of souls games, so, ds3 seems like a better choice.

also, final fantasy x is less linear than dark souls 2. Zelda, is less linear than dark souls 2. Super Mario 64 and super Mario sunshine, is less linear than dark souls 2.

I would argue that dark souls 2, is more casualized than dark souls 3 is. Dark souls 2 has invincible dodge rolls for almost all the frames...

ds3 actually forces you to outweigh the risks and benefits of a shield, because rolls are way less effective. Also, spellcasting has improved by miles.

Actually from the beggining of the game you can go to any place from majula, you can go to heide, the forest, the shaded woods and the gutter from the start, also if you are good you can rush pyromancies and the blue and red covenants from lvl 1. Also on NG+ You can jump from the start to the drangleic castle. DS2 has the most options from the trilogy

Dark souls 2
>the only souls game that does not start you off in front of an intimidating boss.
>the punisher?
>I wipe my ass with him.

Yes, I know this aspect of the game, but it is essentially quite linear. Trust me, I've beaten ds2 so many times all I have left to do is 999 level which is ultimately pointless except PvP, and PvP in 3 is just so much better...

DS2 is a great game by any standard, it is just not as good as DS3 (in my honest opinion)

I like how enthusiastic you are about 2, I share the same love and nostalgia. Majula is a majestic place. 3 Is way more brutal/punishing than 2 is. And the combat is more fluent. The multiplayer is better, netcode especially, i see only one reason to play 2, and that is for nostalgia or if you haven't beaten it yet. (or if you are hunting lore)

For comparison, the very first castle area you walk into in 3 is larger than drangleic castle, has a multitude of separate paths within the same instance, offering a-linear gameplay but not labelled as such. Yes, you can say the instances are linear but the content within each instance is immense....

In darksouls3 you can literally walk to any background backdrop (epic castle in the background? lets' go there!)

In dark souls2 you take a lift that suddenly spawns you to a place that defies the laws of physics (iron keep is in the sky but is invisible? where the fuck is iron keep?)

also the backgrounds look like loading screens in 2, whereas in 3 it seems, so far, practically seamless.

Punisher, pursuer, w/e.

If you think that dark souls 2 is heavy on iframes, but somehow both 1 and 3 aren't, I don't know what to make of you.
All dark souls games are incredibly lenient on iframes. That's not at all what makes them difficult. If a player recognizes how fucking good AGI pumping is for dodging in 2, it's easier. It's also not that much higher than fast rolls in 1 and 3.
According to the wiki, 2 has a cap of 16 iframes, bringing the invuln period to 0.5333 seconds. Fast rolls in 3 and 1 last about 0.4 seconds. 2 is huge, but 1 and 3 are still massive. This is also ignoring things like the carthus blood ring in 3 that brings your iframes to peak 2 levels, or the dark wood grain ring in 1 that brings it closer to half a second.

To hit the cap in DaS2 you'd need 80+ ATN and ADP.

So we agree right off the bat that there is a 130ms difference in i-frames, that ds2 has the most.

Whilst 130ms difference is not huge, it is very noticeable, it is literally 'on the edge'.

To me it is a huge difference. Yes, Dark souls has always had i-frames and doge rolling is a technique, however, in 2, i feel it literally is the bread and butter of the game (as you say, agi pumping nets huge returns for dogeing in 2)

also, now is a good time for me to know if AGI helps in 3 for doges. :p
I honestly thought ds2 was easy right off the bat... well, moderately 'not as difficult as one would expect'.

Now i play 3 and i understand why people have warned me that 2 is technically not the same canon and was made by different developers or team than ds1 and 3. That it is literally the least 'dark souls' of the series...

I would defend 2, and i still do, but now i understand why that was said. 3 feels immense, immersive, enveloping.

Thank for this point of view, user, have a great year

>DS2 has the most options from the trilogy
unless it's your first time playing game and you every path is blocked from you due to stone statutes, worst idea in series

Marginally more iframes in II don't matter when you can roll forever in 3.

That's just SotFS that does that.

>ds3 is much more difficult than ds2

I started the series with Ds2 aswell and that statement is so retarded, it hurts to read

The only good dark souls was the first one

Neither versions do that. There's one statue in the entire game that prevents you from progressing, every other statue is optional.

DS3 actually had fun enemies unlike the other games

1 is objectively the worst Souls game, only held up by 2-3 bosses and nostalgia.

dont forget solaire memes

This, also who thought it was a good idea to only be able to parry one boss?

This, you shouldn't be able to parry bosses at all.

>read a lot of shit talking on DS2's boss fights
>play through the series, on DS1
>3x braap demon
>basically every boss in Lost Izalith
>several bosses that become copy pasted mobs later like Capra - presentation is being shoved in a fucking dead end hallway with his puppies
>easy garbage like Pinhwheel, Butterfly, Seath, Gwyn, etc.
>only the DLC bosses and O&S are good mechanically while some are strong on presentation too like Sif

I mean the DS2 bossfights are shitty too but I'm fucking baffled on where this expectation came from. They didn't start putting effort into this shit til DS3 and even then we get trash like Yhorm.
>"muh big dudes in armor"
>all of the favorite/most lauded Souls boss fights in every fucking game are unequivocally big dudes in armor

you can roll forever in 2 too...
I don't know what it is that would make you think 2 is more difficult than 3? I haven't played 3 to a very far point yet, however, it would take a very steep decline in difficulty from this point to possibly be any easier than 2...

this. But it IS the statue to shaded woods blocking u. lol

also using magic or ranged in ds2 it becomes ridiculously easy to cheese. ds3 has made it nigh impossible to cheese magic, however ranged may still be an option for cheese tactics.

