What's your first game of the year?

What's your first game of the year?

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Xenoblade Chronicles 1

Same, playing it on Dolphin at 1080p 60fps with updated HD textures and I'm loving it

I'll probably be playing this alongside FFXII TZA all January

it'd be that one, but ps3 don't read discs no mo
so, okami? okami.

friends just got it so starting from scratch to play coop with them

persona 5, still working on it actually since april

Probably Megaman X Command mission

May Payne 2. Just finished my first playthrough of it. Had played through part of it years ago but I put it off for so god damn long. Glad to finally finish it, honestly not sure whether I like MP1 or 2 more.

Dragon Ball Xenoverse 1. I forgot to upload my save so I had to start over.


Started P5 like yesterday, so that. Then finish FF9

Tales of Veperia apparently, didn't even notice till you asked.

Building a Galactic empire in STellaris

It was going to be Metro 2033 but friends invited me to play Fortnite.

>HD remaster
you made a mistake

Where you at. I think I'm near the end.

you ARE a mistake

this beauty with my friend over hamachi

mgs v
yesterday launched it for the first time in forever
turned off every possible assist and hud element
just sneaking to the max, alert = restart mission

dude seriously, you made a mistake. the hd remaster is shit.

>it's shit
>gets all the japan only x2 content
>has fast forward to speed through bullshit
its p good m8

>emulate for faster fast forward that works during cutscenes
>x2 isn't even half of the bundle
X HD is trash

x hd is just fine, faces look more fucked up, dont use the new soundtrack, ui looks less nice, that's literally it
in trade for all the extra x2 content? worth, with ease. worth for the x2 arena tournaments alone my dude

i bought the ps2 release and i bought the hd and like em both. fuck off. im not some fucking purist who won't allow himself to enjoy things.

on a another matter: hi moon, i gotta set for the night. still sick and i'm sore all over. hate the flu

That one, actually

It's great so far just got to the first chocobo part

The girl makes the game much better than it probably is


I'm not that far, just got Sharla. I decided to start playing it after I beat and loved XC2.

>60 FPS
>in Xenoblade
How? The game is locked at 30.

Tales of Zestria. Thoroughly enjoying

Playing this gem for the first time. I wasn't a huge fan of it until I got the two companions, now I'm loving it.

There's a 60fps patch I found here:


The game would slow down to half speed during large battles but I overclocked the emulated CPU in the Dolphin settings and it fixed the slowdown issues

Cheers mate

Well I was playing Evil Within 2 on the 31st, reckon I'll finish it this year

Final Fantasy 8. Finally decided to play through it until the end. It's the one game in the series I always feel annoyed at never finishing.


Team Fortress 2

I only just finished the first game (FF Adventure). I really like the simple straightforward combat adventure gameplay, with all those different weapons.

The Witcher 2

>Bought every Witcher game
>Loved the dialog and storylines
>Always quit about 3 hours in because of the awful combat
Seriously if they can just have an enjoyable combat system no one could ever beat them in game design.

Try the enhanced edition mod