With ds2 it was so easy to cheese that it would happen accidently. ds3, the range of lock on has decreased by a very noticeable amount.

>Not being rewarded for timing and patience
Stop playing video games my dude

>pressing one button before a boss does a predictable wind up animation so you can one shot them

Invasion stories
>Using up the last cracked orb from Firelink in Undead Parish
>Go up against dude with Zweihander
>Two of us headbang with our greatswords for a moment before fighting
>I manage to knock him off the ledge in the church
>Finish him off with a plunge
This is my first time doing invasions and I'm having a fucking ball. Will probably go full dickwraith later on

If a boss isn't meant to be parried, then it won't be parriable.

>roll to the side when the boss does his slow attack and hit him from behind
You're a retard, everything with a boss is timing and patience. If you fail you get punished.

Hitting it once from behind doesn't take away almost half it's health.

Neither does parrys

dark souls 2 is superior in one specific instance
and thats the fact it has the heide knight armor set one of the best they've ever made in the entire series and the pursuers UGS fits it perfectly

Just like I wish you could just skip everything in MM and go straight to the Stone Tower, I wish there was a way to fight the Fume Knight early.

Hardest boss in the franchise BTW, disprove me

friede is way harder than that fag, at least from an UGS users pov fuck that boss

Just beat Friede, she's easy once you get a big dick weapon that staggers her out of literally every attack she has.

>do neither and cast magic after evading all attacks in a sequence
>but also know how to do the roll to the side when the boss does the slow attack thing for if he comes close

i'm not sure if it's the poor implementation of magic in ds2 that made the game 'too' easy for me personally, but i will say that it was a fun experience.

Heide knight set is quite sweet but there are way nicer fashion sets in ds3 my friend.

you can wear bell bois helmet to trigger fume into his easier 2nd stage at the start of the fight

Zweihander made her sleep tight.

>Bringing the lanklet sword

Don't mind me, sending her flying with a fully charged R2 every time she *teleports behind u*

She fucked my pure pyromancer build raw though. Damn ashen flasks

>ds3 actually forces you to outweigh the risks and benefits of a shield

>being too dumb to claw grip

the first souls game you play is always the hardest. sometimes switching from souls to bloodborne you might find bloodborne harder or easier

>rolls are way less effective
Holy fucking shit user, GO TO BED.

To be fair, bosses are alot slower in DS2 and in DS3 they have infinite stamina making it hard to evade and use magic against them.
Tried this with abyss watches and got my ass handed to me

You go to bed, cunt. ds3 is shit.

I never said it was good. That was my first post ITT.

>Heide knight set is quite sweet but there are way nicer fashion sets in ds3 my friend.
DaS3's fashion is fucking terrible.

Demon souls is shit fuck off

>comparing the exact same armour with one another.


Mah point.
Right off the bat, they are. It's even been posted itt that DS2 has the most i-frames in doge roll in the series. So you would outright deny that in favour for... fantasy?


However, i do need some sleep.

>comparing the exact same armour with one another.
Prime example of why fashion is so awful in DaS3. Everything is fucking grey, poorly shaded, and the proportions make no fucking sense at all.

>Not the best fashion

>Knock off Dark Wraith with some overused fire effects.
I'm sure the kiddies love this because it glows.

Demon's Souls = Ocarina of Time (an original display of novel ideas)
Dark Souls = Majora's Mask (a darker and more open world revisiting of those ideas)

Dark Souls II is Wind Waker (brighter, cartoonier aesthetics and more streamlined), Bloodborne is Twilight Princess (dark, edgy and features furry transformations as a prominent theme), and Dark Souls III is BotW because it's the best one (my analogy fell apart here)

Also, only babies who started with it think that DaSII/WW is the best one

But weapons never break in DaS3 so it can't be BoTW

>hasn't played dark souls OR demons souls
>thinks his opinion is worth shit

Who believes that boss ripostes are a good mechanic, I personally liked it better when a parry just stunned them for a few extra seconds

They do, probably just to be edgy though. That chestpiece is overused as fuck.

I can't think of a fight I really enjoy that isn't a dude in armor, they tend to have actual movesets rather than 'big thing flails around with random attacks, stand at a certain spot to wail on it'. You usually have to actually dodge attacks with dudes in armor because they aren't too big for their own good

Skyward Sword has some durability stuff, but it's insulting to DaS3 to compare it to Skyward Sword

But the point is you cannot do this in dark souls 2.
Shame i haven't beaten 3 yet otherwise i could school you on the names of the sexiest sets. These have no ds2 counterpart, which is why you are only posting direct comparisons

Wow they upgraded the engine and you are complaining because there is a noticeable difference. Textures are slightly better in DS2 only because they are static. Why does the cloth look like that in ds3? Oh, that's right, that's because the armour in ds3 actually simulates physics instead of using, at most, bumpmapping to give an illusion of depth in the textures.

how about them crow demons from 3?
Start out as giant knight, end as collossal crow demon hand skeleton. That shit is intense.

>thinks opinions are validated by number of souls games played

>thinks glow effects are for kids
>thinks high end graphics cards should be used as a paperweight instead of rendering beautiful sfx.

Try making a fashion souls spellcaster in 2 without looking like a flamboyant homosexual. Pic related, it's the 'dark' sorc set.

It literally looks almost as bad as fable 2 or fable 1 armour....

Although, archdrake set and/or acolyte set does provide good fashion in ds2. Archdrake even provides very, very, very adequate armour well into NG++++